Објавено во Paraguay - Анализа на војување - 30 Oct 2016 05:41 - 30

This IS a sponsored article! If you want one of these for your country, or any other statistic article, be sure to contact me, with an offer - the best offer get's the article :D
Thanks Itakyry for the 20g!
Without further ado, let's get right into it!

The paraguayan lation has a quite significant portion of the damage, almost half, but nothing surprising here: standard statistic.

As for the TOP 10 Tankers, Papu leads the damage stat, followed closely by HCorben. Other then those two you have two tiers of tankers, the top ones with 13% of the damage each, and the bottom ones, with 6%. Quite strong tankers all around.

The third MU is La OPNA with 1 Elite Tanker, and 5% of the damage.

For this graphich: Papu and HCorben both have the highest military rank, but HCorben has 1000 less strengh the Papu! Impressive economic stability, props! Other then these 2, the other tankers are all very close together, very compact.

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TopSecretEsseninSCAMAncestralThe FenixItakyryNaftaBattusai69Kevin Britosel EvansFranConejoКоментари (30)

Also, big thanks to Paraguay for the help given to Portugal on the last month! Cheers o7

This is a sponsored comment! 

as always, top article

Hail my best friends o7

Voted. Good fighters in Paraguay. 

Thks Paraguay!

hail paraguai

Don t mind @Biskvit, he is lying I didnt pay him (cmon man I told you not to say it)

Congratulations Paraguay! Felicitaciones =)

Felicitaciones @DaltonicD gran trabajo - Congraz god job!

Good article again o7

HC Pete :d

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4th Comment below : Best article o/ 


:v :s :c :e

Oh waoo, sali en la tele. Votado

Thank you bro. o7


Excellent!! o7

Good luck paraguay 


que buen articulo.. felicidades!!!

sali en la tele.. votado mas 25 francos canadienses

Muy bueno, pero los datos están 5 a 6 días desactualizados.

@FranConejo 4 días, lo siento pero no se puede hacer todo en el mismo día, yo estaba muy ocupado

Larissa Riquelme no esta en el top?

@DaltonicD Te entiendo, me suele pasar. A veces apenas me da el tiempo para conectarme.

Cuando haces un articulo sobre los tanques de la república de Luque?

Gracias Paraguay , grande !!