So fystickated

Loving Pabl0 - Весник од Greece -
Cheater Elite

Објавено во Germany - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 03 Nov 2016 14:55 - 142

After far too long time of tickets pending without anyone actually do anything about that, it's time to see how Turk Elite advanced fast to Cheater Elite.
The way was simple. Sold accounts. Is account trading legal at this game? Obviously not. What do they request to apply penalties? Proof that an account was sold. These proofs were given but no action done. Therefor, I have to show that proof in public and request again my ticket to be closed one way or another. And clear us out is account trading is legal or not. It's no fun soeone to purchase an account for 200€ an account similar to yours that you have invested many times more money (you fool) on this. There we go:
this is player zahyst now
this is player Controller now

Question is, will someone do something about that ticket that's been pending for days?


PeakyDunciCimenBatuvoozRAF904komeng_sajaTyraelNairobiTopSecretDostiEnver PasaPatroklosCaptain Harlock

Коментари (142)

Hum. I should create a facebook account and text to someone that X account is for sale, price is Y. Get those SS, publish an article and claim that account X is sold. Nice logic, cry more.
fake facebook account. Cry
Fake account with rl photos? Erdogan has maybe banned Facebook also in Turkey
Exchanging, selling or buying any content of eRevollution(accounts, gold, items, currencies, companies etc) that is traded with anything in another game is forbidden and may result in a permanent ban (of all concerned accounts). This concerns trades involving real life money, real life objects, all eRevollution servers, votes on other games/sites, or any content from another game.
Cry. We are cheating and we are not getting banned you mean.
@kinyas you based your country on multis and bought accs, everyone knows that
i see ss with account link, but no ss when they are logged in acc. so i can make same ss with your account selling Laugh
This article is best crying activity i have ever seen. Bravo!
I know this scenario, he will put a bullet in his Brain after every failute attempt to save his @ss
Admins know truth Smile
ahah those accs had ukrainian owners so im sure that they are sold. and yes, noone will ban them :/
even newspappers are from Ukraine xD
Ktab you are funny Laugh
la kinyas hıyarı yine mi hile yapıyon xd
Ktap why man dont cry like baby you are 60 year old man and doing business like kids change your nick pls Kid is better from ktap Laugh
I think, say the lie words is haram (big sin) in islam. If you know the truth, please just be a quite, or you can be the infamous....
How many kebbabs did sandzak and aphophis gave for their accounts, sorry, how much euro did the gave in total, i see for this one, what about for second one
@Inarius big like
my friend wili has been banned permanently, but his buyers roams free
my friend lost thousands helics and foods.
Fake Facebook!!
i dont know how to say this, but how u fight ur enemies, ktab, with this kind of thing is really bad. if u want to defeat turk, after u got wipe, just fight in real battle, why u should take admin in to it?
I have a list of purchased accounts Cheeky
is that real?? oh.. its just someone who use dirty job to fight the enemies..
my friend ask me to delete my comment. 300 Golds. then i will delete it
It s funny how turks trying to denied this. Even birds knows that these accounts are sold.
Merdo nun son sözü bu olsun.
To all butthurt above. Including you Sandzak (I am sorry that you miss the frame in my article but I still searching proofs on your purchase), when you play DIRTY do not expect to get away with it. I will expose all your filth in public since game moderators do nothing else than provoking players ingame with *long memories* and bs like that.
Wow I never expected Turks to cheat...
Turkey you play DIRTY!!!
No one can pass vist in cheat xD
Well done Ktab. Now only thing that i would change here (if i ware you), is that while in game i hold no love for turkey, fact is that they didnt invent account trading, and its done reguardless on what nationality players or accounts are. Fact is that those who did change accounts did iligal stuff and by rules of game should get perma-ban. As players we are all citizens of e Revolution and we should unite on that matter. But most of all it would be interesting to see what admin has to say to that if they will comment at all. On top of that to all this who said its fake.. there is simple way to check.. IP address.. But i can bet in 100g that admins wont punish account trading, unless account is small or never bought gold. Stuff like that are just one of reasons why there is many players who can buy gold wont do it or wont do it again (in my case).
Turks dont cheat cause Grey Gas said so
Hello Artemis Matsas!
i will create fb account and must sell ur acc :3
Hello Georgian. No need you people already have a fb group for account trading. Who else could but you?
@mushavin, and will you than log in to Ktabs acc, change name and start tell him to move his house and live in turkey or somewhere else, just for all of it to match?? As it can be seen with this accounts in question.
Probably a Ukrainian that realized he was turkish at heart in the middle of his eRevollution adventure. There is no need to be upset !
