Објавено во Serbia - Социјална интеракција и забава - 21 Jan 2017 15:44 - 22

Društvene igre kao eRevollution i druge vrste donose nam dosta zabave, druženja i upoznavanja sa dosta ljudi iz različitih delova sveta. Stiču se neka nova poznanstva, koja se pretvaraju kasnije u RL druženje, skupove...Možemo reći da smo sa ljudima iz MU ili Partije u stalnom kontaktu. Sa njima delimo dobro i zlo. Koliko god pokušavamo da razdelimo igricu i RL to u nekom trenutku postaje nemoguće i jednostavno te dve stvari se spoje. Tu smo da proslavimo rođendan, odemo na pivo, čujemo za raskid ali nažalost tu smo i da čujemo neku lošu vest. Koliko god hteli da je u ovom svetu sve lepo ima i loših strana. Ali nekada je lakše popričati, da kažem, sa strancem o nečem lošem u našem životu nego sa osobom koju poznajemo. Ja mislim da ova vrsta igrice treba da nas zbliži, nas ljude u bilo kojem pogledu i da kažemo sebi: granice ne postoje i treba da se pomažemo. Koliko god to bude u našoj mogućnosti.

Ovo je priča o našem drugu sa igrice BoroNK,
za koju sam nedavno čuo i rešio, zajedno sa njim, da podelim sa vama.

putem e-maila; boromijuskovic@yahoo.com ili FB naloga; https://www.facebook.com/Boro.Mijuskovic
Nadam se da će Nikola nastaviti svoj život normalnim putem kao i njegov mlađi brat Boro.

Borina Poruka;
Boro: Zamolio bih sve eRevollution saigrače da se odazivu u što većem broju i pomognu da se izliječi jedan mladi život, koji je trenutno u fazi propadanja. Ne bih poželio nikome ovo da se desi, jer samo moja porodica i ja znamo, šta znači bolest. Preko 20 godina moj otac i majka nas vode po bolnicama, ja ne mogu da sjedim samo skrštenih ruku. Ja sam, hvala Bogu, završio operaciju, trudim se da malo olakšam ocu i majci i bar nekako pomognem. Troškovi su svakog dana sve veći i veći, najviše novca ide na lijekove, a ostalo da i ne govorim…
Veoma je važno da ovo podelite sa našom zajednicom na svim zidovima i glasate.
Nešto više o Nikoli i Bori možete pročitati i ovde.
Link 1 i Link 2


Online social games such as eRevollution and all others bring us a lot of fun, hangings out and meeting with a lot of people from different parts of the world. Some new friendships are acquired which are converted later in RL hangings out, meetings...We can say that we are in constant contact with people from Military Unit or Party. We share the good and the evil with them. As much as we try to separate the game and RL all that at some moment becomes impossible and just those two things are connected. We are there to celebrate a birthday, grab a beer and hear about break up, but unfortunately to hear some bad news. As much as we wanted all nice things in this world, there are also bad sides. But sometimes is easier to talk to a stranger about something bad in our life than with someone we know. I think that this sort of games should make us even closer, us people in any way and to tell ourselves that there are no limits and we should help each other, as much as we can.

This is the story about our eFriend BoroNK,
which I recently heard and decided, together with him, to share with you.
Boro Mijušković and his older brother Nikola suffering from Alport syndrome, a hereditary kidney disease where the only cure is dialysis or a kidney transplant. Boro's father Budo did the most humane gesture. He gave his son Boro kidney and provided him to continue with his life in a normal way. But later his brother was suffering too. He needs a kidney transplant or painstaking dialysis, which he is using already 3 years. Waiting for his donor, for this type of treatment a lot of money is needed. Family Mijušković unfortunately don’t have enough funds and therefore I hope that with this article I can awake humanity in people and help them so they can help Nikola, the older brother of our BoroNK.

via e-mail; boromijuskovic@yahoo.com FB account; https://www.facebook.com/Boro.Mijuskovic
Except warfare, political success and journalistic glory this game allows us to meet people and help them as much as we can.
I hope that Nikola will continue with his life in a normal way as his younger brother Boro.

Boro's Message;
I would like to ask all eRevollution teammates to answer and help to heal a young life, which is currently at the stage of decay. I would not wish anyone this to happen, because just my family and I know what this disease means. Over 20 years, my father and my mother were taking us into hospitals, and I cannot just sit there idly. I am, thanks to God, ended with the operation, and I am trying to make a little bit easier for my father and mother and at least help somehow. Costs are even bigger and bigger every day; most of the money goes to the medications, and the rest not to mention...

It is very important to share this with our community on all walls and vote.

Vila od Bosne - Srdjan M
NilsonPANZER stronKnakituminayashiGARDOSHSultan Haydar BasBornaXVila od BosnegabinhetagabinhetaPolarB34rInarius RebornFallenAngelG 4 M p3trOs V E RSmilingGAME OVERBeslanLelemudanLelemudanLelemudanMiLeNaAaAaBgPelelmperiusDieselКоментари (22)

[ENG-SRB] Borba za Zivot - The Fight for Life - https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/21943


:/ o7

Sad braco! Sad je potrebna sloga!

I wish you get better Nikola! o7


Vrlo lepo je videti odaziv igraca kod ovakvih humanitarnih akcija, drago mi je da si i ti napisao clanak o jednom nasem drugu sa igre, bas kao sto sam juce ja napisao takodje clanak o jos jednom zivotu koji se bori za zivot! Zelim im sve najbolje obojici, imate podrsku! o7

Posto u igrici trenutno na svaka 2 dana pisem clanak o nekoj drzavi od sada cu pocetak svakog clanka da posvetim humanitarnoj akciji i da pomognemo bratu naseg drugara Bore.
Mozemo da se svadjamo da se mrzimo da radi svako na svoju ruku da budemo u razlicitim drzavama da se koljemo oko ratnog politickog novinarskog i ekonomskog prestiza, ali ovde smo, kao sto kaze makvi, da se zblizimo, upoznamo i pomognemo jedni drugma u nevolji.
Ja cu svoj doprinos dati, a nadam se da ce i svi ostali. Boro brate mili uz tebe smo i nadamo se svim srcem da ce tvom bratu biti bolje !!! o7


Percepcija coveka je totalno izopacena.Toliki novac se koristi na budalastine,oruzje,luksuz,poroke,a toliko malo da se svim ljudima omoguce osnovne stvari,zdravlje,hrana,voda,struja.Srecno Boro,tebi i tvom bratu zelim da se izborite sa Vasim problemima i da izadjete iz te borbe zivi i zdravi.Verujte i ne predajte se,kakve su Vam misli,takav Vam je i zivot.Pobedicete.



v c

good luck friend

Good luck

Pravoslavlje, svaka čast o/

Svaka cast, boro uz tebe smo o/
