Објавено во United Kingdom - Политички дебати и анализи - 28 Sep 2016 19:52 - 10
I present the MPP Web 2.0, greatly improved by the suggestion of Lalo292 (https://www.erevollution.com/en/profile/197) and powered by the Gephi program and my custom data tracker. New features include shapes and names adjusted for lation size, automated accuracy guarantees and an overall prettier display.

Hello all!
Before I begin, I want to first say thank you to all of those who voted, commented, subscribed and sent me words of encouragement privately. After publishing the first edition of my Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) Web, I had no idea that it would be so well received by the global community. To make it into the top five on my first article made all the work put into the MPP Web worthwhile.
Now, I want to define what I will be trying to achieve with my journalism. I started down this road with a simple personal goal that I hope to broaden to a global scale. When I joined this world, I had no idea what was going on at a global political level. The map made no sense to me, nor did the intricate web of MPPs and blocs that defines so much of our lives. I didn't understand, for example, why my home nation of the United Kingdom came to be so hopelessly reduced to the single stronghold of London. I wanted to create a tool to help me understand that complexity, as there was little within the interface, the forums or the wiki that could do so.
With my articles, I will be striving to offer insight and explanation of the global political climate for those, like me, who understand very little of it. Be they new arrivals in this world or old faces who have never quite gotten the hang of it - I want to cater to those who need a clear cut and reliable source for what is going on out in the world.
To that end, I will be producing a few different projects and endeavors with some regularity. Among them, will be:
Thank you for reading, please consider voting and subscribing!
Disclaimer: I will identify nations in all of my articles and especially the MPP Web based on how this world designates them, with certain common sense adjustments to shorten the longer nation names. If any citizen of a country feels that their country is mislabelled on this map, they are welcome to send a message to discuss a potential relabelling. If anyone objects to the labelling of a country besides their own, they are also welcome to send me a message, but I will generally lean towards deference to the citizens of the country itself. I reserve the right to label my web however I like and politely ask any discussion of labels to be kept out of the comments below.

Hello all!
Before I begin, I want to first say thank you to all of those who voted, commented, subscribed and sent me words of encouragement privately. After publishing the first edition of my Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) Web, I had no idea that it would be so well received by the global community. To make it into the top five on my first article made all the work put into the MPP Web worthwhile.
Now, I want to define what I will be trying to achieve with my journalism. I started down this road with a simple personal goal that I hope to broaden to a global scale. When I joined this world, I had no idea what was going on at a global political level. The map made no sense to me, nor did the intricate web of MPPs and blocs that defines so much of our lives. I didn't understand, for example, why my home nation of the United Kingdom came to be so hopelessly reduced to the single stronghold of London. I wanted to create a tool to help me understand that complexity, as there was little within the interface, the forums or the wiki that could do so.
With my articles, I will be striving to offer insight and explanation of the global political climate for those, like me, who understand very little of it. Be they new arrivals in this world or old faces who have never quite gotten the hang of it - I want to cater to those who need a clear cut and reliable source for what is going on out in the world.
To that end, I will be producing a few different projects and endeavors with some regularity. Among them, will be:
- The MPP Web, updated and posted every Sunday / Monday with notes and analysis on any changes in the MPP landscape. I will strive to incorporate further features, such as Natural Enemy status and an alternative War Web.
- Ranking Trackers, to compare and contrast different nations and organizations, with emphasis on how they change over time. I aim to offer as much organized and explained data as possible, to make it easier for readers to sift through what interests them.
- Interviews with current and former political leaders at the political party, military unit, national and bloc level exploring their opinions and perspectives on the current climate, both generally and on specific topics.
- Editorials on what I believe certain groups, nations and blocs should or should not do. These will be more rare than other content and I will do my best to keep all editorial content out of my other articles.
Thank you for reading, please consider voting and subscribing!
Disclaimer: I will identify nations in all of my articles and especially the MPP Web based on how this world designates them, with certain common sense adjustments to shorten the longer nation names. If any citizen of a country feels that their country is mislabelled on this map, they are welcome to send a message to discuss a potential relabelling. If anyone objects to the labelling of a country besides their own, they are also welcome to send me a message, but I will generally lean towards deference to the citizens of the country itself. I reserve the right to label my web however I like and politely ask any discussion of labels to be kept out of the comments below.
PalmerКоментари (10)


Good luck!

Good luck man!

Hey! 2 suggestions: keep the colors (integrate it with the new size thing,use both, it really helps). Also, dint do these daily, MPPs barely vhange weekly, very rarely daily

Good Luck!

@DaltonicD: I ll take that under advisement - it s definitely an option with the program I m using, just have to determine how.
And yes, I ll be publishing them weekly - I think that s a fair compromise between the way-too-often daily and the not-reactive enough monthly. We ll see how it goes!

That subscribtion was a good decision indeed 

Now its all good, you added a disclaimer that you name the countries by your own choosing instead of official ingame name as you were trying to say in the last article, which was what made me debate you in it. Now when you fixed that part, you can have my vote 

Yonai Keiko, you know you ll always have my vote 

Amazing work!