Објавено во Georgia - Социјална интеракција и забава - 20 Dec 2016 13:00 - 68

YamamotoGigaGrizzly021ZE BUNDADeath Angel AzrielDstranGEnika nika georgia 123nikoloz IDoug StamperCaptain HarlockBALANTA BALANTAsepoycybertelLashuka61Коментари (68)


Hail Georgia!
Hail brotherhood!
This is my country! This is my people!
Grizzly with love ^^ d

Hail Georgia!!

212 active 232 double clickers

Hail Georgia! o7

Aqedan 2 chemia

haters are coming . . .

Germany will always be a benchmark for all butthurt kiddos of mdp2. But as much as you may try to compare with us, you fail in quality, fighting spirit and determination.

that 232 people are saving damage for other enemies like germany
so dont worry we can make 2x damage compared to this 

you have 4000 players (multies) more.

u mean common unactive/dead players which arent even level 1 ?


lolz, gurgians are on fire xD


Kidds, go back to school and learn some maths. o/

@Antinarodni element don t produce in georgia

I dont, i produce in Romanian empire xD

232+212 and they compare themselves to 7+65 i mean the fact that 72 players have half the damage from 444 players and especially after the 72 players have to fight past 2 months every day without making stocks isnt very flattering for georgia XD
I wont even speak about the 5k multis that are slowly dying or being used only for work not even for train so they wont appear as 2-click mode

s98 v 33


DrethGar don t brag about something you don t know, we spend real money on facebook campaigns to get people registered. if you are concerned be my guest to raise to complain to whoever controls multies


Hail Geórgia!

active player 65 vs 212 and diference only 12mm

Anyway we are still bests, we are small team , indeed. 65 players active and we made 11kkk that is 176kk per player
what about you ? 232 player with 23,2 kkk which is 100kk per player. GERMANY is still strong to defeat you individually 

Shaman, you are the best georgian spy in Germany

shaman the shit

Georgia is the only country with two-clickers that outnumber their active players. No other major country is even close to their ratios.
I wouldn t call that a proud statistic...

2 clickers რა პონტია?

I thought you were using multies for spying, but I am proud to be called the spy, because it shows how the good I am 

One day you will make some monument for Shaman, he is one of best Georgians that I met online, for sure he is cleverest one. But in that discipline who is clever and who is not, he dont have opponent even with 5k+ players in Gurgia

why such envy, disgust and malice :/// ფაქ!

buthurt germans in every article
very funny

Hail Georgia!

Peaky Blinder - Please write correctly! our country is called Georgia, not as you write gurgia 


You are Gurgians, turkey is kebab, etc...., as I said you cant compete with Shaman,

Produce in Georgia

b**hurt, is that kind of hurt that gurgians adore?

You are multi account player


Hail Geórgia

Don t waste your time in pointless arguing. And don t compare our country with those losers countries, like fake Germany. They just trying to get some attention for the dying eNation.

i never seen talking when german don t crying
poor german poor shaman go shaman cry baby cry u know how i love u

Oh here come Beast the wall, you Gurgians are really bad in coprenhend some things, The shaman is teasing you all, not crying, and when Levi come and defend your side, that is a sign that we are right and you are wrong, that guy shisui(levi) cant accepte that he is thrown away from Germany and German discord, so he come and write in every article where is Germany mentioned.BTW you Gurgians are stollen everything from Germany, tax refund (yeah you all used it and I have SS of some of you that tried to scam me by photoshop your SS), even Tax refund form, you stole articles about tax refund from romania, you even stole my watch on your discord
, only thing that are making Georgia proud is The Shaman

Germany is proud of shaman..nothing wierd..backstaber country proud of traitors..normal thing :3

@Mengrelian, read my last sentence again

Peaky, you are just a loser with the obsession, nothing more. Also, you can not forgive players more successful then you. Germany with the zero regions is a real measure what you are able to accomplish. I am sorry, because of you, take some lessons and learn to play ;-)

Shisui, you are borring as hell

v 87

Just want to say that as a multi of Peaky, i naturally agree with him o7

Keep cruying shadow of former great EGermany. You will never be again glorious country. Ego, arrogance and non talented players with no sense for politics ruined this country. Good lesson for every country in the game, never be like Germany, Japan and other serbian colonies with trolls as a almighty leaders!

This words made me cry. I cry this f.cking river
:/ Only producing in Gurgia will make me smile o7 8% back if you build your companies in Georgia. Hail allies, hail Georgia, and produce in Georgia o7 Real EMPIRE is only Georgia . Who is Romania . that s country called - wannabe Georgia . o7 HAIL GEORGIA

Okay , now Truth must be said : 8% back if you build your companies in Georgia (copied from Peru and CFTZ) , then form for tax refund is copied from German form , then you copied MM exchange rate from Romania . I don;t care if you have said that you were going to do this, fact is one you were second. First Romania had 100/100/100 + 1=200 exchange rate and then you make it happen . So NEVER argue to others when they call you copy/past 

tic tac

zato shaman shennairi prochebit roa savse germania imitomac aewvat dges chveni modzliereba da posts ar mazaven ro ar gvikbinon ^^ aww cakallebo tqveen

Lol o7

Drethgar described all 

one article from georgia = 100 weeping germans

@ready to die, there is 60 of us, not 100

ahaha okey okey shaman please i will meet in RL and repeat that talks