Објавено во Iran - Социјална интеракција и забава - 18 Nov 2016 23:47 - 23

More time ago i sent emails to admin for last version of language for translate to persian.
I wait 1-2 weeks for that and do not see any answer !!!
My friends told me , put a topic in forum and get fast answer
I sent a topic in forum about my question
http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?topic=156.0+12 Like and ...
Where is Admin ?
After my topic , i saw Mohammad no0bsailbot topic about one granite in asia and new way to ...
http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?topic=159.0+21 Like and ...
and really where is Admin ?
I see two theory now :
1- admin is tired and leave us (maybe)
2- admin do not like us (maybe iranian players)
We Miss You :(
Please Return To Game And Do'nt Forget Us
We Love You :(
HaveANiceDaymohamad reza123ZX2016Giovanno69Panzer AcerendrendrendrendrendrendsevenTHEGUYtakparAvicennaAvicennaKing ElessarnakituminayashiHulkingNomerciNomerciNomerciNomerciRomySinan SakicdaniyegHaveANiceDayКоментари (23)

give your letter to a vip player to send to admin.thats simple 

If I were the Admin, I would go on vacation, too.

جالب و قشنگ بود داداشی

voted for nice teddy bear

Goooooood kiss you my bro :x

why would admins accept something from terrorist ?

@el Macedonico you are very funny bro , thats just a name !!! kidding ...

خرس کوچولو چقدر قشنگه 

learn english!

admin is lost because there is no benefit for serbia in your suggestions

@terrorist bomb has been planted 

گزینه یک هستش احتمالا 😄

ای کاش ترجمه می کردید

why do arabs always cry 

@Res1n we are not arab bro

@Res1n we are not arab dont say arab to us :|

if you were serbian, you wont need to search them, they would find you
and if u re romy, and say bad word to them, they can find u only in few seconds for 72h ban 

Voted cause my love

Maybe is searching for someone ready to buy the game and become new admin 

Vote for bombing my country...

I don t see admins, but I ve seen a lot of drama lately. Everyone just complaining too much.
Apart from that, I m really Sorry to see those shitty xenophobic comments here, totally unnecessary.