Објавено во Albania - Финансиски бизнис - 30 Sep 2016 11:37 - 12
Diteve te fundit, jam mundu qe te ngris fonde te goldeve sa me shum qe te hapi sa ma shum kompani ne kohen e zbritjeve qe do vij.
Investimet pranohen nga te gjith lojtaret, pa marr parasysh shumen e goldeve.
Ka dy opsione per kthimin e goldeve: Me interes 20%, ose te beheni pjes e grupit, ku fitimi nga kompanit do investohet ne life kits, heli supply, ose qka do qe eshte e rendesishme qe te forcohemi sa ma shum.
Deri me tani jane te konfirmuara keto investime:
The Fallen: 3.7k gold
Jurgenrukja007: 500g
Whitedevil: 500g
Spartacusal: 500g
hypnotic: rreth 500g
The King: 300g
Per me shum informata, me shkruani mesazh ne loje, ose naj koment ne artikull.
English version
Greetings citizens of erevollution.
I have started a campaign, to rise funds for the upcoming discounts, to make as much gold as possible, to invest in companies.
To make it short, for everyone interested, the return interes will be 20%, for each gold invested.
Till now, I myself will have around 3.7k gold to invest.
Other investors are as follows:
Jurgenrukja007: 500g
Whitedevil: 500g
Spartacusal: 500g
hypnotic: rreth 500g
The King: 300g
Tomimerkuri: around 350g (edited)
sidrit007: 120g (edited)
For more informations, just write PM to me ingame.
75alikoКоментари (12)


I want to investe 350 gold read the PM.

Nice work o/

I want to invest 120g

I give 25% profit if someone give me 1000 gold you invest my factory
sub and vote

you guys need to specify time for 20 or 25% that yoh say

Well, I cant be sure now hiw much heli prices will drop, and how much loan I will get. But everyone who is interested, we can discuss more in private PM the approximate dates of return and amount of gold to be invested.

helies will drop or wages will go up as there wont be enough workers for number of companies.. it will be interesting to see what will happen exactly..

Thats what I am counting for @topsecret. But I cant be sure how much, to calculate my profit. And I cant pay back everyone at day 1 one after discounts, so I am willing to discuss more privately with players, so we can make a deal which is good for them and for me.

V 34 o7

20%is very week, in chc I give 40% each month for life