Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 03 Feb 2016 23:23 - 6

Hello fellow citizens,
I've been meaning to put this article since a few days ago to make my platform known but given the new turn of events with President Biohaze's resignation, I was appointed President earlier than the election. Given this fact I had to turn my attention into governing our country and naturally the campaign suffered a little.
Regardless of whatever you fellow citizen may think however, this article will provide you a full list of the cabinet, the platform as well as ongoing projects. Stay tuned!

President of the eUnited States - Abraham Lincoln
Vice President - Kaimayne
Secretary of Interior - HunBurry
Secretary of Treasury - SAR97
Secretary of State - Thomas Killah
Secretary of Defense - MrSharp1219
National Security Council Director - EddieA
Secretary of Media - Apollos
Secretary of Education - SpitfireYG

The main lines I have prepared for this department focus on helping the new players and guiding them toward understanding the game better; therefore, there will be several systems that will provide each player a chance to be active and learn their way around the game.
This is a program our government has begun working on, it is a program used to stimulate our country's lational growth by registering eRevollution in other websites and getting it voted up. This will give eRevollution online visibility and hopefully there will be a bigger influx of American players into our Nation. I am also pushing for eRevollution to get google featuring since this could give an actual baby boom in the entire world!
Meals on Wheels
We are starting a program to build food and help the new players with it. Each new player shall be able to request a certain amount of food per day.
Events such as raffles, game nights and other sorts will have prizes. Make sure you pay attention when those are announced. We also plan to add a national lottery so that people can earn some extra money.

1. Tutorials and help
The Department of Education will be most of this term focused on making tutorials through any means in order to teach the new players their way around the game. The links to the contents will be then compiled and made available to all new citizens wishing to learn their way around the game.
2. American University
This month, an American University will be created and new citizens may be able to enroll into the University. The University will provide each new player a teacher who will guide them and test them through the mechanics of the game as well as the meta-game details from which our country is run.
It is expected that both the Department of Interior and the Department of Education coordinate in order to make the new players experience a lot more successful!

Department of the Treasury

1. Taxes need to be kept at a reasonable level. The reasonable level being: Enough to make sure the government doesn't run a deficit budget. We are still some proposals away from implementing fully the tax code that was approved during Biohaze's term.
2. We don't have a study regarding the income of our nation. This needs to change and I have already instructed the Secretary of the Treasury to keep track of how much is our government receiving nowadays.
3. We need to inject some more USD into the market in order to correct scarcity. There is however a threshold regarding the value of the dollar, we can't go higher than 1g=200 USD. If we go over that threshold, the government loses money.
4. It is important to keep the inflation at a sustainable level, if needed by using aggressive means to correct the market.
5. The government will consider together with Congress to invest into some companies in order to increase production or essential goods like food and weapons.

There's not much to say about this department in general--only that we will continue to work with our alliance EAGLE and that we will continue our efforts to keep a good relation with some of the neutral countries around us. In other words: We will cheerish and work with our friends. We will work with unaligned countries that are willing to show friendship and we will show respect towards our enemies offering them a way to seek peace or accept obliteration.
Ambadorial Affairs
I intend to bring back the possibility to give each new player a chance to represent our country towards the International Community. This brings the opportunity for each player to be an ambador and establish foreign connections. Naturally, we will ign ambadors to countries we wish to establish better relations first, as well as ambadors to each alliance.

Department of Defense

1. M attacks
Yes. There will be calls for all available soldiers to show up in the latest 30 minutes of all important battles. We need to improve our coordination and this is a first start.
2. Military Academy
Both Military Units (Seal Team 6 and rUSA Militia) have their own training squads and procedures. My idea was to gather both Training officers from both Military Units and use them as a joint venture to train new players into the dephs of the military module and the strategy. It is important that we bet on the education not only of the military personnel but also of the new citizens in general since they are the future of our Nation.
3. Weapons
Currently the government is looking to increase the amount of weapons we will be able to hand out to our active soldiers. It will be one of the main goals of the government to be able to supply weapons that allow to do at least half of the Daily order with them.
4. War
The subject everyone has been talking about: Yes, there will be war. Do we need it? In economic terms, we don't since we do have full bonuses. In terms of player retention and possibility for True Patriot medals? Yes, we do. War is an important instrument for all players to grow not only by gaining their own medals but also by improving their military ranks. We will be looking for real military engagement as well as training wars.
For now, we will focus on terminating the Fidel Castro's Regime by bringing Democracy to the Tyranical state of Cuba!

Media activity is necessary--but not just from the President. While it is important that the President keeps the lation informed, it is also important that the government is able to discuss other matters of both national and international importance. Therefore, we will be publishing White House Press Releases more often.
Lastly... I'd like to announce the....
eNational Public Radio!

The eNational Public Radio will be hosted at least once every week where you can hear the President and other cabinet members speak and debate the Nation's problems and successes live! This program is also open for any new citizen who wishes to speak up or ask questions directly to the President or any other government member.

I believe the whole platform is now covered in detail. Naturally I am aware this is a tall order here and the plans are ambitious. But without ambition and the willingness to do it, we won't be able to shape our country into the superpower it ought to be. This is the turning point and my platform is the solution I offer you, my fellow Americans.
Taking into consideration that the major lines of my platform are now published, If you wish to take part in this team and help the government, feel free to send me a message! The government is in a big need of manpower!
Thank you and kind regards,

Коментари (6)

First denied for a strong America!
