Објавено во Georgia - Финансиски бизнис - 09 Dec 2016 02:01 - 57

Hey guys!
Two weeks ago I announced the first Triple-100%, 0,005cc country. Today I am proud to announce the second country, meeting the same requesites, Georgia!

Georgia is also giving back a THIRD of the tax (1/3), when you work in your companies - all you gotta do is fill this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQpcCiFv-SU6KuDKRPuLZCjAxBtVX0awGJGQK3odcLVOvBwA/viewform?c=0w=1
They are also giving back 5% of the tax when you build something there!

MrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkMrNiCkGrizzly021MushvanTsiloZE BUNDAZE BUNDACaesarXIIDstranGECaveaSashaBelov22Puzzinsalamandra123LuftwaffledamjankuКоментари (57)

Also, Market Analysis will be back soon!

georgia is love georgia is life

Hail Georgia!! Thank you DaltonicD!

Hail Georgia!

also u can upgrade your companies in Georgia and take 5% gold back

Welocome everyone
Hail this game, Hail Georgia, Hail brothers 

Thank you DaltonicD! Hail Georgia!

form doesnt work o/

Hail Georgia! o7

Thank You
Hail Georgia!

But no one is giving 50% of tax refund as Germany did, and 60% of users were from Georgia,OMG, they even use same form as we did, and requirements are same.BTW I know all ways how to try to fool tax refund system, my Georgians friends had teach me that. I catched quite a few of them photoshoping SS

Hail maxara40 !

Georgia pu**y country, cant take resourses on map then ask admin to give

kojo chemi yle cheidevi

aba ar gvinda refoundio ?
da marto ucxoelebzea refoundi ?:

@kojo we got 50 signatures for it so please stop and stop swearing

hail georgia! o7

Peaky Blinder don t envy

@Vojo Radikal , you should said applicants not signatures, and why are you not giving 50%

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQpcCiFv-SU6KuDKRPuLZCjAxBtVX0awGJGQK3odcLVOvBwA/viewform this is the link which works

hail Georgia o7

@peaky we have 0.005 cc lowes manager wt so its basicly more than 50 % that you guys returned

o7 hail georgia

For the first time in eHistory, a country reaches 100% bonus on ALL THREE INDUSTRIES, whilst having 0,005cc available for sale permanetly. That country is ROMANIA! Congratz!!
this is write in your last article,so first country again

Cuba back 50% of tax!!!!!

Two weeks ago I announced the first Triple-100%, 0,005cc country. Today I am proud to announce the second country, meeting the same requesites, Georgia!

https://www.erevollution.com/al/newspaper/3954 Sub

👉Buying 4 Q1 Food Factories, Buying 4 Q2 Food Factories. ✉PM offers👈📣💬
👉Selling 138 Q3 Heli @0.032 G/u, Selling 1 Q3 House @5.7 G👈📣💬

good job !

can t acess the form

@Vojo Radikal and its double more cc to buy gold, its a same thing , but you are giving 33% refund

Guys that is game, Georgians did everything what we can... and in first time our erev history we take all bonusses, past we never had 100% now we have 3x100% and we are happy... we need your friendly coment, this game is 1 years old, an about that time we playing hard... that bonusses we have first time... do not angry, I know you are other allyance, but that is not all... I speak about a relitionship... we all playing errvollution becouse we all like that, everyone are real persons...
Sorry for my english...
Have a good life all 

In real in Georgia liveing 3-4 milion peoples, you know 99% do not interesting strategy games, we make more adds than you, and all new players tolking about game, all!.. that is not easy, we have not visa players... and have not many producters... after that we take all bonusses, that is realy good job...

sagol rexva kaii yo boshyo sagol aeeeeeeeeee xalooo saggolll dzmaoo sagooooolll

i am person who did it
i am legend

Hail Georgia ! o7

ne kastınız benim makaleyi geçmek için ha uyanıklar sizi

I always believed in Georgia, always. o/

【Triple 100% 0,005cc】Georgia, ft. Tax Returns - https://discord.gg/GXSV5Pm Join Taxreturn Discord Channel.

@Kaci Legenda, except that time when you moved to Germany to use bonuses

rexvam sheusrula xd

nemcebi ragam gaamcarat? 

Miwa ar aqvt wesieri gio 

Congratulations Georgia! I hope your success is short-lived. See you in the next RW.

Rise of legends!

@Peaky Blinder, Germany is too expensive LMAO

Haters gonna hate :3

Cry cry :p

hail Georgia

Peaky is still crying? Well, Germany is an ancient history, so you should join Game.inc and have some fun there... You are to depressive this days, it is not good for your health.

https://www.erevollution.com/ka/article/19492 vote o7

this filling link is not working

@megadragonavac you don t true!!!

