Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 31 Oct 2016 11:14 - 6

We have all had a very busy last few days, alot of things have happened that has reshaped not only this eCountry, but also the fabric of our identity.
Yesterday our differences created a wedge, a difference, while before my last run many of my attempts were mocked or laughed at, the core message perhaps hidden too far for many to ascertain it. My core message was comradely, fellowship, and the processes to build it.
This time I shall hammer it as they say, our country needs to heal these battle wounds, not only as individuals but as a nation.
Here to help me with this is my good friend Hammer.

I am announcing my intention to run for Country President where I plan to Hammer in my goals of healing this amazing and awesome eCountry.
No great leader is truly ever alone these are the ones that will help me forge my presidency.
Hunburry - Tech
Nick - Doca Doca
Tricky - eco guy
Arith - Shield
Tancred - Lord of State
Talesweaver - Chief of Staff
Additional cabinet members will be announced as the race continues, I hope that together we can forge a greater and better efuture.
I would ask that if you have any questions to me let me know and I will get with you and gladly discuss it. :D
PalmerTantisarithКоментари (6)

Good luck competitor! I wish you luck in your campaign 07

I wonder of mister hammer is related to the ban hammer of justice?

Thats what I asked dk!

Should dk3dknight win, I d also like everyone to know that I will be taking on Selvaris as my Vice Secretary of State (Vice Lord of State). 07

Good Luck guys