Објавено во Poland - Анализа на војување - 04 Nov 2016 14:19 - 56




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respect o7

Proud of what, of your battle? your dmg? be sure you will never be safe, till the end of this server! Gott mit uns o/

@Agoria. We are always safe with our fanaticism and true friends! Where is Your Gott now? Where are You? 

RIP Germany

Thanks for Allies and Friends , Respect both side o7

I still remember what they told you in the begining of this campaign. Here we are. We will always be there, they can keep their empty threats. Great job Poland o7


We did it together o7

hail Kinyas o7

you did it with 4 DoWs, i wouldnt be proud about that, but afterall thats you guys

@Agoria, true nec Hercules contra plures. But we have done this together, even without any alliance. Poland dont defeat You, our friends help us to do this, and we help them in other battles, thats how it works. Still huge respect, Hail Germany! o7

@giovinco10 do you here yourself talking, without any alliance? lol, but that is exactly what i am talking about, your friends and you needed 4 DoWs to defeat us, and you tanked hard, at least admins are the real winners here, glad that this war made a few good bucks for them o/

@Agoria, You just cant understand difference between alliance and friendship. We dont need alliance to be friends. MDP is over, same as Invictus. Where are Yours friends? Why dont they help You? The real power is not bucks (I dont spend any on this game), admins, or even alliances cuz they can fall. The real power is true friendship.

Bravo guys 

I po tęczy 

Tak trochę kulawo brzmi, ale zajawka jest xd

ahaha at least your friendly soldiers already sold their watches xD http://prntscr.com/d36xqq

Poetą nie będę

Picture of communist flag edited with nothing to do with communism nations is pure insult to all left wing people. Remove it , dont embarrass yourself.

@giovinco10 Obviously you dont get it, i will try to simplify this, will you go 1v1 with us?

@vooz, they gave them to Sturmmann to pay for DMG, as a gift ofc 

@Satanas, I dont have any respect for left wing people after Stalin and Mao shit.
@Agoria, nope we dont need to. Its like old fart want to 1vs1 a babe, but babe have a lots of old brother and old fart is cryin now 

@giovinco I have any respect left for polish people ,after sign up in League of Legends. Although I try not to be preoccupied.

@Satanas, I dont play LoL, hope You arent thinking all polish ppl are like LoL players. You act disrespectful for every polish fella after sing up in LoL?

@Agoria i hope one day you will learn that is a strategy game, simulation of RL. Poland will not have to deal with u 1vs1. But if we won t use our brains for a while and argue about 1vs1 thing, can you go 1vs1 with Turkey? of course you cant.

Hail Poland o/ !


Funny thing, u loosers from Germany. My CP is anwering for ur stupid comments after his art. I think he shouldnt do this cuz u cry like little kids. Stop this, dont bother my CP, try to win another battle. If u cant do this stop writing those stupid things about politics or league of legends. @Satanas ill bet ur stupid bronzie and cry after every game. Like u r doing in erev. GL noob on sumoners rift.

Germany - fake country , no Germany players in Germany, sad...

Germany - fake country , no Germany players in Germany, sad... x2


Almoust every eGerman players are Brazilian.
what an epic battle indeed.

voted o7

@Imperius well , this is tough quetion and I want to ask my teacher if he can give some math lessons to you for free ...

Poland- puppet country, was and always will be, sad... x3

sad to see the brazilian flag

@Agoria, every small country who play with Turks is puppet?
@LoboRojo, we glad for every DMG, and They do nice job in battles in Canada so we want to thanks them too 


@loborojo , it happened cause of political things. It was not brazil who entered against germany, it was germany that, first, went against brazil, it started in the shadows, but from the beggining it felt like we werent welcome in invictus. There was nothing left to do, but true friend of ours will never be left behind.
We have lots of true allies, argentina is one of them, i can t see myself fighting against them, there is croatia and serbia too, all friends, no matter in wich side all this guys are, croatia, argentina, serbia.... and some others, they will be aways in our heart

When both of the top 1 players are bulgarian 😎

Hail Macedonia and a picture of colorful protests that had no other goal but to destabilize the country? Smh



HAHAHA in before last picture Georgian Kantaria raises soviet flag Raixstag to celebrate take of Berlin :d

nice article


@GIGA yeah , In game Georgia did it only with 9 mil