Објавено во Japan - Социјална интеракција и забава - 30 Oct 2016 15:18 - 12

After several hours of intense debating and discussion among Japanese leadership, and several more days of contemplating, Japan has made the decision to officially leave the Mutual Defense Pact alliance. It has been a great run, I learned a lot from my time in MDP, and we made many friends. I wish everyone the best and now look into the future path that Japan will take (the graveyard is like 3.5 kilometers away ). I can only hope that I'll stay friend with as many people as I can.
Moreover we saw the rise of this Empire, the Japan one. We only were alive to protect Taiwan. Being used as a protection belt. And this belt turned into a pive Empire which was nothing but a puppet. After the betrayal of the government (kisses to our beloved Nakituminayashi & Shiro) there was a mess : JSDF went full retard with laws, Shogun was having a good time watching anime and Amaterasu (as always) was to occupied being a dictatorship. The congolexicomatisation of the governement was our doom and so, the Japanese Empire turned to dust, because some es (I love you guys) decided to NOT accept the nuclearity of rollers. With that in mind, citizens that have nothing to do with the actual government decided that Japan was leaving this thing people called an "alliance", but which is more like the panty of a virgin : something beautiful but you want to take it of its place.
We shall never forget MDP o7 (in fact we should, and we will)
We will never forget everything you did for us. (Easy you did nothing)
I can remember how good you fought when Germany attacked us during summer. (Yep, that war cost you something like 10golds)
I can remember how good you cried when Germany signed a MPP with us two weeks ago. (We love German beer, sorry guys)
Thanks MDP for everything you did for us. (Nothing, so yeah I have room for you)
A random guy ping by watching the ruins of The Old Japan
Коментари (12)





Signed by Supreme Artisan and ex-Emperor of Ramen


By betrayal of the government, you mean betraying us? Who are you btw?

Así que la guerra termino?? ahora puedo seguir viendo mis animes tranquilamente

Should i say sorry we helped?

it takes small actions to achieve big things...in this case small letters o7

@hungrykevin you know that word MDP is not including TAIWAN, there is no MDP