Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 28 Aug 2016 10:16 - 10

Hello everyone,
Today I bring you some updates regarding our party that have been long due. Feel free to stay tuned in the following topics:
1. Federalist Party Leadership
2. New Website
3. Party Statute
4. Presidential elections

After the last Party President elections on the last 25th of August, here is the Party Leadership for the coming month:
Party President - Abraham Lincoln

Since I'll be presenting most of the leadership, it is only fair that I present myself as well. I'm the founder of the Federalist Party, first party to be created in the eUnited States and also founder of Seal Team 6, the main military force in our country. I'm an energetic and multi-tasking addict who does his best to help the country succeed. I'm easy to approach and I'm generally reasonable and tolerant. I fight for what I believe, I hate trivial criticism and I always try to give valuable input where I can.
Party Vice President - Tanishq

Tanishq has recently returned to USA after her venture in Portugal. I can say without a shadow of doubt she is the person I trust the most. She is moderate, balanced and very reasonable. She is a team-player with a lot of previous experience in similar games to eRevollution. Her areas of expertise are mostly on Technology and Educational subjects which make her a great et to our Party and an invaluable person to have as Party Vice President.
Political Director - Hunburry

Hunburry, very similarly to Trumpets has very recently returned to eRevollution after taking a leave. He is a known old Federalist and a veteran from previous games as well. Given his involvement with Department of Interior as well as his Congressional background, we see no one else fit to take the role of Political Director.
Media Director - Arith

Arith has been Party President and is our current POTUS which made him acquire a great deal of experience. He does the radio shows every week
on saturdays. Considering his media background in the radio, we find him fit to fill into the role of Media Director.
Recruitment and Retention Director - Tricky Dick

Tricky Dick is a rising star in our party, he has been involved in several government departments such as the Department of State and has not only helped with the Maginot line project but also with several other government projects. He also has congressional background to back up his experience even further and as such, he will be serving as our Recruitment and Retention Director!
I hope you have enjoyed the current Federalist Leadership, if you have any queries or questions, our inboxes are always open to it. If you are looking to work with us, feel free to approach the Director of the Department that interests you the most!

As some of you may have heard, we have been in the process of creating a new website for our party. It took us some time but we managed to complete it and it is available for you here: http://fed.eusa-erev.com/
We encourage every party member to register an account and use it since it has important party information and we are looking into technical ways to allow votes to take place inside the private section available only for our party members.
In the event you register an account, make sure to use the same name you have in-game otherwise it will be harder for us to know which access role to give you.
As informed in the party internal communication, we are considering to link a party forum to the webpage, please let us know your opinion on this and if you'd rather keep our forums still inside the national ones or use fresh new forums integrated with the webpage.

Our party has operated with guidelines for the most so far without having a document that describes all our internal procedures and how we work. As such and considering the need of a simple document we can use as a model for our operations, I have drafted the first Party Statute.
You can view the document here: http:///j4lDYQ
You may take part in the discussion by viewing this page here: http://fed.eusa-erev.com/2016/08/27/federalist-party-statute-discussion-and-ratification/ - The vote is set automatically there but you may also give your input in our discord server in the private area.
This is an important vote so please make sure to participate.

1. If a fellow Federalist is considering to run for President, please make sure to write an article and make it known. Being it known, we as a party will follow the apropriate nomination and electoral procedure.
2. If no fellow Federalist manages to either acquire the necessary party support to run for election or no party member is interested in running, we will consider throwing our support to any candidate who shows a feasible experience and has a track record of work ethics and is not lazy in what regards getting our country back on its feet. Please keep in mind that this type of support will only happen with the consent of the majority of the Federalist Party members and followed apropriate procedure.
We will evaluate endorsements in accordance to demonstrated experience, record, solid plans and a solid cabinet. If you are interested, make sure to announce your race before it is too late. I take the time to inform that personally I will not be running as I believe other people should have a chance at running for President too and gain experience from it.

You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

KinyasTricky DickКоментари (10)

First denied for the Feds!



Hm. You mean Feds is a party that is going to support CP candidate only because he is in Fed? That is the vibe I am getting from that presidential election section.
. Well I certainly hope there are people voting on candidate based on trust and ability of candidate instead of party line.

@Talesweaver not really. We ll support a Fed that meets the requirements of experience and manages to put up a platform. But if you read the second line, we ll support a candidate from another party that meets those requirements should we not have one of our own. It s as simple as that

Nope not running again. Thought people knew... thingy... :p. And True... It is weird to support other party candidate when you have your own. Lets keep it not vote for fed or.. prp but vote for Who. In CP Congress election ^^

^^True thats the way it should be