Објавено во United Kingdom - Политички дебати и анализи - 12 Mar 2017 00:53 - 3
Over the last week or more I have been in talks with France and Russia about the future of the UK, and we have finally arrived a a deal which is good for us all, so I have taken it upon myself to sign a MPP with them, the details are below.
Mutual Protection Pact between France-United Kingdom-Russia (aka FUKR Agreement)
The Russian government is happy to work with the French and British governments to stabilize the region. We are also glad to be able to keep regions in this area as a result of our war efforts to support France. Below are the terms of agreement :
1- According to the NAP between France and Vae Victis, France gets back South West of England, West Midlands, Wales and North West of England.
2- United Kingdom keeps London, South East of England, East Midlands and Yorkshire Humberside.
3- With this standing agreement, France transfers to Russia its protectorate on North East of England and East of England.
4- Scotland and Northern Ireland are not part of this agreement because of the previously mentioned agreement with Vae Victis.
5- France and Russia won t take any other region of UK, unless another agreement is provided.
6- France will garanty full protection if the UK cores are attacked, as long as this MPP stands.
7- Russia will guarantee the same protection, until they leave the UK cores under their authority - provided by the standing MPP.
8- TW could be organized between France and UK or between Russia and UK, if and only if both governments of the countries involved agree on it.
9- This MPP will last until all parts agree with the terms above.
Signed by Berry McMinnar, President of United Kingdom
Signed by Mano Filert, President of France
Signed by Carapicho, President of Russia
Mutual Protection Pact between France-United Kingdom-Russia (aka FUKR Agreement)
The Russian government is happy to work with the French and British governments to stabilize the region. We are also glad to be able to keep regions in this area as a result of our war efforts to support France. Below are the terms of agreement :
1- According to the NAP between France and Vae Victis, France gets back South West of England, West Midlands, Wales and North West of England.
2- United Kingdom keeps London, South East of England, East Midlands and Yorkshire Humberside.
3- With this standing agreement, France transfers to Russia its protectorate on North East of England and East of England.
4- Scotland and Northern Ireland are not part of this agreement because of the previously mentioned agreement with Vae Victis.
5- France and Russia won t take any other region of UK, unless another agreement is provided.
6- France will garanty full protection if the UK cores are attacked, as long as this MPP stands.
7- Russia will guarantee the same protection, until they leave the UK cores under their authority - provided by the standing MPP.
8- TW could be organized between France and UK or between Russia and UK, if and only if both governments of the countries involved agree on it.
9- This MPP will last until all parts agree with the terms above.
Signed by Berry McMinnar, President of United Kingdom
Signed by Mano Filert, President of France
Signed by Carapicho, President of Russia
Ryuko MatoiFragUKКоментари (3)

Good work Berry

Signed by ManoFilert, CP of France.

And not even one single gold payed for the regions...