Објавено во Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Социјална интеракција и забава - 22 Nov 2016 09:23 - 124

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its not serbian flag

gif güzel ama ingilizce bana göre güzel ama ingilizce

Very nice done. o7 Grey Wind. o7 Macedonia



Hahaha a funny animation well done o7

There are countries who appreciate each others. Thats hard for servians to understand.
o/ Great article describing obvious truth.
Hail friendship o/

Hail friendship o/

Hail friendship o/ also nice animation 

Fyrom have true master XD


Brace yourselves puppet comments inc in...

awesome article! simple summary of macedonian-serbian past

Nice work 

Nice animation Grey

Nice comments, thanks friends. o/

No Bulgaria no vote

@Jus7LeTHaL, but... but there is Bulgaria.

Ops, yes, true
I gave vote anyways 

ahahaha puppy happy 


HAHAHAHAHAHA, today is a -friend- tomorrow just replacement for stronger country! HAIL GREECE !

Bitter truth

oha boşuna fab felan açıyoruz sen makaleyle işi götürüyon bağışa bakk abuu xd


Hail brothers o/

Perfect article
Turkish are really good friends
they know what is friendship )))))

Greece had been advancing this friendship for long enough it is time for her Rival
Hail friendship o7

@kecalkoatli 😂 looool

Lol they know what is friendship when they need your dmg

Serb jealous cause Turkey actually values allies hail Turkey!! Serbia? Nevermore

Hail friendship 

ahahah true story

Hail friendship o/

hail puppet! vardasca-turkey= friends

Turkey: they story of a traitor

This is true, actually...

But ofc, it doesn t change thing that you replaced Greece your ally from the start for FYROM just because of more dmg. So Turkey don t try to represent you being better than Serbia.

what about part where turkey has betrayed Greece, turkish ally from start of game??

pozoriste u drzavi, what goes on record in the history of mine and Greece while i was Greek CP and Turkey had nothing to do with today s Turkey in numbers of citizens and damage, when Greece and Turkey were almost the same. And the current Tr CP was CP back then, followed by Kinsc, they know well, them as all Turks too, that Greece sacrificed a country to support Turkey, the same time that the enemies told to stay out and safe. That country is what they traded for FYROM

I always find it funny when serbia calls fyronapia or something like that.... Actually serbia can challenge whole world in signing naps!!!

Turkey did not sacrifice anyone. They first rejected Germany NE and their President fought for our enemy, Germany with his entire army. No need cheap propaganda here.

Grey Wind you constantly renewed FYROM MPP before, i think it was their reaction. No need for cheap propaganda indeed. Except that what i said is HISTORY not propaganda. You may sleep again

ante geia wind

what goes around comes around my Turkish friends

Hail friendship o7

now u call them macedonia, not fyrom?? hmmm

Ne guldum 😆


Hail friendship o/

Nice. Well down! Vote support

Where is France in that story ?

köszi phantom

Sırpların fyroma yaptığını şimdi siz yunana yapıyorsunuz

@Kesut Momiser Yunanistan, Almanya yanlısı bir ülke. Yunanistan ın şu an düşman tarafında olmasının nedeni de ; Almanyayı ilk silişimizden birkaç gün önce müttefiklerinin yanında olmayıp karşı cephedeki Almanya yı (yanlısı oldukları ülkeyi) destekleme kararı aldılar. Kısacası Yunanistan ı biz kendimizden ayırmadık. Onlar kendi tarafını kendileri seçti. Yunanistan ın düşman tarafta bulunup da bizim ve müttefiklerimizin gövde bölgelerine sınırının olması Türkiye ve Yunanistan a sınırı olan diğer ittifak üyeleri için tehdit oluşturuyor. Yunanistan a savaş açılmasın başlıca sebeplerinden birisi de budur.

traitor at least tell the truth and not find excuses. More cheap than your ethics. Greece was never pro-German neither we wanted them cause they were always your puppy. So go and sell those fairytales to naive people that might believe you and not here.

