Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 30 Aug 2016 05:25 - 6
Hello everyone its your local overlord ur I mean President Potential
I realize that several people don't know about me or what ive done, in
fact there were reports of why was a crazy person writing articles.
So to start I would like to discuss my cabinet.
I realize I didn't fully announce it but that was because I was waiting
on a few last yes em's from my selections.
First My VP or Vice President
Foreign Affairs
Lord General
Economic Advisor / Economic Council Co Leader
National Security Chair
Director of MediaAnd Tech
Now I realized there were questions on the other Article and I wanted to make sure I personally
answer every single one of them... now originally I was going to reply in the comments sections
but soon realized there were limitations that would draw out the process and might as well
answer every question together so I plan to use the rest of the article to answer these questions.
Q: spitfireYG: Um is this the full platform...?
This is not the full platform but a introduction I plan to go further in but this is a launching platform to start the conversation.
Q: Abraham Lincoln: Well, this isn t the conventional type of campaigning, I ll give you that dk3dknight :D
My platform is about fun and truth :p which are usually two unconventional things to start the conversation with but these are good places to construct ones conversation and platform on.
Q: arith: Full support Dk heil DK heil o/
Thanks Arith :D
Q: Talesweaver: So who are you? I have no idea what this article is saying. After the three Fs platform... i ll try to read this again when I wake up in the morn...
Hi, my name is Chris, I am 32, I have blonde Hair and blue eyes, I am the cohost of the radio show, also
worked as CoS for Arith, also held the position of advisor in other runs.
Q: Tancred: Anything is possible if you re positively flexible! Good luck with your campaign my friend.
Thank Tancred your support and friendship is always appreciated.
Q: Tricky Dick: DK for President o7 Bring the F back in the game!
Super Thanks Tricky Dick I realize this will be a interesting ride.
Q: Thomas Killah: Are you serious? A presidential hopeful should display some manner of professionalism. I hope you plan on putting out an actual platform.
I really don't believe this was every intended to be the full platform, it was a way to introduce myself and start
the conversation. While some people remember me either from the other game, and others might remember me from
the radio show only a select few actually know me, most of what i've done in erevollution I can't even talk about.
There was actually a set of tactical decisions within that article that wouldn't be overly apparent.
Let me explain there are different say market groups that people who view content will be from.
You have the ones who will scan for only critical information they come in two varieties ones that will
Fact check you and then criticize every fact you gave and the other that don't care and move on.
Another group looks what you wrote screens into terror and closes the tab at what they see as just another
boring paper.
Then you have those who read them in hopes to be entertained.
I secretly targeted almost all of them and upset the first group a little which has its own rewards, it spured
people which has its own pro's and con's.
Most importantly it spurred you into running right, and through that I will be stronger, so really was all that
actually so bad?
Q: Joey3790: When I think of Flubber, I think of this: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8mnnzg6XS1qew6kmo1_500.gif. But your Flubber sounds good too. Good luck on the election!
Thanks alot Joey, yes most people know of the flubber from movies :p but its actually also a real life substance, watched a youtube video of someone tossing a cellphone encased in flubber.
Q: spitfireYG: Hey Joey man didn t know your still playing mate long time no see
For once its not my fault :p
If you have a specific question let me know and ill do my best to answer it :D
I realize that several people don't know about me or what ive done, in
fact there were reports of why was a crazy person writing articles.
So to start I would like to discuss my cabinet.
I realize I didn't fully announce it but that was because I was waiting
on a few last yes em's from my selections.
First My VP or Vice President
Foreign Affairs
Lord General
Economic Advisor / Economic Council Co Leader
National Security Chair
Director of MediaAnd Tech
Now I realized there were questions on the other Article and I wanted to make sure I personally
answer every single one of them... now originally I was going to reply in the comments sections
but soon realized there were limitations that would draw out the process and might as well
answer every question together so I plan to use the rest of the article to answer these questions.
Q: spitfireYG: Um is this the full platform...?
This is not the full platform but a introduction I plan to go further in but this is a launching platform to start the conversation.
Q: Abraham Lincoln: Well, this isn t the conventional type of campaigning, I ll give you that dk3dknight :D
My platform is about fun and truth :p which are usually two unconventional things to start the conversation with but these are good places to construct ones conversation and platform on.
Q: arith: Full support Dk heil DK heil o/
Thanks Arith :D
Q: Talesweaver: So who are you? I have no idea what this article is saying. After the three Fs platform... i ll try to read this again when I wake up in the morn...
Hi, my name is Chris, I am 32, I have blonde Hair and blue eyes, I am the cohost of the radio show, also
worked as CoS for Arith, also held the position of advisor in other runs.
Q: Tancred: Anything is possible if you re positively flexible! Good luck with your campaign my friend.
Thank Tancred your support and friendship is always appreciated.
Q: Tricky Dick: DK for President o7 Bring the F back in the game!
Super Thanks Tricky Dick I realize this will be a interesting ride.
Q: Thomas Killah: Are you serious? A presidential hopeful should display some manner of professionalism. I hope you plan on putting out an actual platform.
I really don't believe this was every intended to be the full platform, it was a way to introduce myself and start
the conversation. While some people remember me either from the other game, and others might remember me from
the radio show only a select few actually know me, most of what i've done in erevollution I can't even talk about.
There was actually a set of tactical decisions within that article that wouldn't be overly apparent.
Let me explain there are different say market groups that people who view content will be from.
You have the ones who will scan for only critical information they come in two varieties ones that will
Fact check you and then criticize every fact you gave and the other that don't care and move on.
Another group looks what you wrote screens into terror and closes the tab at what they see as just another
boring paper.
Then you have those who read them in hopes to be entertained.
I secretly targeted almost all of them and upset the first group a little which has its own rewards, it spured
people which has its own pro's and con's.
Most importantly it spurred you into running right, and through that I will be stronger, so really was all that
actually so bad?
Q: Joey3790: When I think of Flubber, I think of this: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8mnnzg6XS1qew6kmo1_500.gif. But your Flubber sounds good too. Good luck on the election!
Thanks alot Joey, yes most people know of the flubber from movies :p but its actually also a real life substance, watched a youtube video of someone tossing a cellphone encased in flubber.
Q: spitfireYG: Hey Joey man didn t know your still playing mate long time no see
For once its not my fault :p
If you have a specific question let me know and ill do my best to answer it :D
Tricky DickarithКоментари (6)

Sad to see am not in the cab ; _ ; :c

What s Lord General?

Lord General is DOD or SOD based on which
version of the multiverse you follow.

Who is the Secretary of Citizens Affair?

@dk3dknight: Wow, even though I never asked a question you still took notice of my comment. Impressive seeing that nobody has noticed me here for several months. **cough, cough** SpitfireYG **cough, cough** So far you have my vote! @SpitfireYG: Smokey, I ve been here the whole time, I ve just been quiet. It s good to know you still remember me!