Објавено во Turkey - Анализа на војување - 23 Aug 2016 12:49 - 16

Hi eCitiziens. In this article i will talk about World War, the war between alliances and the war between France and Servia with their allies.
MDP countries: Albania

UNITY countries: Argentina

ECLIPSE countries: Belarus

Now, world war situacion
Now, i will show you a graphic with percentages of damage done of 3 alliances.

MDP has a little more damage than Eclipse, and UNITY has very few damage comparated with other alliances.

France vs Serbia

France with allies have more damage than Serbia with allies. 47.7% vs 37.73%. The 14.57% of all world damage dont participe in this war.

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Коментари (16)

Croata is not unity more...

Hail IRAN and MDP

Hail iran and MDP 07

neither serbia after that nap is more mdp loll

YOu made mistake with colours or names and btw add eclipse to Unity

Dude, please dont embarrasse yourself...Eclipse 44% and Unity 8% !? What the hell is this, are you high af right now?

@ASAP he drunk when he wrote this article XD

Mmm where is crotia exactly?

@Lukas Croatia left unity

MDP has about 2 times more players than Unity and Eclipse together.

http://prntscr.com/c9iz68 whatt i see here pure propaganda

From Eclipse only Germany shoot for Unity,so there is no need to add to Unity side 

Yet Orkan s damage is bigger than both sides