Објавено во United States of America - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 28 Jun 2016 16:20 - 61

Currently, 41 dead and more than 230 wounded in a terror attack on Istanbul Ataturk Airport in Turkey, Istanbul Gov. (The numbers will mostly likely continue to Increase)
At least 36 people have been killed and 147 wounded in a terror attack on Istanbul Ataturk Airport in Turkey, Istanbul Gov.
Istanbul Atatürk Airport is the main international airport serving Istanbul, Turkey and the biggest airport in Turkey by a total number of pengers, destinations served and aircraft movements.
A total of 49 ambulances were sent to the site.
Inarius RebornSultan Haydar BasTRmanHadrielunalosmanlitokadiMeTaRoRКоментари (61)

#PrayForISTANBUL: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/10724

Too bad new news. Current 31 people have been killed and 147 wounded in a terror attack on Istanbul Ataturk Airport in Turkey, Istanbul Gov.


The numbers keeps Increasing



Pray 4 istanbul

Sad. This is our world.

My Beautiful Country... My beautiful city... 


Interesting fact..this thing happened right at the day when Erdogan decided to apologize to Putin because of that crashed aeroplane by Turkey. What happened there is a chaos made by USA puppets. Stay strong Turkey o7

important steps to rectify relations with Israel and Russia were laid. There are also the world s largest airport building construction in istanbul. When something good going. This is why attack now?

Allah is protect us

Well said Nemeton o/


MoRiNKuShi I think that Erdogan finally realized who s the true terrorist in Middle East. But to be sure of we re gonna have to see if he s going to release all those people imprisoned for saying otherwise (against the politics he s leading). It might be a false flag in Istanbul. Few months ago he wouldn t even think about the apology even though one of a Russian pilots died. Someone is pulling strings through Erdogan or he s doing it by himself.



dont pray for istanbul. pray for the ones who died

Thank you all for your prays and condolences. We should stand together against terrorism. #PrayForIstanbul

Turkey supports ISIS and ISIS turns on Turkey... poetry

Terrorism has no color, no religion. Near the Turkish people.

@Nueve What are u talking about? Are u in dream?

Constantinople with the Turks -- R.I.P
Constantinople with the Greeks -- Not R.I.P
Just Joking ;p

@Nueve Classic Trump Supporters....
Thank u all ur prays. Peace at home Peace in the World


Thanks for your prays 

so sad

41 people

Stay strong Turkey 

Trump trolls are here! Don t be sad, Allah is with us.

O tempora, o mores...
Stay strong...


Condoleante, Turcia. o7