Here is my guess, after having MPP with MKD, they all liked to be ally with them, but there was a problem her rival Greece which is our historic ally. So, i believe MKD didnt make problem about being in ally-side with Greece, but Greece did. Therefore, While MKD standing good, increasing relations, Greece did opposite, and here we are. Calling traitor is immature and easy way to get rid of like serbs, but i would expecting you to analyse it. Strategical moves made The path clear.

Yeah, u have a mistake there... that serbia fought fyrovian wars always, and the rest of the time fyrov was making naps while we were defending our cores. You forgot to add that all invictus members were against adding fyrov, cause they are 0 as allies. U forgot to add that u promissed greece not to accept them. U forgot to add that they are all of a sudden macedonia now. But well, one starts forgeting after as many tears as u cried.

good job dont cry ktap


Hail friendship o7
eline saglik herzaman ki gibi cok iyi:-)

wow.the serb serfs start crying.Don t cry little serb serfs.This is all your fault.Learn some diplomacy skills.You are all brawn and no brains.You re like the school bully who manages to piss all the other people around and makes them all band togetheragainst him(you created MDP and VAE VICTIS. you made them into what they are today). And then you go cry(you got admin to make only 6 mdp available) that it was not fair that your head got dunked down a toilet. Well,you got what you deserved. Enjoy your punishment.

And you are like that indian kid that everyone is bullying, and then once a real man is in trouble, he comes to kick him while he is on the ground and then runs away 

don t cry essenin

Unfortunately Turkey betrayed Greece for fyrom damage. That s the only truth. The question is why you dissolve MDP? You could just kick out Greece. -.-
Hail friendsheep

Srsly @NoJob ? Yes my respect contuining my greek friends but you are wrong .
And we didn t have permissions to #summit channel. In my opinion only goverments can write opinion about mdp dissolution. Hail Greece o7 Hail Turkey o7 Good fight fyr/Mkd o7

I think you people actually beg for a pillory article even though i am not in the mood of even start a title. Exxtravaganza, i hqve to ask you, have EVER passed your mind that this was the reaction of Greeks against the try of fooling them with FYROM matter? *Yes Greece it s just for now that they fight Serbs but we will not renew* and bs like these. Greece has fought against and never for Germany. Only 2-3 individuals did all that time still Greece remained the most loyal puppet of Turkey all that time. They were the first to drop German MPP when asked, they fought against us, they refused proposal to go away from mdp while fyrom was in and greek people mocked like the rest of mdp, Germany. This is why Germany does not fight for Greece neither we have MPP. So stop justifing a treason cause what you actually achieve is make jus7lethal seem like a loyal ally compared to you.

We signed mpp with a NEUTRAL country, Macedonia. Greece supported our ENEMY Germany, and rejected to give them NE. Greek president and his army hit for Germany. Are those the same things? If you want to hit for Germany, then become ally with them, its that simple.

@Exxtravaganza Your excuse is the rejected NE against Germany? wow. Really good reason to kick out Greece, accept Fyrom and fight against Greece.
I don t have problem about your new allies. We are not strong and we know it. We helped as much as we could. It s all about damage and it s ok. However it s a betrayal. Greece was never ally with Serbia, never fought against MDP and never fought for Germany. Even when we had internal problems when you accept Fyrom or when from the start we chose to be ally/friends with you, we never abandon you or the alliance. So if this is how you treat friends then don t call others traitors or whatever.
Now we are the bad guys??

lmperius you signed MPP with a lethal enemy of your *brothers* Further more you fooled them by saying you would not renew. All the rest are just bs for stupid people tgat might believe these. And just to clear myself I m actually happy that you do what you do, cause Greece didn t believe me, Japan didn t believe me and others that will fall in near future didn t believe me when i told them with evidences what kind of ally you are. Now i just pop corn, troll and expose you.

