Објавено во Croatia - Социјална интеракција и забава - 08 Oct 2016 04:38 - 12
Independence Day is a holiday in Croatia, which is observed on October 8 and a non-working day. On that day in 1991, the Croatian Parliament unanimously adopted the Decision on the termination of the Croatian constitutional ties with other republics and provinces of Yugoslavia.
Parliament also stated that the Republic of Croatia no longer deemed legal no a body former Yugoslavia and that does not recognize valid any legal act of any entity acting on behalf of the former federation, which no longer exists as such.

After that Yugoslavia was attacked Croatia, without weapons we had to defend our country.... and finally we successfully defend the country after 5 years of war

Now the situation is better, peace in the Balkan
This is the most important peace no war , because War is the worst thing in the world :D

spageMenjikSKynet00TomislavКоментари (12)





čestitam svima DAN NEOVISNOSTI


Sretan Dan Neovisnosti!
