Објавено во Turkey - Социјална интеракција и забава - 09 Aug 2016 13:49 - 49

Santiago 45sitareKinyasT O R E T T OHadrielTyraelAlp UrunguКоментари (49)




üçünç o7





Dont tell me that Mdp is mutual defence pact because you sound silly

Best defence is strike my friend

This is the Coat of Arms of the socialist Hungarian People s Republic. You may view the current one here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Hungary

Vote haha

France is coming.. ☺


Serbia from sofia to paris 


bulgaria, romania, greece, france, iran attacks next ?
4 vs 1 ?

@mule ; No dude. 1 vs 1. UNITY vs MDP

The French word?! Nothing .... Nothing they do not believe ....


We have 4v1 war and we commint to Paris ;-)

ahahahha o7 o7

Welcome o7

5vs1 because 1vs1 is too mainstream.

5vs1 because 1vs1 is too mainstream.

5vs1 because 1vs1 is too mainstream.

Classic Crots lol

these serbians too bad xD

Turke na buljuke

dajte i francuze pa da se igramo. Ovi su pic..ice

5vs1 because 1vs1 is too mainstream.

Turkey is a filthy bird...

I just see that you need 6 or more against 3. ^^

5vs1 because 1vs1 is too mainstream.

take that knife from romanians and give it to bulgarians. it will be more authentic

Зашто да не...


5vs1? So Croatia and Hungary are not helping you? No serhun? Hmm 

take that knife from romanians and give it to bulgarians. it will be more authentic x2

take that knife from romanians and give it to bulgarians. it will be more authentic x1389

take that knife from romanians and give it to bulgarians. it will be more authentic x1390

5vs1 because 1vs1 is too mainstream

Hail France