Објавено во Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Анализа на војување - 05 Nov 2016 05:46 - 26

Hello everyone, I hope you're having a wonderful day, in this article i would like to present you with the top 10 tankers in Macedonia, enjoy!

The top 10 true patriot tankers almost make half of the damage combined

The top 10 top fighters have dealt more damaged combined than the rest of the lation

Pentito is currently leading with the most strength in Macedonia

Here you can see out of 6 Military units in Macedonian, Macedonian army is not only the strongest in our country but in the world!
PS. Eating pastrmajlija - Bojan koloren 100% :D quote from ATEHTATOPOT
Thank you,

MihaTwisterJuggernautATEHTATOPOTResident EvilcakiMKKahramanMKKahramanMKKahramanMKINZIRКоментари (26)

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17521 TOP 10 MACEDONIAN TANKERS

s+v nice article o7

@camel soft thank you!


no sharingan no vote


I have more str 

Macedonia doesn t have tankers because Macedonia doesn t have a sea

v c

Macedonia does have a see but currently is occupied by greece


Ме има мене има воте о/

a v good job!!! congratz!!!


Hail Greece!!! Macedonia? I know ONLY FYRoM as a country!


num. 1
o7 (u sila)

a kaj sum jas
Nema vote

@petros2 go home you re drunk

you mean fyromians

Mozoce, very nice article. Since you decided to break it down to regional, please give us the statistics for the Thracians, the Epirots, the Thessalians, the Cretans and the Athenians as well..

el Fyromico please tell us the story of how Richardofski the Lionheart was Fyromian and was appropriated by the English..

WHERE IS EXXTRA? Well, yours article is cool too.

You aren t Macedonians , you are Slavs
Deal with it