Објавено во Turkey - Социјална интеракција и забава - 30 Aug 2016 10:05 - 78

KinyasLyell ThirdAlp Urungugiovinco10Коментари (78)



Baguette !

bırak ne derse desinler çokta s.. de bizde gavur deriz 

@Magellan Qu ils mangent de la brioche. 

http://prntscr.com/cc69t7 You embarass me.


I never ate a kebab, but it has a funny sound. Kebab.

karnım acıktı be

Yukarıda bir arkadaş durumu özetlemiş ama bende anlatayım bazı Türkçe kelimeler okunuşu ve şive bakımından özellikle Fransızlara komik geliyor. Oynadığım çoğu oyunda da bana Kebab derler bende Fransızlara Baguette derim nedense aramızda böyle saçma bi mevzu var. Bizdeki pirinç gibi anlamsız ve yıllardır süren gelenek 

KEBAPIII njom njom njom

Πώς κάνεις μια γάτα κεμπάπ; Την πιάνεις απ την ουρά και την κοπανάς, και μπάπ, και μπάπ, και μπάπ!

bi adana kebap olsa ne gider di be 

How do you say kebab in english ? 

No vote 😠

still kebab

Defend Kebabs

nice try kebabs

Not today

nice try kebabs

FYRoMians you mean.

Angry Greeks incoming in 3.....2......1

@MicoO hahahahah


once a kebab always a kebab
o değilde reklam yapıyoz işte

I am really hungary right now

EL21 me too

@EL21 then beware of MDP


omg, ćevapčići are literally bosnian meal...for someone that doesn t want to be discriminated against, you sure are culturaly educated

Get rich or make cevapcici!

I am balkan millionere!

Toni der assi!

Looks like the kebab doesnt understand the point of calling em kebabs 

Kebabs gonna kebab

hail kjoftinja

dear kebabs you can call me captain bratwurst from now on pls 

offended kebabs crying

I like kebab I have ate kebab many times.

Kjofinja rules


nt kebab

Bratwurst looks like a churrasco :p

Gulyást nem árulnak minden török város sarkán ...

still kebab 

Better be a Kebab than a Kurwatian ;P

you mean fyromians
pstitsada is a Hellenic food

I still don t understand why some people call us potato eaters or potatoes.

wow u just proved that u feel bad for being called kebab hahaha KEBAB KEBAB KEBAB

ViVe la Baguette !


As a french guy, if I had to call a german by a food name it would be bretzel xD

No Kebabs I would not feel disturbed, on contraire I would like you more if you were calling me Pašticada xD.

You have to deal with it, sorry 

Agreed! why cant ppl leave IRL stuff away from game that were here to play and have fun not argue and offend about silly things.

Ćevapčići are Bosnian meal dude, get educated..

Greeks come in macedonia only to eat kebabs 


You call Macedonians Fyromans and expect that people wont call you kebabs...

Cevapi su bosanski -.-

kebabs is probably more nice than a lot of things people would call you guys.

Mi mi mi mi


Sarma rules!

zovite nas kiso kupus 

Serbs are more like RAKIJA 


ĆEVAPI are from Bosnia
Serbia is Rakija

Kebap stronk o/

Hail Baguette ! o7

my name is kebab 

Polish meal - vodka.

Its better u call us as Lahmacun
I prefer it

You just made me hungry with your article. Lets eat kebab tonight :-d


We still have the biggest baguette, hail France !