Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 08 Feb 2017 00:26 - 29

I'm Abraham Lincoln (Abe as some of you know me) and I will be serving as your Vice Supreme Commander for this month. I was also informed that in addition to this duties I will also have a somewhat duty of Public Relations Officer of the alliance. Whether Kinyas will consider to add someone to this job or not and then discuss it with the rest of the alliance as a whole is yet to be known but until then I will be also informing you through the media what is going on Vae Victis.
Yesterday we had an election for the new term as we always have after the Presidential Elections each month, therefore, I am glad to announce you our new HQ for next term.

Supreme Commander (SC): Kinyas
Vice Supreme Commander (vSC): AbrahamLicoln
Military Commander (MC): Ready To Die , Governador(LukasPim)
Vice-Military Commander: AlbRevolution , Resident Evil
Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Tsilo
Adviser - Mohammad.No0bsailbot

Words from the Vice Supreme Commander
We will continue our war efforts, we will continue our hard work and we will continue to strive for the success and stability of our alliance. We will embrace our allies with the friendship and warmth they deserve the same way we will face our enemies not with fear or arrogance but with the confidence of those who are always ready for battle!

You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

Kinyasno0bsailbotPattonPalmerTsiloTricky DickCaptain HarlockКоментари (29)

First denied for Vae Victis!

Second, Welcome back Abe 

le mec il fait les même leave que notre Historian

Hail VV o/

XD kimi

Hail VV



Hail vv


Welcome back Abraham


o7 - Hail VV



Congrats to everyone!


Vae Victis HQ - The Hell Team

o7 Good luck!