We decided to renew mpp with macedonia as whole alliance because it was for alliance s benefit and every country except Greece agreed on that. Ktab you and kylo are responsible Greece s fall. Not just Turkey, noone renewing mpp with Greece because they know well the situation, so every country who didn t renew mpp with Greece is betrayer? Of course not. Greek people shouldn t follow kylo blindly. By the way, what happened your plans moving a country that has border with Turkey to delete us? Did it work?

I case you have not noticed i am German and have nothing to do with Greece; nwither want to also. And i strongly disagree. The only responsible for Greece out is Turkey. Excuses will not make you less traitor. The contrary. -How do you like the new alliance with Skopia? -It s just selwctive MPPs they are not in the alliance. -OK we will see... -They told us tgat they will not renew, it s just for now. -You cannot be THAT stupid. Thank gid for you they actually were that stupid. Well played indeed. Btw i see no Greek commenting here. Most be probably the first reactions of the puppet that lost it s strings. Begone now, no more lame excuses for YOUR choices

Ktab, what do you think about my guess i wrote above ? First of all, lets clear some question marks. If only Turkey would betray, rest of alliance had enough power to kick Turkey out and give punishment, or Would you dare to say traitors to France, Romania, Iran, Bulgaria, Taiwan..etc Secondly, you deserve an applause because of trying to get attention by impliying you have told, so.

If any Greek still has a voice to speak of all people i talked, he will say if i told so or not. Also Imperius, i missed that part. When time is right you will see me near do not be anxious. I will pick the time not you. I can wait for as long as it takes. I a quite patient person

ktab can you please tell me what is the border between being a puppy and seeing common interest/beeing a good ally ?

it s ok Turkey.. Greece still remembers 

ok Republic of FYRoV! - pupper of TR,... Macedonia is Greek district! learn geography n history

hahahaha that looks nice
a new place to troll a bit cool
. so first of all hello bitchachos yeah ktab actually told all that to that time s greek government but know one listened when i was in mpd hq ( but not greek government i wasn t there for 3 -4 months up untile the impeach ) ktab was always saying that and i agreed with him that this would happen but it wasn t my place to save the greeks i was just a player playing his game ( as i am now of course ) as someone said if greeks didn t blindly followed kylo well first of all dofish its LuCiFeR now not kylo get over it and how dare you ? how dare you talking for me or for the greeks without knowing ? we have SS ( for the noobs this is screen shoot) of conversations with almost everyone in the HQ by the greek goverment at that time that the MDP HQ assured them that this is a one time thing just for the good of the alliance and to delete serbia and when all this will finish they will kick fyrom ( as they insisted on calling them all the time even their loving SC ) out of the alliance. well new s flash that they didn t. personally i dont share the beliefs of ktab about mkd i have no hate towards them i have a good amount of people from that country that we talk from other games so i don t hate them what i actually hate is this stupid propaganda of people trying to think what i say and what i believe. wake up idiots ask first before you speak.You can also ask the greek government of that time what i told them about the mkd and how i told them that we should make an mpp with them ( and for that i was criticised by the same people that where turkies puppets as many call them, well new s flash there i didn t gave remotely a shit about what they said, i said what i had to say and i was okay with my conscious. Now to the German-greek issue well i can understand for some people that their brain doesn t function as good as the average brains in this pathetic place of existence that we call earth...

but Greece and Germany never actually talked about been true allies, yes some of the people in Germany are greeks, yes most of them are my mu s good RL friends, but when I am cp I need to think the Greece as a whole not just what my mu may want or believe. In fact, I am not sure who from the ex- greek government? or who was the greek that spread those lies about Germany and Greece but even before mdp was dissolved we had agreed that we wouldn t make mpp due to the fact that it would be nice some time to go to war together just for fun greek with greek but in our own terms. Now as it seems the new mdp decided to put us ( with an article of battle hero ) in the other side, whatever that was, because of their own reasons ? i guess or they wanted to make sure that we will not be with them ? who knows or maybe they are stupid ( well some may agree they are or traitors who knows) but fun fact guys greece was neutral literally neutral at that time
so yeah dont call us puppets ( okay maybe in the past some may say we were
) nor germans because really we are we and we are cool
next time you want to say something about me please do have the b@lls and the decency to do it with real proof or with truth not lies
just for arguments sake humor me once with the truth
.. all in all this is a game relax

