Објавено во France - Анализа на војување - 01 Feb 2017 10:23 - 42
MU Ranking added in the butom of the article

Top 10 MU Ranking in the Battle

Sorry for the RP troll, We love you all (gouvernements, alliance, and MUs) and especially our beloved AF the best MU in the world
Désolé pour le troll RP, Nous vous aimons tous (Gouvernements, alliance et MUs) et surtout notre AF bien-aimé la meilleur MU dans le monde
G 4 M p3trOs V E ROnce a Panzer always a PanzerOnce a Panzer always a PanzerOnce a Panzer always a PanzerOnce a Panzer always a PanzerAjkeNAjkeNFlamby_SeirinBlueVegetaTikazZPolarB34rsagobarRAF904Loving Pabl0Miguel MJNovideoNovideoRoweinRoweinRoweinКоментари (42)

Great battle Spain. Congratz o/


Thanks for the help o7 really good job.

You mean Bulgaria Vs Delos, kids

Thx bro o7

Hail Spain o/

Hail all Pyrates! o7

Eternal respect for france

Hail Pyrates o7

haha, i like your style : D #flee


Great job o7


Good fight! o7

The way how you explain the story is another story

Hail Spain!

Hail Pyrates o7

Top article, I really like it 

Irish boobs, V !

Sortez le rhum ! 

браво на вас.

@LiveD666, Germany is neutral country, BTW you didnt pay me golds for your contest for more than 6 months

Thanks ^^

Italian girl s ass = vote

good RP, voted

Congratulations and good role play!

Thanks for the help o7 really good job.

Loving the salt on dead bodies o7

Let me tell you about a town called Marly Gomont

@Diesel j viens pas d la téci mais le beat est bon


Merci pour votre aide. Respect o7

That s italian flag, noobie

Its an irish flag dumbass

DDB, agamemnon n est pas un soldat, c est une LEGENDE

Voté ^^

thanks for all o7

Thanks france

