Објавено во United States of America - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 29 Jul 2016 11:12 - 41

Upon authorization from the Admin Uros, I have an update for you regarding eRevollution. As traditionally, please look up the list of topics explored in this update:
1. eRevollution Official Forum
2. Forum Moderators selection
3. Paysafe payment method

As some of you may understand, we have been working on the forum for quite a bit and even testing it with some players. If you wish to access the official eRevollution forums, you may do so by either using this link: http://forum.erevgame.com/ or by clicking the “Forum” button at the bottom of the eRevollution page here:

In the eRevollution forums you may discuss things about the game, you may add an area for your community and give feedback about how the game is working and which changes you’d like to see implemented. Forums will also work as a means to bring the entire community regardless of their current eCountry or status.
Naturally, for something this big to work, there are certain rules all players need to abide by. You may find the Forum rules here: http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?topic=45.msg99#msg99
There may be some changes to the rules in order to help the forum team but for now these ones will do.
You may register an account by clicking register and filling the required information. Please don’t disregard the information on the Forum home page since it explains in detail how to request member group accesses:

I inform you all that considering this new project, we will be accepting new moderators to the eRevollution forums and as such, a selection procedure will take place in order to choose who will be part of the Forum team. First of all, a few clarifying points:
1. You are not required to be a eRevollution moderator in order to be part of this selection procedure.
2. Previous forum moderation experience is valued but not required.
3. Activity in game and on the forums is a must.
Now that we have clarified the major points, here is how the selection process will be done:
1st Phase - All applicants will be required to answer an application form which will contain various questions so that we know you a bit. This phase will last for 7 days in order to maximize the number of participants.
2nd Phase - Forum Admin will evaluate each application and decide according to defined criteria who pes to the 2nd phase and who doesn't. (This criteria will include a system of points which will be available to the public) Results will be published on the forums. The second phase entails an interview with each one of the selected, this interview will take place either on Skype (voice chat or regular chat depending on which one the candidate is available to). In this interview questions regarding your knowledge and your character will be asked.
3rd Phase - After the results of the 2nd phase are published, the final candidates will be divided in groups and will be temporarily given moderator permissions, during this time every candidate is at experience and should there be any major flaw, the candidate will be eliminated.
The applications will open next sunday the 31st of July and will be open until the 7th of August, keep yourself updated so that you may follow the topic!
You may find all information when the applications open on this section of the forums: http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?board=15.0
For further information regarding Forum Moderation selection procedure, you may contact Moderator Abraham Lincoln: https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/1126
I take the chance to inform that we currently have only one dark theme installed besides the default ones. The early members who tested the forums mentioned that they would prefer a lighter theme and since then we have been trying to find one that may fit the requirements for both the players and the stability of the forum. As such, if you have a lighter theme that may fit our forums, we will be more than glad to hear your suggestions and look into them!
If you know how to program in CSS language and you’re capable of writing an entire theme that may be supported by SMF forum software, we will look into it and should your project be accepted, you may be accordingly rewarded for your efforts! Don’t hesitate to put up your talents to work!
If you have any more questions about the update, post them below, and we will answer them.

The Admin team is pleased to remind you and inform that you have the paysafe payment method available in order to purchase gold through eRevollution store. You may find all information regarding this payment method and how to use it in this article here: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/10799
Mod Abraham Lincoln

no0bsailbotAdminDonquixote DoflamingoКоментари (41)

Registered there 2 month ago... still nothing interesting

I m aware vooztrollin. Forums are quite recent and they weren t entirely advertised last time.


I m one of the first forum tester. Am I gonna get a reward for my efforts?
Kind Regards
spitfireYG (Ace)

Hail Robinson

I a forum member for quite long
Lets get them active a lil bitt

Why need to remind us how to pay real money to buy gold LOL

Nice. You will finally change the theme :p I was one of the members who asked for a lighter theme.

We dont need forums and education how and where to spend our money.
We need a game that is not pure pay to win game as you are aming to turn this in to.
Limit the power of the visa players so all of us can enjoy a fair game.


We dont need forums and education how and where to spend our money. We need a game that is not pure pay to win game as you are aming to turn this in to. Limit the power of the visa players so all of us can enjoy a fair game. x 1389

We dont need forums and education how and where to spend our money. We need a game that is not pure pay to win game as you are aming to turn this in to. Limit the power of the visa players so all of us can enjoy a fair game. x 1389

Why uncle Sam? Screw him!

you need flamers, spammers and provocators... i accept that role for a decent payment

I want a better game... a game where i can enjoy spending my time, this game have a limit... you have a high level and just can fight in battles, spend money for get companies and then? the bucle is just a boring time... rutine: work, training, fight and good bye... no misions, no events... who want to sing up on this game ...
make this game better or forget us

We dont need forums and education how and where to spend our money. We need a game that is not pure pay to win game as you are aming to turn this in to. Limit the power of the visa players so all of us can enjoy a fair game.

CSS is nt language ...

noobs power?

Serbian-macedonian way to say we are poor or just too greedy to spend any money on a game,so we want nobody to spend any money because it is pay2win if they do, but we want the server to be stable, 24/7 online, no lag, updated, personal working to be paid etc. And how do you imagine they can pay all of this? With you daily clicking a few buttons? Learn how a game like this work or keep laming here about pay2win 


...you do NOT really wish to PAY for this game.. do you.. honestly?

if asking me? yes I wish to pay for this game. has already payed more then 4k avro for ***publik and 400 avro for **sim game. dont know how much for here, games future will show that

We dont need forums and education how and where to spend our money. We need a game that is not pure pay to win game as you are aming to turn this in to. Limit the power of the visa players so all of us can enjoy a fair game. x 1389

Solar we are working on adding Skrill ( and you can top that account using credit cards).

LOL biskvit answers to Solr who is declaring he will spend money and dont answer to all these same comments for limit visa power........

Oh so Skill top credit cards, and then paysafecard top skill?

+5 @AlbRevolution

forum after 7 months of launching the game, by now we learned everything from each-other 


@DreSanu shut up you cunt

We dont need forums and education how and where to spend our money. We need a game that is not pure pay to win game as you are aming to turn this in to. Limit the power of the visa players so all of us can enjoy a fair game.

@Biskvit, also Skrill has some limitations for Turkey
need a pure solution

@SOLAR the pure solution is : FIX THE SERVER...FIX THE SERVER ..x1000000000

Bolje da ste sredili servere, da ne zabadaju na kraju svake vece bitke. F5 mi se vise izlizalo 

Instead of this you should make main and country wall more effective i think

o7, voted. gold pls


Admin fast answer to questions about more money spendings,no comment.

forum admin needs to accept peoples requests for membership there. 

I have