Also changed his real citizenship and moved to turkey. Learned turkish better than half of turkey. finally he become cp, pm and whatever in e-tr. Cool story bro.
@kinsc, well thats the thing.. So many imo smart players are talking like biggest idiots here, about FB is not prof, like that it cant be checked in other ways. I would expect from guys like Kinyas or Deadly to be smarter than what they wrote in their comment. So its ether they think that rest of us are stupid, or they are not brightest them selfs.
Cry more
Ktab you seem to start getting desperate now Cheeky
Türkçe anlayanlar için AĞLA!! Ktab için CRY CRY Smile
Take care, you can get a banhammer for this...
Sandzak wait for your turn. It will eventually come. You may also not get banned due to incredible tolerance from administration in breaking the rules, but at least all people will know who you really are. Noobs that think they are tanks just because they bought a strong account
ktab You do not know what to do when you lose. You attack everywhere. You write unnecessary things. Only you and your friends will believe this. Play game, play in game. You can not win out of game.
Why did you erase your comment? Post it so it s clear to all that i may have touched these screenshots. The ones that participated know they are authentic. And play such a game where rules are applied selectively to people thank you but no. This game is a game i will not play
only people who actually have something to hide are writing cry etc due to fact that they cant really wright anything in their defense or defense of players in question. What it does it just shows how undeveloped intellectually they are... thats all
cry turk ! cry moar !
Topsecret , photoshop can do all this things
i just want to ask Nyx Ulric and Kizagan to write 1 article on Ukarine Language without someone help Laugh
tbh i am not against selling erev accs let me explain why.... 1) its players property and he can do whatever he wants... where is property there is always selling/buying system 2)if player decided to leave game, or it become boring for him just leaving acc is a probebly praising.. after the time he spent playing this game at least he can earn som money... 3)when acc owner just leaves, game lost active account and player its very sad... for example antoine renard... i d better see his sold acc fighting on the battlefield then abandoned like it is now...and this happens when it was one of the best account in this game... 3)also i want to remind previous game, there was also forbiden account purchasing but we all know that every day tenth of accs was bought/sold ... morever there was trading groups on facebook where hundreds, even Thousand people was registered 4)account trading is a chance for weak countries to get stronger...for example if admins add new country, how can they achive something without buying strong accs? or you think that 7000 str gap is easy to eliminate? 5) please dont tell me that turkey is strong only because of this 2 accs and invictuss failed because of this 2 should find reasons mostly in you and your forign affear policy... 6) in the end, at least if you are blaming someone balem not only them, also others too...blame all acc buyers.... and btw please start from germany next time, because i know some people from germany who bought accs too... and you know them very well too..soooo dont be onlu one sided if you really talk about justice!!!! p.s. pesronaly i think that acc trading should be legal and thats all!!!
If they put rule you cant buy acc so all who bought should get ban. And Visit is baned because rules Laugh
hmm if any1 is interested to see this fake facebook you can ask me anyway + Kid would say more interesting arguments that you all turks Cheeky That s fact you bought accounts and get imunity with investing money ingame. It s in rules that selling and buying is prohibited. WTF are you talking about ? One quetion to you all : Why is BATASHA banned ? And when you get answer of this quetion you will be able to understand why there is no justice Cheeky
How can they buy account via paypal. Paypal stopped services in Turkey at June, doesnt work for Turkey. We cant buy golds in game either.
@mushavin, so you are saying photoshop can make someone to change IP adress, move country etc in RL?? Did you even read article or any comment or you are just bit slow or acting as that?
It s so easy for Admins to verify or not. But when $$ get in middle , they just ignore.
@imperious, so you are saying there is no other way to pay for anything outside of turkey nor within??
@TopSecret no i am saying that they are talking about paypal in the ss, but paypal doesnt work in Turkey. And i saw the real fb account in ss, he is not even Turkish.
the evidence is that account was for sale. It s all that they ask. Batasha was banned for a comment regarding that he would sell account, even if he didn t
Havent you put a bullet in your head already.
Imperius, but you know that aphopis and sandzak have bought that accounts
Old story, i have reported 3-4 in time, but the admins do nothing. On erevollution you can play with purchased account, this part of the rule is useless.
