Објавено во Turkey - Социјална интеракција и забава - 21 Nov 2016 03:32 - 40

KincuardIzualKavehATEHTATOPOTnunogomezsitareBuyukTurkBardThatBushEl ProfesorBaba Vossno0bsailbotGeorge BestOksoko TiginGeneral BlackКоментари (40)



Very nice. Much better than those skull pics your guys posted on cro and serb discord chat.

daha da zenginleştirsen iyiydi

@DoOmHaMmEr devamı gelecek

i was expecting pictures of turkish community leaving game...

@gray wind make an article about new act your government proposed to your parliament recently about raping I wanted to make one but you know some people may leave :S

@Kaveh, I m anti-government. #rapecannotbelegitimized!

Eline sağlık kardeşim. Kayseriden de birşeyler eklemeni bekliyorum 

Antalya yı da bekliyoruz Berkay 

Bursa dan da isterim 

@gray wind I hope it wont pass in your parliament I head it from one of my friends who is studying in Tukey and I was socked #rapecannotbelegitimized!

nice, really like it.

@Kaveh, it is not about legimizing rape. Please read carefully over law and dont consider the news that much. I m also anti-governmental person but that law has nothing with legimizing.

I would love to see that beauty
Voted !

A lot of beatifull places
... I would like to visit few of them o/

Nice article, vote deserved



Güzel çalışma

Vote article or Turks leave game!!
DD Beautiful article bro!!

i visited a lot of beautifull places in Turkey. That was before that imbecile Erdogan came tot Power.Kick him out of office people.He is killing your country.I loved that you stood up for Ataturk but you should have put the same energy into your ballot boxes.Now Erdogan is destroying everything that Ataturk created.

@oarecare, Thanks for comment. Erdogan is temporary, Turkishness will always exist. 

I think Turks are not pride for the Sumela Monastery when they want to stop the liturgy

eline saglık

Eline sağlık.Mersinde isteriz 

Amazing ;D

beautifull :3

Eferim berkay

I love Turkey
Go Gencerbiligy soccer club I love



v/s -- 64/390

Beautifull !

Very Nice!! 

Güzel bir paylaşım elinize sağlık

so beautiful! Gorgeous country.... o7