Објавено во Indonesia - Социјална интеракција и забава - 26 Jun 2016 03:42 - 17
I believe by now most of us are well aware that there is sudden change in the resource bonus for the companies.
For those who do not aware, now the resource bonus for your company is decided by your citizenship ( not by the countries you located ).
Well for me, this is a sunday surprise and I dont like it!! why?
First, with this update, we can say bye bye to small countries , company owners will change their citizen ship to get the bonus resource. Now, how many countries with 100 / 100 / 100 bonuse resource? In future, will we only see these few countries exist in erev? is doomday coming?
For example Mexico , Brazil and Spain , Mexico & Brazil have bigger lation , GDP and size from Spain but wait, Spain has more region than combine Mexico + Brazil in eRev.. What?? How can that be?
Second, How the region & resource been allocated?
Please refer to below table, as you can see most of the regions are located in certain countries.
Do you find this fair? I have provide the actual estimated lation , Nominal GDP and Total size of the countries.
No matter how hard i think, I can only think it was paste from our neighbor game.
Third, Do this region allocation similar with our neighbor game?
I believe YES and we know what happen to our neighbor game now.. Does eRev want to follow the same faith?

Thank you
Concern Citizen of Erev
I believe by now most of us are well aware that there is sudden change in the resource bonus for the companies.
For those who do not aware, now the resource bonus for your company is decided by your citizenship ( not by the countries you located ).
Well for me, this is a sunday surprise and I dont like it!! why?
First, with this update, we can say bye bye to small countries , company owners will change their citizen ship to get the bonus resource. Now, how many countries with 100 / 100 / 100 bonuse resource? In future, will we only see these few countries exist in erev? is doomday coming?
For example Mexico , Brazil and Spain , Mexico & Brazil have bigger lation , GDP and size from Spain but wait, Spain has more region than combine Mexico + Brazil in eRev.. What?? How can that be?
Second, How the region & resource been allocated?
Please refer to below table, as you can see most of the regions are located in certain countries.
Do you find this fair? I have provide the actual estimated lation , Nominal GDP and Total size of the countries.
No matter how hard i think, I can only think it was paste from our neighbor game.
Third, Do this region allocation similar with our neighbor game?
I believe YES and we know what happen to our neighbor game now.. Does eRev want to follow the same faith?

Thank you
Concern Citizen of Erev
Big Pappa WolfPardaillanReally KozakКоментари (17)




Where is Bangladesh?

About map its not even question if its coppied, its question did they get permision to use that map concept or they just took it. I dont want to use word when someone takes something without asking and make it his.. but imo this is what is done here.
To be honest at this time, i dont care if i get perma-ban so with all due respect i will say what i think and even tho i shouldn t be banned as my comments are not breaking any of the rules i wouldnt be surprised if i do get parma-ban. Admins its bad move, what you are doing now its killing small countries on behave of big ones.. leave this rule, but give small countries fighting chance, remake map, its for greater good .

FUCK admins!

Serbia have 77,474 km2 Excluding Kosovo

I want 100/100/100/100!

Indonesia has 34 provinces and USA gets its 51 states. You know what to do, min! 

@om Penyamun sabar2 wkwkk
Dear admin, be creative and stop plagiarism. let make this world a better place.


Please don t do such topics here. Admins on eRev didn t made the map, they copied it from eRep
So yeah, ask admins on eRep
This is eRep V1 with another logo game 

What admin wants is that many small country, will use their real money to do whatever they think need, to even the big country.

ok, actually right now has achange of resource map, so maybe erev want to follow??

Rework the #MAP! Give FAIR numbers of #COREREGIONS for each country!


what is this?