Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 28 Jun 2016 11:33 - 14

It has been a few days since you've heard from our government and it is my task to make sure you are informed of what is going on in our country and the world! As such, we have a series of topics to update for today:
1. The Iberian Treaty
2. Updates regarding bonuses and core regions
3. Economic updates
4. Military Updates
5. Technological updates
It might seem like a long list of things going on, and you'd be right, however, most of this are simple things that are now coming in place. Make sure to stay tuned!

After our endurance together with our allies in a war against Spain, I hereby announce that this conflict has come to an end. It is important that you all understand why this happened: When MDP was founded, a lot of countries were invited to take part into it including Spain. Spain refused to join MDP which was in their right to do so as a sovereign nation. After that, Spain engaged into a military aggression against Mexico who is a member of MDP and thus our ally. After some considerations in the alliance HQ, it was clear that the alliance had to answer to this inpending threat and so, USA, Portugal and France engaged into a military conflict with Spain. Spain attempted to negotiate peace shortly after the Declarations of War and even gave her word that no attacks would happen on any MDP country while negotiations were still occuring. On the next day of that meeting, Spain attacked a Portuguese core thus ceasing any possibility for peace. It is important to notice that at this time, MDP was offering Spain a White NAP with the possibility of joining MDP in the later run if they would be up to consider it. After this betrayal, MDP Alliance went on full scale war against Spain, however as a reasonable alliance we are, we have offered Spain a chance of peace before taking part in further attacks.
The negotiations regarding this peace deal were swift, I can say with a considerable degree of certainty that they took less than 24h to discuss terms and reach an agreement.
You may find the document in our Supreme Commander Newspaper here: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/10663
Please note the Brazilian reaction to this agreement in what regards Spain:

Furthermore, why should Spain help you now when you barely fought for them in their war and you were busy attempting to take bonuses from Mexico and delete them?
They looked for their country interests. I suggest you become more humble and look over yours too rather than demanding underserved sacrifices from other countries.

Updates regarding bonuses and core regions
Many of you have been asking around for what happens to the core regions that are still under control of Japan and Indonesia. The three countries have been finding solutions and I can confidently say that with the MDP incursions in South America, it may happen that some of our regions will be liberated in the meanwhile however, I need to be perfectly clear about a few things.
Since the admins released a new update regarding people only being able to use the bonuses according to citizenship, a very big debate has been going on to balance the game on several aspects. Some countries out there see USA with 50 core regions and would like us to have less.
It is important for everyone to understand that the admins have called the entire International community, each country represented by their President into a meeting on skype to address these issues. There are several solutions being debated and voted and we will likely start seeing results in the coming weeks. As such, given the uncertainty of what may happen in what concerns our country, we felt it was reasonable to hold on this negotiations for the time being until we know for sure what will happen on this front.
Japan however has offered to compensate our country in the format of gold or raw materials, which we will take for the time being depending on the necessity of the people. So please, let me know if you need House Raw materials and how many.

Tax revenue

After the approval and enactment of the economic package Monkus created, we can see a steady increase on government revenues, it is very likely this trend will carry on considering the economy is becoming more liquid every day it goes. We are still correcting our tax code, we are today on the 3rd out of the 9 required law proposals in order to completely change all taxes. This new tax code makes our country more open and competitive to both internal and foreign interests. We are looking to see great improvements and liquidity in our economy.
Monetary Market
We can see now that the lowest offers are now the double of what they were previous to the enactment of this bill. We can also see a certain parity between the conversion rates.

We no longer have those high rates where one US Dollar was more expensive than a Q5 helicopter. In fact I do expect this rates to drop somewhere between 0.02 and 0.03g, which makes it still profitable for the government to sell currency.
Government purchase program and Currency exchange
For every american wishing to sell goods or to buy currency, until the money allocated for this purpose is exhausted, you may offer sales and make purchases under the following rules:
If you're purchasing currency, here's what you need to keep in mind:
1. First batch is 10g for 1100 USD
2. Second batch is 20g for 2000 USD
3. The total limit of currency you may buy is 3100 USD, after this you may no longer purchase using this program. All transactions are logged.
If you're looking to sell goods (food, weapons, tanks, helis, raw materials and whatnot..) all you have to do is to contact Monkus or Abraham Lincoln with your offer and we'll get back to you. The same applies if you wish to buy currency, just contact us and we'll get back to you.

I mentioned at some point that the National Security Council would be voting on the structure of the American Armed Forces. After careful debate, the NSC has came to a vote and the winning option was option A:
Training Academy - Hammilton Batallion
Main Forces - Seal Team 6
Special Forces - rUS Militia
This is going to be the new structure of the Military Forces in our country. We will be working with all MU commands in order to establish a clear transition into this new structure as well as making sure there is progression.

I take the chance to inform that the program "Arm America" is now live and under the care of the Secretary of Defense. Within the next days each commander will be sending m messages to all soldiers wishing to participate in mive attacks at the end of important battles. This mive attacks will be coordinated on the DoD server located on Discord - Only americans and citizens of our alliance that were invited may join the server.
Participation in this attacks as well as smooth coordination is rewarded to the soldiers who show up for this type of military operation. If you are interested, just wait on your inbox until you receive a message from your commander or captain! In case you don't, make sure to bother your Military Leadership!

It is no secret that our government has been working on improving the means of communication and outreach to the new players and engage everyone into the game, as such I have to announce the opening of the USA Hub.
This hub contains links to all political parties, military units, programs and a list of government officials all in one place!
If you want to have a look, feel free to kill your curiosity here: http://eusa-erev.com/
Some changes regarding design may be worked but the content will remain the same.
I take the chance to inform that several other webpages are being added as well, so I take the chance to give you the full welcome to Seal Team 6 webpage!
Take a look here: http://st6.eusa-erev.com/

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

This message has the seal of approval of the President of the eUnited States

Коментари (14)


Goddamnit Shirogane! Second denied!

um... okay.

Great article Abe, well informed and addresses our allies, neutral parties, and enemies with reason. Great work by Monkus on his economic reforms!

+1 Great Article! Good Job Abe o7

Great Article. Voted

Thank you for info Abe and all your hard work. Guess our contribution is not as great as other nations in the MDP alliance. I am not sure exact amount of Compensation but I m sure its better than individual private business owners will make other wise. We will be allowed to have it back one of these days after all.

how I can sell my 10golds to 1000usd?


Great article.