LuCiFeR out b*tches 

tatava yapma


lol Epic! Greeks were playing to delete Turkey! hahahaha!
Btw what s wrong if Greek government didn t want Fyrom in MDP? I thought all members are equal. Veto exist for everyone or only for strong countries?
Pretty much most of you said that because Greeks didn t want Fyrom in MDP, you kicked out Greece. Not only that but you are fighting against Greece.
Don t try to find excuses guys. Enjoy your new allies.

Jus7traitor :-) in love with fyromans :-)

You forget the battle were Makedonia chose right side wich lead serbia into war whit them. Ofc that was the time when everything felt apart but until that moment we all hit for them, but no the choos to go to site diferent site just becaouse it seam much stronger. They are pupet of Turks I won t call them that when they will go for 100% bonuses, becaouse they can they have one of the strongest army they just don t have balls. And they like to pised off people.

No need to use bad words about each others. There are still many people I like, we like in Greece, like my brother entexnos. No fight or situation can change that. New President of Greece, Kyloren - Lucifer, made a choice and fought for Germany with his entire army. Rejection of Germany NE was first sign of it, impeachment of entexnos followed it and fighting for Germany was the last thing we could tolerate. Greek government picked its side and I wish them luck in this new adventure. No need to be disrespectful now. Also, If we are gonna talk about what happened in HQ, I can share many things as well so lets keep it this way. Cheers.

Kynyas, in other words what you are saying that because Greece didnt sided by your views of who enemy is, you have sided than with Greek enemies or FYROM, and you have forgotten how many times Greeks have helped you. Why couldn t Turkey support Greeks for once?

please kinyas do share i love a good drama

oh and 2-3 soldiers that now are not even in Greece are hardly an entire army come on dude be realistic

I did never share such things and I never threaten people by sharing such stuff as everyone can witness. I am just saying, one should remember what he said before making such threats. Entexnos and Faga was in HQ most of the time anyway so they know what happened there, what you said etc. About 2-3 soldiers, in previous comment you said that you represent Greece as President, now it is 2-3 soldiers, I dont think so. As I told you in person, I was already warned by Greeks about what is going to happen after impeachment so no need to object it now. It is also very known that you -many times- tried to whip people to switch to Germany and after impeachment you found a chance to be with them. Sadly, it has consequences not only for you but whole Greece but I assume they knew it. You are elected after all and all we can do is respect it. @TopSecret, you can PM me If you like to discuss further. You are looking from wrong perspective.

True friendship!!! o7 !!!! Hail turkey

well if you talk to me about threats i have never made any kind of threats ( especially in my comments
) but maybe my memory is not so good as i get older so please do remind me what i said about those 2-3 soldiers in the HQ that faganeros and enetexnos where in ( remind you of a time that both faganeros and entexnos where inactive), more over okay they maybe where 5 soldiers out of what 100 ? and you said you where warned by greeks as far as I know none of my people said anything they don t even know you in most cases nor ever talked to you even for a hi so I guess this would have come from people you talk maybe ex-government ? and you obviously as a leader didn t felt oblige to actually ask the president of the country of what they want you just assumed ? you also claim it is well know that i have tried to whip people to go to Germany ? please do share with us how who and where are the proof if you have any on your claims. and i am intrigued to hear the proper perspective on top secrets views so no need for a pm be open talk. you say i lie confront me then with evidence dont just talk talk talk like and old man that has no hope for any future you are young show it!

