Објавено во Croatia - Политички дебати и анализи - 11 Nov 2016 05:34 - 21
Ovaj mjesec ponovno sam preuzeo dužnost MoFE i prestavim nas ostalim drzavama u najboljem svjetlu i nadam se da to radim dobro. Pokrecemo “ambasador projekt” i svi koji su zeljni otici u bilo koju drugu drzavu ili doci u našu, malo se sastati sa njihovim igracima i vidjeti njihova razmisljanja igranje obicaje o drzavi itd. Neka se jave slobodno meni porukom, ili ako se zelite ukljuciti u rad MoFA ureda.Uvjet za isto je dobro poznavanje Engleskog jezika u pismu.
Poslali smo vec drugi mjesec za r svim drzavama cestitke na novoj vladi i CP-u, te ih pozvali na nas Discord kanal, te vas ljubazno molim da se prema svim igracima ljubazno ponasate i bez bespotrebnih vrijeđanja i omalovažavanja. Nadam se da ce ovo postati praksa iako je odaziv na iste poruke poprilicno mali ali vidljiv je porast u odnosu na prosli mjesec.
Radimo na potpisivanju i građenju odnosa sa novim saveznicima vam “balkanskog kostura” te se nadam pozitivnom odazivu i sklapanju novih prijateljstava. Isto tako jako je bitno napomenuti da smo mi jaki koliko i nas svaki saveznik te da je dosta bitno pomoci savezniku u nevolji.
Trenutno smo krenuli u napad na Italiju i uzeti 3 regije koje smo dogovorili sa talijanima da cemo rentati za 100% food bonusa, i nakon toga taj rat zavrsava.Mi cemo Talijanima dati q5 bolnicu za uzvrat za regije: Firuli-Venezija Giulia, Vento, Trentino-South Tyrol
Ostali saveznici ce podjeliti ostale resurse u Italiji te je od velike vaznosti, uz obranu od Turskih napada, pomoci u njihovim osvajanjima.
Sto se tice novosti iz svijeta suskalo se kako se osniva novi MDP v2 savez koji bi cinile drzave:Turska, Iran, USA, Indonezija, POljska, Taiwan, Francuska, Albanija, Bugarska, Makedonija, Rumunjska, Gruzija. Nista jos nije sigurno 100% ali o tome se suska vec nekoliko dana a vidimo da se nitko od tih drzava na ktabov clanak nije bunio.
U iducem clanku nadam se da cu uhvatiti malo vise vremena i da ce se javiti dosta igraca za pomoc, da obogatimo clanak nekim intervijuima i analizom drzava u svijetu.Bilo kakva pomoc ili prijedlog su dobrodosli i svakako mi se mozete javiti.
S poštovanjem
MoFA ured.
Isprike za typos
This month i’m again elected to be MoFA for Croatia, and represent us to other countries in best way, and i hope i’m doing it fair and good. We are opening “ambasador project” and all players from Croatia witch want to go in other country socialize with other lation and see how is government/country works and learn something about them to represent it in Croatia fell free to contact me. Also all players outside Croatia who want to come here to see and learn something about us don’t hesitate to contact me. Only thing which is required is goodwill and knowing English language.
This month, like last one, we send congrats to alll countries for elected new CP and government, also we represented our government and contacts. We invited them to join our Discord channel too, i’m asking you kindly to speak like normal persons without insults and degradation other players. I hope that this will be practice for every month by every new elected CP/MoFA although only few countries reply to our message, but i hope every month that more countries will reply.
We are working on signing and building relationships with new allies outside “balcanic skeleton” and we are hoping on positive reactions and making new friendships. Also there is important thing to say that we are strong as much as our weakest friend or ally , so we have to and we will help our every ally or friend in trouble.
As you see we attacked Italy to take 3 regions which we agreed with them to rent for 100% food bonus, after that war is over.In advance for renting regions we will give q5 hospital to for regions: Firuli-Venezija Giulia, Vento, Trentno-South Tyrl.
Rest of our friends and ally will take Italian resources and we have to help them to archive their plans for conquest and defend us from Turkey.
There is no big news from world, there were rumors about new alliance “MDP v2” with alomoust same countries: Turkey, Iran, USA, Indonesia, Poland, Taiwan, France, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Georgia. Nothing is official but rumors are here for few day already and we se that noone of those countries didn’t complained on ktabs article
In next article i hope that me and my deputy will get some help and new players in our MoFA team, so we could have more time to write bigger article about situation in world and few interviews from our ambasadors. If you have any proposal to me or you want to help, please feel free to contact me.
Best Regards
MoFA office.
Sorry for typos
PolarB34rPolarB34rPolarB34rDa VinciassecoopsyenКоментари (21)


njab 


nabo jab


toooo njabe 


Bravo Tovare o7

koja je razlika između MDP i MDP v2 






dante tovare tisi jedno magare 


svaka čast

a kaj je to MDP?



https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17968 izasa je novi patch za MDP,ukljuceni su svi transferi i stavljene nove grafike,na vama je da odaberete klub i osvajate prvenstvo...
