Објавено во France - Анализа на војување - 12 Nov 2016 11:27 - 43

Hi there. Few weeks ago i decided to gather data about strongest countries in term of citizen strength and see which are the top countries in term of Damage Potential. All data was collected with ~30 minutes before the end of each XII Challenge (and also day change) to make this analysis as accurate as possible.
The statistics for top 60 players was made for in-game period of day 284-294 and day 294-305 while for top 100 players the data is just for game period Day 294-305. In future I will probably stop doing top 60 and just keep doing top 100.
The parameters analyzed are the ranking evolution (from 1st to 9th), total strength of first 60 or 100 citizens of the given country, average strength/player and the daily average change/player of the chosen countries. The most important ones are the last two columns since they show the present damage potential and how fast a country is growing in term of strength.
The data are presented below:

Notes: Without CS change, if all top 100 players would train in both maxed workout areas and complete both permanent events (XII Damage and Pport stamp) they could gain a maximum of 37,7 strength/day. So the closer to this value (or even higher), the better.
Looking at all the tables we see Serbia ranking 1st in both top 60 and top 100 players followed by France in 2nd and Turkey is on 3rd place while the 4th-9th positions suffered some modifications.
Talking just about top 100 ranking (Day 294 - 305) we can see how Macedonia and Croatia switched places 4th and 5th, which makes sense since on average each MKD player had a +37,9 str/day growth compared to just +27,5 str/day growth of the croatian player. Also we can notice Iran, Romania and Hungary all gaining one position and the main cause of this was the recent fall of Germany strength, having a -49,1 str/day which means just one thing: many citizens left eGermany and changed CS for another country.
Best progress in average strength/player for past 11 days were by Macedonia(+37,9), Serbia(+37,1) and Turkey(+34). Worst performance was made by Hungary(+28,4), Croatia(+27,5) and Germany(-49,1).
Notes2: Starting with next analysis Bulgaria will be included. Also this article does not cover the real tanking power or economic development of the current countries, it just shows the raw strength of top 9 countries.
If you think there are any stronger countries that should be included you can post your suggestions in comments.
Have a nice day!
no0bsailbotGrey WindDepegenImparaTSCAMItsColourBattleHeroKinyasHeIiosshegitrevarotAnthraXCEHATOPOTER0senseiI am doneJoanidGibesevenRothbartКоментари (43)

good article o/



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No Czech R. No vote
we have 2 top 50 players

@Mister No You might have 2 top players, but after top 20 all your citizens are below 200 strength and inactives ... gather more active players or adding Czech R would not make sense sorry 

Well prepared.

Good article o7


Voted o7


v+s =)


incorrect map

@TopSecret Germany should be deleted?

o7 Votado

Hail projet biscotto ô7

Incorrect Map Incorrect Country name

We moved all our strongest players on Kosovo 

where am i? i m top 60 by strng

Incorrect map!

great job


incorrect map

Косово је срце Србије !

Kosovo is heart of Srbija !


Good article+1 Incorrect map+1 Must be written Fake Germany
this creature is just a shame for a real Germany 

Кosovo and Metohija???

New game more fun: https:// /DQKdZs

Fyrom is the name! Remember that name!

Macedonia its only one and this is Greek!