Објавено во Turkey - Социјална интеракција и забава - 18 Apr 2017 03:26 - 17
After of thinking what my next article will be about, I decided to do an interview with most famous player nowadays - Kinyas .
Kinyas, o and thank you for making this possible. Here are some questions, if you want to skip some question, just write down Skip.
1) Can you tell me something about yourself. Like what is your name, where do you live, how old are you, do you have a job?
My name is Kemal. I am living in Istanbul, 24 years old. I both study and work.
2) I see you joined game at the very beginning, how was playing then? Did anything change, maybe gameplay or people?
I joined in the begining but did not play until April. I see people change all the time, of course. Better I not go into details.
3) When someone mention VV alliance, your name automatically appears in every conversation, do you have anything to say to that?
Back in MDP I broke up with my girlfriend because alliance stuff was taking a lot of time of mine :) I spend much time for alliance so it is expected that people see my name regarding alliance. Few of them are just obsessed though.
4) Many of players blame you for creation of this unbeatable alliance and for turning this game into farm-game, what is your opinion on this?
Well they say MDP was unbeatable as well but I did not create it. Our aim was never to be unbeatable. I just simple principles and I never give up on them. As an outcome I have friends that I will always walk together. So, it is quite simple, we play with together with friends and we are good at organization. When we lack of it, as seen in recent weeks, we actually lose battles. Therefore I disagree that we are unbeatable. When our opponents stop whining and start organizing, they saw the outcome recently.

5) How did you acomplish all of these things, for example - almost all countries from VV owns one type of bonus? Combined countries that have political tensions in real life?
I did not accomplish anything, we did it. All members know that we do our best for each of them to ure best possible welfare so they have trust in us. Strong and trustworthy management team lead organization to better situation.
6) Any opinion on players in game? Did you meet someone from them in real life?
I met many of them in real life. I met with half of my army at least. Many of them stayed in my apartment even :) My commander visit me once a week hehe.
7) Any opinion on admin / moderator team?
Time to time, Admins are quite unfair towards players and they directly interfere game-playing. About moderators, they are good at chasing multi accounts which is important to have better game but they also make some biased decisions. It was worse in the past though.
8) What do you think about the future of this game?
I know that same team created similar games like this one and most of them died early. I hope this one will not share same faith. There are many features that Admins can implement. I hope they consider it because players cannot make the game better, it is duty of Admins.
9) For the end, if there is anything that you wish to say to people, feel free to add.
Every player here have different pion to play this game, it is important to understand that. Alliances, sides, game-play always may change but it is important to have respect in every situation.

Thank you for your time and your answers, I am glad to be intervieved one of the master minds of this game and hope you enjoyed answering my questions.
Thank you for having this interview and keep up your good work.
Kinyas, o and thank you for making this possible. Here are some questions, if you want to skip some question, just write down Skip.
1) Can you tell me something about yourself. Like what is your name, where do you live, how old are you, do you have a job?
My name is Kemal. I am living in Istanbul, 24 years old. I both study and work.
2) I see you joined game at the very beginning, how was playing then? Did anything change, maybe gameplay or people?
I joined in the begining but did not play until April. I see people change all the time, of course. Better I not go into details.
3) When someone mention VV alliance, your name automatically appears in every conversation, do you have anything to say to that?
Back in MDP I broke up with my girlfriend because alliance stuff was taking a lot of time of mine :) I spend much time for alliance so it is expected that people see my name regarding alliance. Few of them are just obsessed though.
4) Many of players blame you for creation of this unbeatable alliance and for turning this game into farm-game, what is your opinion on this?
Well they say MDP was unbeatable as well but I did not create it. Our aim was never to be unbeatable. I just simple principles and I never give up on them. As an outcome I have friends that I will always walk together. So, it is quite simple, we play with together with friends and we are good at organization. When we lack of it, as seen in recent weeks, we actually lose battles. Therefore I disagree that we are unbeatable. When our opponents stop whining and start organizing, they saw the outcome recently.

5) How did you acomplish all of these things, for example - almost all countries from VV owns one type of bonus? Combined countries that have political tensions in real life?
I did not accomplish anything, we did it. All members know that we do our best for each of them to ure best possible welfare so they have trust in us. Strong and trustworthy management team lead organization to better situation.
6) Any opinion on players in game? Did you meet someone from them in real life?
I met many of them in real life. I met with half of my army at least. Many of them stayed in my apartment even :) My commander visit me once a week hehe.
7) Any opinion on admin / moderator team?
Time to time, Admins are quite unfair towards players and they directly interfere game-playing. About moderators, they are good at chasing multi accounts which is important to have better game but they also make some biased decisions. It was worse in the past though.
8) What do you think about the future of this game?
I know that same team created similar games like this one and most of them died early. I hope this one will not share same faith. There are many features that Admins can implement. I hope they consider it because players cannot make the game better, it is duty of Admins.
9) For the end, if there is anything that you wish to say to people, feel free to add.
Every player here have different pion to play this game, it is important to understand that. Alliances, sides, game-play always may change but it is important to have respect in every situation.

Thank you for your time and your answers, I am glad to be intervieved one of the master minds of this game and hope you enjoyed answering my questions.
Thank you for having this interview and keep up your good work.
Grey Windno0bsailbotKinyasCelioMGPermanently bannedlayayolShinagazborzborzborzborzborzborzborzborRed EagleКоментари (17)

kinayas back?




i think this is the 4th interview of Kinyas. Pls not the same persons o7

Adonis Georgiadis of eRev. Too many interviews!

Thank you kinyas, because of you making us enemies the game started to be fun again for me, we may not like each other but i salute your for your work both in MDP and VV not many people have the same level of dedication, and i understand a bit why you are the way you are, when someone puts so much effort into someting you cant stand seeing it fall because of the failures of others and thats the reason you never left the HQ.
and quoting Lord Illidan Master of the Universe
they call me betrayer but in truth it was i who was betrayed
Let s just have fun and may the victor be chosen on the battlefields

Thank you Blackbeard, it was fun. @Marcial, I dont mind fall of alliance. MDP is dissolved too. What I mind is playing with friends. Portugal used to be one of them until Ancestral decided to retire. After that, while OFC claims to be neutral, Portugal government (you) supplied them to hit Vae Victis countries. And I cannot stand it.

Ancestral retired 1day before the dissollution

I am blind. Where is PERMA BAN banner? :/

kinays is stronger than perma

Nice interview,Kinyas have done great job on both alliances (MDP,VV) but i dont agree with some of his actions.Also where is the question about perma ban??I think thats the most important question in these days...

Perm ban was by his own choice, thats why I didnt ask anything about it. 

Even tho we dont see eye to eye anymore Kinyas i think your character makes the game richer and funnier to everyone, i glad you didnt quit o7

I know this @black Beard.But Kinyas made an article before he leave (that is deleted now) .I think you had to ask him why he took this choice,and then he changed his mind and he deleted the article,like never happened....

saludos de peru

Kayra nerdeymis