Rebazartarezzizo - Весник од Iran -

Објавено во Iran - Политички дебати и анализи - 03 Mar 2017 12:02 - 29

【Vae Victis】 Peace Agreement with France

Hello Dear Citizens of eRevollution


After a week of great battles between 2 side , VV and France decided to end this war and this is the Peace agreement had been reached .


1- France will have all UK cores except Scotland and Northern Ireland by giving Q5 Hospital to Peru. 

2- France gets Wallonia and Iran gets Flanders. France will not interfere any region in Netherlands. Both Belgium and Netherland will be granted with at least one free region. France will be able to maintain rental agreement with Ireland for Dublin. 

3- France will leave Liguria and Vae Victis will pay 10 gold for it. 

4- France cannot fight against Iran, Indonesia, Peru neither in RWs nor in direct (MPP) battles and likewise.
5- France cannot fight for any member of Fre United alliance.

6- All core regions of France will be returned.
7- France cannot DoW any member of Vae Victis, Vae Victis alpha and likewise. 

8- The agreement will be valid until 6th of April.


Supreme Commander of Vae Victis
President of Iran
President of Indonesia
President of Peru
President of France


RaDvInG 4 M p3trOs V E RxfoxTony Sopranoailll3desmondmilesno0bsailbotPRM_shadowPanzer AcesorkhpostMrBl3ndHulking

Коментари (29)

Signed by President of Iran
bad nap
noob france Smile
Signed by Sc of VV
thank you gentlemen
Signed by God of Foreign Affairs Wink Eldrad or NAPdrad?
Signed by President of France, Eldrad Ulthran
Napdrad Ulthran
hail iran....hail france ...TNX.o7
Iran was waiting for so long for war (a real one, like they wanted) and all that so long waiting meant 4 battles. Months of bor for 4 days of fun. Oh well Smile Btw, what alliance is that *Fre United*? Admins please stop this non-sense censorship. Players will leave anyway, you might as well let us speak how we want.
Bad nap for france Sad
@toofan95, I do not think so,because after 1 month they have never fought in any hard battle for a month and prepared themselves for future.
Ahh ok np i Signed too ..
@sorkhpost 1 month boring game is too much. they cant fight in any real war
i want war Sad
NAPNAPNAP France cry Laugh
I will fight wherever i want for whoever i like. Vv you may sue me.
Very good play by VV but, are you bored?
Since this turned into farmville can someone fertilize my crops and send me some chickens?
Lol -1.
Noob france XD
belgium protests