Good news, if ***** players are not attached to this rule i buy some strong accounts soon
Yes fric vist banned but rules are changed Smile
@imperious, just to clear something , my first comment was that its not only that turks buy/sell accounts and we shouldnt look at it with view that only turks are breaking rules. We are all ahead of anything citizens of revolution, and as such we should only divide our selfs in 2 groups players who break rules and one who play by them. And to investigate screenshot from FB it would take just few min to check IP address, before FB date and IP address few weeks after that post was made on FB. If address is changed and its more than likely that it was due to breach of rules and adequate action should be taken.
ktab is a great sherlock holmes Smile
ofc its not only turks or inspection moved to brazil...hmmmm
I wonder why you only mention about Turkey? Why not among your own leads and allies? Or even batasha? You just see or find things where you want to see them. Also I don t think this article is even allowed. Another troll-article from your leads?
I don t care about turks , this is only game where we play by rules and we all want others to do this. Well look @jimmy , you invested a lot in this game. more than 500 euros I think. And they got strong account like you with strong bussiness only for less than 200 euros. @imperius why don t you think that I can send my money to seller with other sources ? Only paypal is way to transfer your money ? See what s true and not only what you want to see Cheeky
As a turkish from denmark, i really assure you that people from crew of kinyas are buying accounts.
OMG, Patton (Inspection) didnt even bother to delete Ukrainian articles that Inspection wrote.
Losers hate us Sad(
paypal doesnt work in Turkey
Since you talk about rules not being respected, how comes the_passangers getting free raw daily (a lot more then he paid for investition) was not counting as account boosting ... the hypocrisy here ...
@solar we dont hate you, we hate the way you play this game Sad
Ktab, the truth is, you are just a weak CP, who lose everything. Go from this place and let someone else to try to erase your mistakes. You are just a tank, you don t have a brain of politician. Your only power is your VISA card. Congrats MDP, your victory is not less clean, then a the vict ory of Germany over Japan! Don t lose your time on this stupid article.
Princ Eugen you are not very bright, are you?
Now that it does not work, we can go back to play.
I wonder how come some players that many of us thought are respectable members of community can defend someone who is in obvious breach of rules? Is it because Ktab highlighted in his article players that are fighting for their side, so they are missing bit picture here ?? Not only turks have traded accounts, but i see only turks and their allies defending account trading.. So to all that justified this breach of rules, do you defend it just because those accounts fight on your side or you truly believe that its alright to break rules without being punished for that?
List of yourself failures: 1 your e-wife left you and goes to other country, 2. Your alliance MDP overthrown you for a place of SC, 3. Your original country, Greece is sick of your leadership, 4. You destroyed your new country, Germany, 5. Now you are looking for a new country to accept you, but nobody is stupid enough to allow you to perform TO, and destroy it like Germany.... Should I continue? Go hide yourself, this is the embarrassing, even for you. Let the MDP enjoy the victory, your decadent and corrupted Germany is complete failure.
Prince Eugen, i wonder whose multi are you xD
Agoria, I know that you are multi account of Peaky. Well played, excellent brothers role play. But even Peaky makes mistakes LOL
Oh shisui, how many acc you have lol
@prince please continue, and even if what ever you said about Ktab would be truth, how is that in any way connected to people cheating and breaking rules of game??
Not very bright indeed xD
so funny to see a CB player crying
Somebody needs enlightenment here Kiss How many multi accounts have you in Germany? Pathetic, indeed...
@prince , for example you??
TopSecret, please stop be enjoying. Buying accounts was invented in Germany, making multi accounts become perfection, after first several failures, like permanent ban for former CP Fric, multi account of DejanNK. Admin even allow DehanNK to pay with gold and unban this account. You can t kill the truth with this selective approach in the article. Germany is synonym for cheating, and their CP is complaining about cheating in the game. So, stop acting and pretending here, the truth is, when admin stops babysitting your pathetic country, you are losing everything in the game .
So, you miss Shisui so much? Maybe you should ask him to come back in the game? Haha haha Since now, every player who is telling the truth and exposes your spin and lying is Shisui? Maybe, there will be Shisui medal Wink Agoria, why you got temporarily ban, and why mods erased your companies? Because you are cheater?
@princ or shisui uchiha samo jedno da ti kazem hahahahahahahahhahahahahah
shisui imas moj skajp i kad ti nesto smeta obratis mi se direktno a ne da pravis multi naloge i prozivas tu preko novina Wink
@Prince aka, shisui,aka levi, aka mikasa, aka onoda,aka ......, damnit you caught me, but you get one thing wrong, where Ktab is going, whole country will follow
Go out of the game, or stop complaining. You should become a moderator, Peaky, so you can prove this.. or apologize. At least you can protect your multi and Dejan s multi accounts. Now, stop crying, continue playing or find a new game for your little, cute group of perfect players-losers. It s enough for today Smile
The friend of a friend almost bought that account, but the seller did not want to give him the password of the mail. And so he decided not trust. I have friends that wasted 1000 euro at store and are smaller than that account Surprised
@princ you said selective yet you are one who is selecting and picking at players that you think have broke rules. Here is simple question that even you can understand, do you approve of account trading or not?? so yes or no.
