Објавено во Georgia - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 26 Jan 2016 08:43 - 3
მოგესალმებით ექართველებო
მინდა დავიწყო ინფორმაციით და მოგილოცოთ რომ ჩვენ ალიანსში ვართ. ეს კი იტალიის მთავრობის მიერ გავრცელებული სტატიაა რომელიც უცვლელად გადმოვიტანე. ცუდია 2 დღით ადრე რომ ვიგებთ ამას :/

"Big things have small beginnings.."
Greetings citizens of the eWorld,
we are pleased to inform you that in these days a new Alliance, E.A.G.L.E. is born.
Greece,Turkey,Croatia,Ukraine,Italy,BiH,Albania,Poland,Georgia,USA and Brazil are the founding members.
Following, you can see the internal organization and more details about the Alliance.

E.A.G.L.E.'s Cores,Members and Satelites
In order to make communications and internal organizations more fluid and fast, E.A.G.L.E.'s members have been divided in 3 categories after a democratic votation.
CORE MEMBERS: Greece - Turkey - Ukraine - Croatia
MEMBERS: Albania - BiH - Poland - Italy - Georgia - U.S.A. - Brazil
PRO-Eagle: Ireland - Portugal - France - Lithuania - Estonia
You are probably wondering the difference between these categories.. Here you go:
Core members - they can start the election for a new Chairman (SC), admitting/dismissing a country from the Alliance and VETO proposals.
Members - Countries accepted as full member with granted voice over alliance issues. They can vote for all alliance matters.
PRO-Eagle - Countries without any vote, but with voice over the alliance matters. They'll be defended by its members.

E.A.G.L.E.'s current HQ
SC - Supreme Commander: DarkWish
vSC - Deputy Supreme Commander: Abraham Lincoln
SoFA - Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Can Touch This
MC - Military Commander: overthebridge
PRO - Public Relations Officer: Inept Punisher

E.A.G.L.E.'s official IRC chan
Friendship and brotherhood between citizens is a very important matter in an Alliance, that's why an IRC channel has already been created in order to organize our damage: #eagle.public at Rizon.
All E.A.G.L.E.'s citizens are welcome

Only thing left I have to do is to greet you all.
Until next time,
Inept Punisher
on the behalf of:
Kyloren, CP of Greece
Baskan, CP of Turkey
Apostol, CP of Ukraine
nikksap, CP of Croatia
senaid007, CP of BiH
JetonGrenMan, CP of Albania
Inept Punisher, CP of Italy
PhorKillick, CP of Poland
BioHaze, CP of the US
PhantonBR, CP of Brazil
o/ HAIL E.A.G.L.E. o/
ამას სხვა ქვეყნების მთავრობისგან არ უნდა ვიგებდეთ. დიდი მინუსი საქართველოს მთავრობას.
მადლობა ShaKKinG-ს ინფორმაციისთვის
მინდა დავიწყო ინფორმაციით და მოგილოცოთ რომ ჩვენ ალიანსში ვართ. ეს კი იტალიის მთავრობის მიერ გავრცელებული სტატიაა რომელიც უცვლელად გადმოვიტანე. ცუდია 2 დღით ადრე რომ ვიგებთ ამას :/

"Big things have small beginnings.."
Greetings citizens of the eWorld,
we are pleased to inform you that in these days a new Alliance, E.A.G.L.E. is born.
Greece,Turkey,Croatia,Ukraine,Italy,BiH,Albania,Poland,Georgia,USA and Brazil are the founding members.
Following, you can see the internal organization and more details about the Alliance.

E.A.G.L.E.'s Cores,Members and Satelites
In order to make communications and internal organizations more fluid and fast, E.A.G.L.E.'s members have been divided in 3 categories after a democratic votation.
CORE MEMBERS: Greece - Turkey - Ukraine - Croatia
MEMBERS: Albania - BiH - Poland - Italy - Georgia - U.S.A. - Brazil
PRO-Eagle: Ireland - Portugal - France - Lithuania - Estonia
You are probably wondering the difference between these categories.. Here you go:
Core members - they can start the election for a new Chairman (SC), admitting/dismissing a country from the Alliance and VETO proposals.
Members - Countries accepted as full member with granted voice over alliance issues. They can vote for all alliance matters.
PRO-Eagle - Countries without any vote, but with voice over the alliance matters. They'll be defended by its members.

E.A.G.L.E.'s current HQ
SC - Supreme Commander: DarkWish
vSC - Deputy Supreme Commander: Abraham Lincoln
SoFA - Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Can Touch This
MC - Military Commander: overthebridge
PRO - Public Relations Officer: Inept Punisher

E.A.G.L.E.'s official IRC chan
Friendship and brotherhood between citizens is a very important matter in an Alliance, that's why an IRC channel has already been created in order to organize our damage: #eagle.public at Rizon.
All E.A.G.L.E.'s citizens are welcome

Only thing left I have to do is to greet you all.
Until next time,
Inept Punisher
on the behalf of:
Kyloren, CP of Greece
Baskan, CP of Turkey
Apostol, CP of Ukraine
nikksap, CP of Croatia
senaid007, CP of BiH
JetonGrenMan, CP of Albania
Inept Punisher, CP of Italy
PhorKillick, CP of Poland
BioHaze, CP of the US
PhantonBR, CP of Brazil
o/ HAIL E.A.G.L.E. o/
ამას სხვა ქვეყნების მთავრობისგან არ უნდა ვიგებდეთ. დიდი მინუსი საქართველოს მთავრობას.
მადლობა ShaKKinG-ს ინფორმაციისთვის
nadimi014Коментари (3)

2 დღით ადრე არა 2 დღით გვიან
მარა თუ სტატიებს აქტიურად კითხულობთ დადების თანავე გაიგებდით
მე ეს კაი ხანია ვიცი უკვე

ხო შემეშალა :დ უცხოურ სტატიებს არ ვკითხულობ იმიტომ რომ ვიცი თუ რამე აუცილებელია მთავრობა გაგვაგებინებდა მაგრამ ამიერიდან დავიწყებ წაკითხვას უსაქმური მთავრობა გვყოლია