Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 03 Jul 2016 15:52 - 15

Hello fellow eAmericans,
First of all, I'd to bid some apologies to the american citizens, mostly due to the fact I was delayed to the debate yesterday and I was terribly tired due to an entire day of work.
Now, moving into the next topic, I would also like to thank the Enlightened Contract Party for their endorsement for my Presidential bid. While we all in our intimate thoughts have a candidate in our mind to vote, I believe that every citizen is important regardless of their political affiliation and everyone plays an important role in our community. It is with this in mind that I wish to continue to improve our country for the coming term by fulfilling the goals I have outlined in my platform.
As such, I have chosen a team to help me accomplish those goals. I wouldn't call it a "dream team" but rather a company of heroes. Heroes that will help me chase a better reality for our country. The task ahead for the coming term will be herculean and I certainly will require all old veterans and new blood alike to work together for this great accomplishments.
America, I introduce you my Company of Heroes!

Monkus is the man of the moment and is responsible for the current turn around of our economy. He has proved to be a rather smart and intelligent man who has guided both our economy and our foreign policy in the most recent past. His activity and fresh ideas have brought many benefits for our nation and his reforms will remain in the history of our nation for the many times to come. I believe he will continue his invaluable contribute as my Vice President!

Thomas Killah

Thomas Killah has a history in this type of games and is one of our oldest veterans. He was keen to inform me he won't be able to fulfill completely the role of Secretary of State for the coming month due a more busy real life, however he can fit the role of Chief of Staff as one of our veterans. It is important to refer that this role will be mostly advisory which makes an ideal fit for Thomas. I also have to say that this man has guided our foreign policy in the past and has all due experience to bring valuable contribute to our country and my administration.

Secretary of State

Arith is another of our old veterans, as a former President he has the necessary experience to fit this role. He will be coordinating efforts with MDP and will be revitilizing the Ambadorial program. I have complete faith in his experience and his contribute to our nation. He will not be doing this alone, he will be isted by his Deputy Secretary of State Tricky Dick!

Secretary of Defense

EddieA was a member of the first cabinet in our country. He is one of our old veterans and he has been helping to revive the Department of Defense this month. It is with great pleasure that I announce that he will be continuing his duties for the coming month should I be elected. EddieA will be isted by his Deputy Secretary of Defense Fayth!

Secretary of Citizen Affairs

Hunburry has recently returned from his time out and he has been helping the Department of Citizen affairs improve by adding games, a dedicated server and some other tools. His Department for the coming month will be one we will be addressing the most and therefore someone with the required experience will be necessary. I believe Hunburry will do whatever is necessary to make sure the DoCA will succeed and he will not be doing it alone, he will be isted by Deputy Secretary of Citizen Affairs NickerMCFoxtails77!

Secretary of Technology

Tanishq has been helping on several websites and tools for our country. She was responsible for the new landing page as well as collecting the necessary information for it's inception. Her skills have been invaluable as Secretary of Technology and it is with great pleasure that I announce she will be keeping this role for the coming term in addition to the fact that she is the First Lady. She will be isted by Deputy Secretary of Technology The Mad Catter!

Secretary of Media

Orwell has been working on our White House Public releases since he took over as Secretary of Media. He has a unique writting style and a very independent view regarding everything that relates to the government and to politics in general. As a rising star, I am pleased to inform he will continue his duties as Secretary of Media for the coming term. He will be isted by Deputy Secretary of Media Trumpets!

National Security Council Director

Community Liaison
Tricky Dick

In addition to his functions as Deputy Secretary of State, Trick Dick will be also taking the role of Community Liaison. He will be working with all political parties to settle disputies and to listen to the community. I am confident that his fresh views as well as some of his approach to the community will bring us all many steps forward to a more united american society.

If you are interested in serving my cabinet, there are a couple deputy positions still open! Don t be shy, feel free to message me with the Department you re interested in and how you can contribute! My inbox is also open for any suggestion you d like and you can even meet me at my own Campaign HQ here: https://discord.gg/NGMZmvZ
If you have questions about the game, I will also give the istance I can in the best of my ability.
Thank you all for your support and kind regards,

no0bsailbotКоментари (15)

First denied for the Heroes! 



where is my first, abe ?

Sorry koment, as you can see from the article there is already a First Lady. You should probably ask my opponent SpitfireYG, maybe he ll take you as First Lady 

-_- No thanks

Monkus o7

Seriously Abe? She is komeng, not koment.

CoH? ok. i will follow the next news

Eddie, I was on phone which has autocorrect xD it happens.

(´・_・`). Abe made a girl cry 😦