Is it still opened? Surprised That could be cool if they can make an effort putting the multis down wherever they are
Ask admin, Top Secret. If there was moderators, who got or buy accounts, why this should be forbidden to other players? Those who complaining, know about this, but they remain silent about this, because this helps Germany to rise the power! Read again, they was first who started cheating on the large scale, and now they are asking for justice??? No, no, no, they are just trying to hide own incompetence. Let them explain, why Germany become one of the most hated country? They become arrogant, and selfish, betrayed allies and taking care only about their interest.
Princ Eugen, cheater. Open a ticket and report me of anything you may wish since you believe that i started cheating on a large scale. Be my guest. That of course will not mean that you will become brighter. Just an ignorant fool like your words say you are.
You are just lying, ktab, you are incompetent even to cheat. But you know the truth, and you now who is cheating, among your Germans friend. But you didn t report anyone, of them. So stop complaining. I will be CP of Germany, and show you what is CPs duty, and how should be done. So, relax, grab the pen and notebook, and start learning. You even are not familiar with the basically of diplomacy! Your incompetence is the main reason for collapse of Germany!
Ktab, he is shisui, he sold his account called levi, we expeled him from Germany, do you remember that? also everyone will agree that Germany is one of most trusted allies in last 30 days. I never opened ticket for you shisui and I wont,I am enjoining to much telling people your lies
I know peaky, i understood from the low level insults, little higher that the level of his brains Smile
Now being honest, i couldnt care less if germany have 0 or 30 regions, if it is deleted or propserous. What i find very amusing tho is how ktab is calling everyone who have a different opinion/argument than him either idiot, ignorant, not bright, drunk etc. Basically is him having such a good opinion about himself, feeling so superior without proving anything in reality, that everyone else around him must be 100% idiots. Like is impossible for him to be ever wrong, he is always right about any matter and whoever disagree with anything he say is just useless Smile This arrogance was the downfall of eGermany but will germany ever realize this?
You are just lying, ktab, you are incompetent even to cheat. But you know the truth, and you now who is cheating, among your Germans friend. But you didn t report anyone, of them. So stop complaining. I will be CP of Germany, and show you what is CPs duty, and how should be done. So, relax, grab the pen and notebook, and start learning. You even are not familiar with the basically of diplomacy! Your incompetence is the main reason for collapse of Germany!
Princ Eugen the main reason for Germany*s downfall was a guy named shisui. But do not worry we will never let him deal again with Germany.
shisui, you wont get Germany CS ever, as long as I play, and I just have started to play
So, only one player, Shisui, was able to bring down whole country? How pathetic you are... And this player even left the game LOL What is this, a DEAD HAND ? Let Shisui rest in peace, or you will be eternal prisoner of this paranoia. According to Germans history, this was a CP of Germany, one of the players who helped Germany to rise, from insignificant country to respected ally. And what is your achievement, ktab? Disaster of Germany! You are the one who never should be accepted in Germany. Nobody like Germany anymore, because of your arrogance. The true power in the game is not amount of damage, it is a true friendship. But I highly doubt that you know what a true friendship is. You are just using your VISA as the magic answer for everything. Well, it isnt
@prince, question was simple and clear enough that it seams its not simple enough for you. I will try again.. Do you or do you not support account trading, YES or NO.. And regardless who did it, do you think that rules should be informed by admins? What you are saying is like if Hitler could say about genocide in WW2, but British did it in India before me, or Turks did it in Armenia.. so its justified ?? this is basically what you are saying just applied to real world events..
@TopSecret, he dont give a s++t about question, he is simply trolling, you know shisui, he always played with at least 5-6 accounts, I wont tell how he is playing and I wont report it, but if any mod will ask me how, I will tell them
@Peaky, i dont know who is that, probably some 7-8y old kid or some really special person judging by his inability to answer most simple question.
ktab just want his article go to the 1st top article.. its done now, everyone can go home and sleep now..
