Објавено во Spain - Политички дебати и анализи - 11 Oct 2016 16:26 - 73

Greeting citizens of eRevollution,
We would like to publish this article to announce the horrendous action that Spain committed.
Two days ago, peace negotiation talks between Spain and MDP had started while we had four open battles against them. After a significant amount of hours spent on the discussion, we could not conclude the negotiation and decided for a temporary ceasefire with President of Spain.
Accordingly to the ceasefire, Spain will not use initiatives and MDP countries respected it and did not attack Spain as well during 24 hours that was ping.
However, Spain fought and liberated Canarian Islands RW to let Brazil p through although it was clearly stated in a ceasefire that Spain should not fight in RW there and President of Spain immediately informed that they should not fight there. Spain simply took advantage of the ceasefire to cut border with Mexico and involve Brazil to campaign in a dishonest way.
Even though they broke the ceasefire, we risked cutting off the border between Mexico - Spain and Mexico did not attack them before the RW ends. It is a shame that our opponents do not show same dignity we exhibit.
We also like to inform that today when Spain updated that the NAP negotiation has failed and they can use their initiative until 00.00 eRev times. Although Spain broke the ceasefire, we will continue to respect it and we will not use our initiatives until mentioned time.
We at this moment condemn the actions of Spain and let those who will ever get in peace talks with them know so that they can remember this.
Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)
Secretary of Public Relations for MDP
AncestralKinyasRyuko Matoino0bsailbotlmperiusGranikusAltariosBarrocaZE BUNDAКоментари (73)

【MDP】Condemning Spain Actions






Shame! x) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSB46wYUEAArhrC.jpg

we love galaico no matter what. As for condemning, to condemn mdp actions we need an encyclopedia. Get a life

Spain not attack, is a lie

Mexico open RW not Spain

What Galaico what to say is that we dont open the RW, mexico did it so bra had to take 48hrs more.

lol its not the first time spain doing this, im not surprised at all

tsk tsk Espanassholas... Shame on you.

This article lies and dares to speak of honor

Spain didnt attack. MDP started the RW to abuse ceasefire protection. If we are in ceasefire, why did you started the RW? Just dont lie. Be honest guys. Shame actions and shame propaganda.

Mexico open RW not Spain

Spain is our spearhead which will penetrate deep in MDPs bottom 

1- MDP uses 4 countries to atack Spain.
2- MDP wants a deal, but with no bônus to Spain, nice deal right?
3- MDP/MXC open the RW
And still MDP wants to play as victim and ask for honour? Give me a break and grow up like a man. Wash your face and act like a adult.
shame on MDP and in the writer of this article.

Yes Mexico started RW to gain initiative and they lost the RW without attacking Spain. Keep kidding yourself.

Lol. Please explain me where does it say that Spain opened the RW. Stop BS. That does not matter. Spain fought and disrespected ceasefire. Good luck and have fun. o7

First of all guys, please have the guts to say the truth and not come here to through this kind of filthy and cowardly lies.
A mexican player opened Canarias and started fighting since the 23:59 of that battle. Spain gave it s word to not send DoW while negotiation was on (and Spain lost intitative because of this, as part of what was agreed). Spain did not open the war of Canarias and it is not their responsability that a Mexican player tries to get more time there by opening a RW when he was not supposed to. Here are the SS:
First mexican fighting in the RW: http://prnt.sc/cs9xke
His medals after the RW is won:http://prnt.sc/cspzsn and http://prnt.sc/cspzuy
I think it is very low to come and do all this fake theater show, just because Spain didn t accept the insulting conditions that Portugal and Kinyas offered to them, when Spain lost nothing. Spain has managed to remain with the control of its cores till now, one month after this war began. Four countries against them, still Spain is complete and you guys come to insult them with shitty offers....like if they would have lost. Portugal is loosing, they have less colonies and less bonus. It is sad that your EGO is bigger than your brain, but that is your problem, not ours. So, do not come to lie about a Country that has showed to have the guts that you don t.


Just be honest kinyas. Show to the eWorld you are not a rage kid. You started the RW and threat spain to lose the RW and mexico get more time agains brazil. You have broken the deal.

Canary Islands RW is ended at 14:54:05 eRev time and here is SS at 14.53 eRev time: http://prntscr.com/csp20n / That player already had RH before CI RW ends so you can keep lies.

@K u r o g a n e: Here is a SS of the same player with that same RH medal BEFORE the RW of Spain was finished: http://prntscr.com/csp20n ... That is because that RH medal is from Cuban RW which finished minutes before. Have doubts? Check the time of the SS. But the issue is not who opened the RW. Is fighting when asked not to in order to respect ceasefire. And about NAP proposal: the NAP from Portugal was accepted by Spain and you know it. Stop running your mouth and diminish the work and endless hours that me and Galaico and other people put into that. All you can do is flame around. o7

I am wondering about the war mechanics in this game, as I am still learning. Does the President control when/where a RW is started or is it launched by anyone who pays money to start one (as in another game)? I wonder because it might affect how reliable peace agreements can be in regards to RWs if the countries administration does not directly control the start of RWs.

