Објавено во United States of America - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 17 Dec 2016 01:50 - 2
You may have woken from your sleep to see something odd, something you don't understand,
something that might even seem confusing.
What has happened to the market you might ask, what is happening....
Well that my America my sweet America is something very simple. Your government has done
something amazing to match the economic challenges facing us in the uncertain futures.
That is they have altered the gold to cc ratio. Before the ratio looked like this.
101cc = 1 Gold
Now it looks like this
201cc = 1 Gold
What does this mean? This increased the value of gold and decreases the value of cc.
Golds value now is doubled allowing you get more money out of it, this also means that cc has
less value which will cause the value of some goods to change. Fear not America this will lead to
economic changes both in wages and the costs of goods but these will result in the clearing of old market stockpiles and the purchases in the newer goods. Much will be gained by this and those
changes we will see develop into a brighter American Dream.
As always America, Free and Proud.
Christopher Cantrell
Director of Civilian Affairs (DoCA)
something that might even seem confusing.
What has happened to the market you might ask, what is happening....
Well that my America my sweet America is something very simple. Your government has done
something amazing to match the economic challenges facing us in the uncertain futures.
That is they have altered the gold to cc ratio. Before the ratio looked like this.
101cc = 1 Gold
Now it looks like this
201cc = 1 Gold
What does this mean? This increased the value of gold and decreases the value of cc.
Golds value now is doubled allowing you get more money out of it, this also means that cc has
less value which will cause the value of some goods to change. Fear not America this will lead to
economic changes both in wages and the costs of goods but these will result in the clearing of old market stockpiles and the purchases in the newer goods. Much will be gained by this and those
changes we will see develop into a brighter American Dream.
As always America, Free and Proud.
Christopher Cantrell
Director of Civilian Affairs (DoCA)
Коментари (2)