@Top Secret you are the one unable to understand. It is irrelevant what I think, and read it again I DON T CARE IF SOMEONE BUY ACCOUNT.Why?Because... what is important, my opinion or opinion of admin. Now you grow up and try to understand what is going on. If you are ready to invest enough money, everything is possible,because admin has a special rule, everything is allowed if he decide so. But you know it, and this was not an issue when you got the benefits. But,when you start losing,you started also crying and asking for justice.This is just an example of your hypocrisy.
bananaaaaa Laugh
ukraine had 20 accounts from top 100. and after ban of vist they threat and left a game and so what do you think where this accounts gone? of course sold. and that is ok Wink what did you expect? you wanted to loose that top accounts? admins do not want. . .
Let me clear this, as i was a ticket handler so you submit a ticket on 18th of Sep, the ticket was responded on the same day which requires some solid evidence against the allegation .. now you responded back on that ticket on 30th October ... means it took you 42+ days to respond on the ticket, today is 5th November sure it will take some time for us too. So sit tight and be calm you are not the only one around whom need to be attended.
St0l3n i said pending for days not weeks. It s clear. Also i added this info to the ticket 1 week after admin got them in his hands. So want me to tell you the result from now? Also it doesn t matter when i provided the evidences, i did it when i found it
Don t worry ktab, you will have my attention Wink It is time for you to start learning, I am opening the school for you and other losers from Germany :p
Cry more pls its so good
@princ so if you dont care, why are you trying so hard to justify it??
Ahahaha yine mi turqolar
Because... admin pays me to do this LOL with the RL money, ofc...the money got of ktab LOL x 2
Your second link for controller is not correct. Its another person.
nope, all links are correct
ko vam je kriv što ne jidete kebabe
paying 180€ for this shit game is mental you people have more money than brains
@ktab, yes, sorry. I thought about inspection acc another ukrainian who sold his acc
@Ktab that was exactly the point that it was a 42 days delay of your respond and as it is not absolute that it will be responded quickly, so far we did manage to get all the tickets on daily basis however some of them do required internal investigation the chat you posted is not held in game messages it was some FB chat screen shots, which again doesn t hold a strong ground against the case.
@stolen, so you are saying that you couldn t do simple check on players IP address before that FB screenshot and after?? For example if i suddenly move to Pakistan from Ireland, and some FB screenshot said that i was selling account, you wouldn t find it bit suspicious?? And about 43 days for ticket?? I had before ticket sent non-related to this (it was personal question), and i can say answer was quick and support was great. So im sorry if i dont believe you that suddenly from great support, that was answering with it day or 2 you couldn t answer simple ticket for month and half...
TopSecret the initial ticket was closed due to lack of evidences that accounts were on sale. I reopened the ticket 7 days ago when i added the fb dialogs screenshots. Still 7 days are too much indeed to simply connect some dots
Noneone new player are not interested to buy some browser game account for 200eur. For 200eur you can own yourself game with india coders. And your screwns can maded everyone why now css basics. Max what you can sell these acounts are 10-20eur. Because this game grow after spaming in brousers games like ... after new updates i think go away like are my all supliers and comanders in Mu in USA. I not a jew to run somewhere to build somthing. Fck the system with venndenta. P.s. Only one wrong thing in colocoust,they dont finish it... By vooz,dont try change shit. It start smell more. Dear owner make some age limit for 12 years game admins who spend parrenta cash. Xyi na nix! Ždraste! Hello!
@TopSecret i said ktab evidence doesn t hold the strong ground i didn t mention anything about my investigation, don t get it wrong the IP tracks and many more things are the core investigation area on this however it can never lead you the conclusion that account had been sold, it can be concluded in many other ways. TOP of that i recently read logs for another ban user making deal on FB account however that chat was much more clear in the term of evidence as it contains every thing in it which is required for a new account owner to have it.
Let admins and moderators do their work, and stop distribution of your irrelevant lessons. Moderators are choosen wisely, among the many candidates. They deserve our trust, and they are working hard, so don t underestimate them! After all, the most suspicious in this case is your timing. If Germany wins the war, you wouldnt write this article. After all, it is obvious that this is terrible attempt to justify crashing defeat of Germany in this catastrophic war. Think again, why this war starred? Because of your arrogance and incompetence, ktab. You fail to understand eRevollutions worlds diplomacy, and this was a reason why Germany get involved in a war, they couldn t win. You are not crying, you are screaming now!,Try to show some dignity and stop this pointless arguing. Even your associates in Germany buy their accounts, but you don t want to investigate this. So, finally, shut up or left the game. You will be not the first one, or a last one.
@Stolen, thanks for bit clearer explanation, but unfortunately it just add more clarify what i mean is that if game is open to abuse/chats or double standards with in player base, that game dont have bright future. I will hope for the best o7
Coming soon in * So fystickated * Why I am leaving the Game? ---- powered by ktab.... Wink