Објавено во France - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 26 Nov 2016 04:23 - 13
Can someone make article or write here all the alliances and their countries and neutral countries also?
mrcowCaptain HarlockКоментари (13)

You can shout this at global, why do you make an article? Unsubscribe.

Ask turks they know everything 

@BattleHero, no one answer on global.

ALiANSA - Paraguay Mexico Chile Argentina
vv and APA

20 countries in alliances rest are neutral

subscribe so you won t miss bh s subscribe. As Orion said, APA, Aliansa, MDP2 The rest are neutral



I might make an article later today when am not busy

As usual, ktab is not so bright
I am also interested for public and hidden coalitions. If somebody knows enough about this and if he is ready to publish, this will be awesome article. VOTE + SUPPORT

Dear Levi, I m too bored to even type an article title. Else you could know whatever you wish. Nevertheless, i sent to kami the official alliances as per request. Coalitions or cooperative countries, out of alliance structures, not mentioned 

Dark side include evil forces of mordor ( mdp2) and other small country of light resistance