Објавено во Turkey - Финансиски бизнис - 05 Sep 2016 04:54 - 24

Hi! Welcome to my "Market Analysis" series, where I present you with the average prices, industry bonuses and a lot more!
I update this article during the two days it is up on global, and after that you can consider it outdated. If prices change a lot, I'll post a new article, making the average wait time 2 days.
I invite you to use the comment section as the trading area, as well as a place to share your high quality articles :)
This Edition's Notes:
I'm going on holidays for a week, so there won't be any Market Analysis, nor TOP 10 Tankers. After I come back, everything will be back to schedule, except the intervals will be biggers, as I'll have less free time.
Food is around 1300e = 1G, due to the X2 Energy Event, but I except it to come backto 1500e=1G as soon as the event ends.
Helis are god crazy expensive, due to the new mission, everyone wants them weapons! I think the madness will only end with the Damage Mission.
Houses and HRM are coming back to the old price, becoming cheaper and cheaper every day.
Salaries are starting to bend over to 1,1G....

1300 - 1400 energy, per Gold
FRM - Food Raw Material = 0,0005 - 0,0007

Q1 Helis = 0,030
Q2 Helis =0,033 - 0,035
Q3 Helis / Q5 Tanks = 0,045
Q4 Helis = 0,058
Q5 Helis = 0,072
WRM - Weapon Raw Material = 0,0004 - 0,0006

Q1 = 4,1 - 4,3
Q2 = 5,0
Q3 = 6,0 -7,0
Q4 = 10,0
Q5 = 11,0 - 11,5
HRM - House Raw Material = 0,00075 - 0,00080

Per work = 1,0 - 1,1

example: I have industry on Food & Houses so I travel to Turkey, but if I stopped using houses, I would go to Mexico.

This mission-type event is coming in hot, having completly revolutionized the whole weapon industry in less then 5 days. But why is everyone so mad? Let's take a look at the rewards...

thanks for the picture Rothbart
20 XP | 50 Q5 Food | 30 Q5 Pistols | 30 Q5 Tanks
Voting Priveledge | 5 Q5 Energy Drinks | 10 Q5 RPGs | 3 Employees
3 Q3 Boosters | 3 Q3 Missiles | 3 Q3 Life Kits | 50 Strengh
All the rewards seem pretty normal, except for the voting priveledge which is kinda funny, and the 3 employees, which is kinda different. But then the real deal: 50 Strengh
To reach the 100%, and get the so wanted 50 strengh, you have to hit 4 500 times without weapons, which leads to a total of 45 000 energy, and a daily consumption of 4 500 energy. As you probably know already, this is god impossible, at least for normal Q1 House user citizens... so the answer is clear: GUNS (#MERICA)
When buying guns I recommend Q5 Tanks / Q3 Helis, as they generally are the best consistent damage dealers, but Q2s and Q1s can also be very good options. What matters the most, is that you get to those 100%: strengh is the only statistic in the game that you can't buy, so you wanna get everything you can!

Agamemnon's Country's Damage Statistics
HUMOUR- mBISON's Competitors (vooztrollin)
HUMOUR- Memes of the Week <--- God Damn Hilarious xD

If you think any of the information is not correct, feel free to comment it down below, with due respect.
If you found this article useful please Vote & Subscribe, it really DOES matter!

vooztrollinajdinhoAncestralFortitudineIgotUBabtistaoIroncodeePazКоментари (24)

vote! gj as always


o7 vooztrollin

100 strength. (100%)

i think u can make top 10 fighter from Indonesia.. 

@petros2 It s 50 strengh, as seen here http://prntscr.com/cedwqp . I also checked with some fellow citizens who have completed it, and everyone confirmed it s 50.

Buying q3 helis or q5 tanks. PM me

How will I live without Market Analysis?

@Kenchi xD

vote. selling houses. pm me ))))


Q5 Hanks = 6.5 thai morning ahah

thanks for the picture mate!

Sry @Rothbart should have mentioned, edited


GOLD FOR EVERYONE WHO VOTE AND SHOUT IT ON NEWSFEED vote it up guys! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/14231

O evento só fez com que os preços regredissem ao que eram antes. Não sei se esta é sua primeira conta ou contato com o jogo, então só irei mencionar os helis q5 e ignorar os nerfs nas demais armas, onde a centena custava 7g ou até mais. No mais, ótimo artigo!