Shame. Spain have agreed talks and ceasefire. It is good to know here by comments which countries you should never make ceasefire with or trust. But it is kinda obvious since many already broke NAPs, lied or broken similar deals. Good to know who you can trust 

【What MDP does not say】https://www.erevollution.com/es/article/16128

joke alliance

Too much SS of same player with dif. time. Like you knew that somebody will make SS of him LOL.
Also RWs cant be PART OF ANY NAP, cuz you cant make rulls for players. If you say SPAIN dont go RW, CP and goverment will say MYB OK but what if some player dont want to listen MDP? Cuz of some players blame country... not only 1 player more then 1 but you are MDP just keep blaming others
Soon you will be all deleted o7

Ocelopilli opened the RW in Oriente | https://s13.postimg.org/n2ylvwv1z/b71806cc_1459_48e9_bfd5_0b39cbfc3427.jpg | Do not lie Spain.

Im still waiting a good reason that explain why Ocelopilli should open Oriente. And please be serious. Dont write escuses, like NAP or something like that... If you want to make a fake propaganda, at least do it trustable/believable 

In Mexico we don t play dirty, for that we always fight direct not making propaganda and crying about how bad people are the other side and i want see that krsta :d.

Mdp attacked with 4 country bla bla bla . In the past TRS/UNITy/WOLF attacked 3vs1 4vs2 2 vs1 How can you forget this 

Italian Scandal: The Real Reason behind the Spanish War https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/16132

voted o7


Oh my god?? 

MDP are dogs and liars, do not listen to the lies of these fools...

**ding ding ding** SHAME! **ding ding ding** SHAME!


Mexico open RW not Spain

Its not about this stupid RW opened in canary.... problem comes because your conditions are a joke. Because you dont sit on the table with spain as an equal, because you think you are walking in the path of truth, loyalty and justice and everyone else just have to sit and accept your conditions. No my darlings. NOT TODAY. And maybe we fall in a 4vs1, but that will not make you winner, but oppressors.

Why this NAP couldnt have started with: Ok spain, you really did well. WE WERE WRONG thinking we could just invade your country for no reason. So, as we were wrong, lets just stop the war for a few months, with no conditions and just get ready for a new one in the future! NOOOOOO You had to ask spain for a surrender, and you had to ask Spain for its territories. HAIL MDP ... Go and celebrate your incredible victory against --the spanish liars-- When you got us waiting 2 days for answer. Wanna give portugal 4-5 spanish regions when they didnt even win 1 battle.... And you are negociating with italian territories?..... You have no respect for the winner and that makes you really bad losers. I think NAP was good idea, but dont take us as fools, you are making this NAP your way because spain has his hands tied in a 4vs1, not because you ever win a battle against us. So now the problem of this dissagreement is that -----we/you opened---- a RW in canary?..... SURE. SURE IS THAT

I think MDP can do it much better. You presume to be one of the biggest and more powerful allies in the game, im not here to discuss that. But the thing that you cant stand that someone-something-any guy in the game-- can just move to Canary and open a RW and that will just block COMPLETELY your negotiations with a country and hours later you write an article, call us liars, and define our actions as ----horrendous, dishonest--- and furthermore you say ---condemn the actions of Spain and let those who will ever get in peace talks with them know, so that they can remember this--- ............ In fact, Im waiting you to say sorry for that. Do not speak with your mouth such wide open, and do not speak as everyone in spain is a liar,thief, or whatever.

MPD opens that RW, bastard xD

The usual. Not the first nor the second time they do that while negotiations are taking place.



It has been MDP has filed a false NAP before removing it, 4 Vs1 + Lies = 5 vs 1


RW should never be used as act of nothing, since anyone can t prove who started it. Use it just can mean two things: You just waited for an arbitrarial excuse to broke negotiations or you know that you were asking too much, so you just provoke it indirectly or directly.

uma vez taçardo, sempre taçardo.

put this SS http://prntscr.com/csyl8l

It s easy to put the guilt on someone else back. I read this article and I only want to say that the cease fire wasn t respected by Mexico. MDP should apologies rather than say Shame and make Spain looks dirtier than it is in reality... For a alliance with such level, shame on you !

kill them all


Spain has the right to do whatever the fuck they want since you cowards atacked them 4 on 1

Ocelopilli lies http://prnt.sc/ct2s11

Hail Spain

4 on 1, continuously lying and an arrogant treat, the only shame here is MDP

Ahahah 4vs1???? Where? I dont see 4vs1 in the battlefield.

This was a few days ago

koji ste vi debili u mdpu


Español e ingles mierdd@@

4V1 is honest ? nop so don t come cry when they play good 

Oh my god mdp people are stupid... where is 4v1? Seriously? Hmm maybe usa, portugal, mexico and italy

MDP is run by a 6 year old crew, isn t it?


HAIL spain!!!

Spain is doing a really good job together with their allies, instead of crying and lying MDP could learn a bit from them.