@iBringyouhell, some people would say its more than friendship, its brothers by blood 

@Nojob i didn t say you are a bad boy or betrayer in my opinion no one betrayer in this situation. You still thinking mdp dissolved because they want to kick greece but you are thinkin wrong. If they wanted to kick greece they could do easily .
I hope this situation is ads for our brotherhood. I said above. My respect contuining my Greek friends o7

Exxtravaganza you are wrong, there is a traitor in this case which is Kinyas and Turkey in general. LuCiFeR, welcome to kinyas world mate, the world of plotting, twisting, corruption, blackmails, and filth. You are fresh on the opposite side but you will learn this fast and good. The only thing that i am really sorry, is that when Turkey will go down (which will soon) he will not have the guts to stay and watch the results of his work. But he will *retire* probably cause of *rl problems*.. You can bet on this

It looks like I have a secret fan ^^

Oh what a surprise.. All this time you thought i had a different opinion hahaha

Just because you lost, no need to go this low and insult everyone you can. We used to make jokes and respect each others. The *rl problem* you refered above was about health of my mother. Situation and balance can change but personality will remain same. That is what will be remembered after all, not a useless battle that is won or lost. If it is the way you want to play, nothing else to discuss here.

I knew that those greeks arent smart people but about this guy Lucifer as far as i know he wanted mpp with Macedonia. BTW why would greece want mpp with germany? If those greeks look around their border they will see, if they change side all countries surrounding them will be their potential enemies l.

I dont know if you heard it but Jus7LeTHaL is so honorably full of honor. And this article is very cheap propaganda bacause everybody seem to forget why Serbia DoW Macedonia (I am talkiong about that DoW that pass, not about reVokasis drunk one). Macedonia (or FYROM as honorable Bulgarians and Turks used to call them) agreed with Romania behind Serbia back to fight agains Serbia in biggest battle until then. For the same reason Turkey kick Greece out of alliance (fighting for enemy), but for Turks Greeks betrayed them and Macedonia was doing right thing. HYPOCRISY AT ITS BEST. And if you didnt know Jus7LeTHaL is so honorable but Kinyas is threatening to take his place as most honorable one. Both of them are so full of honor and so honorably honorable.

@rad88 what an excuse, the drunk DoW? Well we were drunk and just kidding when we fought for Romania. So why DoW us again and let that one pass?

Kinyas. In order to handle the *monster* MDP used to be and MDP2 now is, you needed to create a vilain. You found this in my face and at Germany s face. I have heard over all the wonderful things that have been said about me, the manipulator, the deceiver, the liar and many many others, while I was trying to do the exact same thing you tried for MDP. Expand the alliance. And I know all the things you have done in kind of secret rooms (nothing is held secret). And all the things you people have been saying about me. You wanted to assasinate ktab character and create a villain out of it. Well you succeeded. And to be honest I like that role better than *mr nice guy*. We both got what we wanted. Enjoy

Where did you saw excuses? That was foolish move, and i said it than but i wasnt in position to prevent that. This wasnt written for excuses but to show what hypocritical articles Turks are writing (or how honorable Jus7 is
). Dont talk fairy tales about friendship or honor when you (Turks) made exactly same thing. They throw away Greece, which were with them from the beginning and doing everything Turkey asked, even helping you, just for bigger damage and now they talk about real friendship.

European issues, not understandable to American people.

Hail true frends

A ne kaszes da si pre tog DOWa pucao za Rumue protiv nas ??? zato sto si firoman ....

trump is an American issue, but we Europeans understand

I didnt understand. Why MDP left Greece alone? Is that story about friendship? Whatever you say FYROM stay PUPETS EMPIRE.

LOL What happened here :|


ova e linkot preku koj se registrirate igrata e vid na fudbalski menadzer kade se zima vistinski evra,od ovaa sezona 1 mesto vo ligata zima 50 evra posledniot zima 5 evra no ima i drugi nacini za zarabotka,odzima mn malku vreme pokraj zabavata moze nesto i da se kari.
ako e nekoj zainteresiran ke mu objasnam podetalno kako ide

Dang that was a long concersation with one conclusion : lol