Објавено во Philippines - Социјална интеракција и забава - 08 Oct 2016 23:07 - 5

The idea was to let everyone in Philippine who joined this program be able to pay 1TWD/work on their factories same as everyone in Taiwan. And together we would all share the 100% food, 100% weapon and 80% house bonus on production.
From Day273 to Day 275, all company owners who would like to join the Program could contact the CP of both Government to apply for the program. There are no limitation on the number of companies or total number of application.
Starts from Day 276 all those who joined will take their companies, move to Taiwan and work here, paying 3TWD/work. Continue for 7 days a week. During that time, the Taiwan government will have a fixed monetary rate of 1G:100TWD on the market.
On Day 282, Taiwan will have record of taxes collected and confirm the numbers of participated companies. Then Taiwan will issue money to the CP of Philippine which is equal to " 2 TWD times number of companies joined the program". And then the CP of Philippine will distribute the returned taxes to his people. And on the exact same day, a new cycle (week) will starts.
Conditions are applied :
1. The refunded tax will only be issued to the Government of Philippine
2. All return tax will be issued in TWD.
3. The Government of Philippine must present the project to every citizen in her country.
4. If Taiwan have reasonable doubt on the actual number of companies participated and paid taxes, Taiwan will have the right to modify the amount of tax returned
5. The program will always stay on as long as Taiwan holds the region of Luzon and Visayas.
Signed - HungryKevin
CP of Taiwan
SIgned -
CP of Philippine
Yuri MakarovКоментари (5)


Signed CP of Philippines

i want to join! with who should i talk? ( v+s)

Dinamite, you can contact me or your CP