Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 15 Dec 2016 23:24 - 2

USA most of the time in games like this. Click for some corny patriotic music.
America is blessed in this game to have a natural set of good bonuses (the efficiency of our companies, determined by how many resources we have), so that means we shouldn't conquer, right?
Have we forgot our mandate handed directly to us by Jesus Christ to build an Empire from Sea to Shining Sea? They definitely meant the Mediterranean and the Coral Sea by the way, it's ours by right.
But even more important than our heavenly mandate is the ones the admins give us. Several factors make it vital that we expand even after we have 100/100/100 bonuses in games like this, and ESPECIALLY in this game.
The first is in every game. An Evangelical country is a winning country. No, I'm not talking about thumping your Bible on your desk to keep the s away, but a sense of mission.

And it can be something retarded. People worshipped ein Fuhrer (note to mods: their words, not mine) in eRepublik or built superpowers by uniting people behind most holy and divine sand-harem Lord Dio, Praise be Unto Him. We don't have to be smart, in fact the dumber we are the better, because otherwise we'll never craft a message that's stupid enough to be compelling.
This game we've had a brilliant diplomatic game, and somehow managed not only to get into the big alliances but take leadership roles, but we're always the wallflower in the alliance who never does anything because we want to do it. While our allies, former and present like France, Turkey ,and Georgia are growing into the most powerful countries in the world by fulfilling the dreams of Napoleon, Osman Gazi, and Saakashvili, we're cheerleaders on the side, because we supposedly already have so many resources that there's no economic reason to get any more.
And I agree! But there's a social reason. Currently, the map looks like this.
EVERY American would want it to look MORE like this.
Because we want something to energize us, something to get us active, something to trigger a giant baby boom, something to stoke what nationalism we DO have and to involve us all more in the game. Further, our allies will probably find it rather nice that their friend now suddenly looks big and seems to give 3 1/2 s about building an empire like the rest of the cool kids.
An evangelical mission can also spread not only to us, but also to the people we conquer!
Wait what?
That segways me into the #2 reason, which is specific to this game.
Game mechanics SCREW small countries

Artist's depiction: eChina
This article brilliantly summarizes it better than I ever could: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/6305
A conquered country has no taxes. A conquered country fights AGAINST MPPs and the ENTIRE lation of its enemy even in resistance wars. MPPs in this game aren't purely limited to core regions either. People don't even need to move to a region to fight in an RW. A small country in this producer's game has industries up to 50% less efficient than a big countries, because of resource bonuses.
So this isn't one big imperialistic dream our foundation of the glorious 100 United States of the World will be a HUMANITARIAN mission. We're just bringing the constitution handed directly to us by our lord God, praise be, and more importantly 100/100/100 bonuses to people. We're already revising our citizenship codes to encourage more immigration, so why don't we be like Rome and find some immigrants to boost our lation in the meantime.
So how do we apply this?
1) Start small:

There are TONS of countries that are weak, about to be gobbled up, and probably wouldn't mind all that much being conquered by a benevolent ruler who will give those that pledge loyalty citizenship. These include the formerly powerful Japan, now being eaten by Taiwan, fulfilling all Chiang Kai Shek's wet fantasies, Ireland, which has about as much media activity as a frontier town, and the one-province Cuba.
2) Spread our media message like cancer

If we don't have one already, a
3) Cut the training, it's time for real wars!

Wouldn't it be fun if we fought for the expansion of our empire of liberty? We spend gold and supplies on training wars already and our map definitely doesn't boost our fragile egos as a result, so why don't we pour that into taking on some weaker enemies, anschlußing them, convincing them it was for their own good, making up all kinds of words like "Atlantic Federation" or "North American Union" and giving some of them citizenship?
It sounds like something devious enough for the USA to come up with.
I forgot to mention something: failing is impossible here.
Baby booms are fuelled by national crisis, and it'll be so much easier to recruit if we have a clear message. Either "Were under attack defend America!" or "We're building this SWEET empire, you guys should definitely help us subjugate people" are both way more persuasive than "hey man... could you please join a game with me? its like , but it's not, and it's really different, but it's like that, sort of. anyways, the USAs pretty cool". Imagine the USA's lation doubling throughout WW2 simply because some cavemen hiding in Appalachia decided it was no longer boring to be American and signed up to fight, that's basically how internet game physics works.
I was told boobs get me more votes.

PS This is probably just the first in a series of articles. I don't expect a roaring applause in the beginning, but I have every intention of persisting until we have a sadistic, expansionistic cause worth fighting for!
dreeCrazymonkey201TantisКоментари (2)

Why don t we harness the power of revanchism to reclaim that bullshit little snake Portugal has?
