Објавено во Croatia - Финансиски бизнис - 22 Aug 2016 05:23 - 6
Hi guys. Because Croatia is almost occupied I have to travel and produce in other countries. Sometimes I do it at the evening and leave my account outside of Croatia for the night so I can work on the morning again without moving. But I noticed when I sell products on the croatian market from abroad not all of the HRK which are supposed to come from the sale come in my account. So today I've asked a guy to buy a q5 tank from me for 20 HRK and see how much HRK will land in my account, 20 or 10. Here is the result before and after:

So instead of calculating VAT the game calculates import tax as if I don't have croatian citizenship but have only license.
I demand the admins to refund me the lost HRK because this is a bug which must be fixed ASAP.
edit: the admins fixed the bug

So instead of calculating VAT the game calculates import tax as if I don't have croatian citizenship but have only license.
I demand the admins to refund me the lost HRK because this is a bug which must be fixed ASAP.
edit: the admins fixed the bug
TomislavКоментари (6)



yes admin please chek

Same thing happened to me at least 2 times. I also lost quite a bit of money.

As I noticed, you should put your products on the market only when you are located in eCroatia. Tax is calculated at the moment you put your goods on the market so if you are located in some other country and put items on the market they will apply import tax and you will lose money, if you put items on the market while in eCroatia and then you move to an another location you should get all of your money (no import tax applied). I have lost at least 10-20 gold by putting items on the eCroatian market while I was located in another ecountry.