Објавено во Hungary - Политички дебати и анализи - 19 Apr 2017 02:29 - 27
The steps are:
1. Register an account with the target's reflink.
2. Get a job from the target at the job market.
3. Buy something from the target at the marketplace.
4. Repeat.
The Admin's react will be:
He is a puppet master!
This is the way how our president, top1 tank and treasury owner, naton got a tempban for 48 hours.
Here's the first pharagraph from the game rules:
Those fakes played from a different IP and worked for almost 300 HUF salary (~1,5 gold). Naton is the CP, so he put the treasury's CC to the monetary market and the most of our players were bought currency from him (now it's an other problem for us during the tempban).
Maybe we can avoid the ban if we:
-stop advertising our reflink
-stop selling anything on the market
-stop put job offers to the job market
Then it will me so much simpler to play this game.

Thanks Admin!
The steps are:
1. Register an account with the target's reflink.
2. Get a job from the target at the job market.
3. Buy something from the target at the marketplace.
4. Repeat.

He is a puppet master!
This is the way how our president, top1 tank and treasury owner, naton got a tempban for 48 hours.
Here's the first pharagraph from the game rules:
- You are only allowed to have ONE (1) eRevollution account. Violating this law may result in a permanent ban of all your accounts.
- If you share an IP address or a PC with another player it is forbidden to have any transactions (beside referral gold) with anyone sharing your IP or PC.If you share IP with other accounts, you are also not allowed to work for each other.It is only allowed to have a total amount of 2 accounts on the shared IP or PC.If you share IP with another player, you have to contact Admin about it.
Those fakes played from a different IP and worked for almost 300 HUF salary (~1,5 gold). Naton is the CP, so he put the treasury's CC to the monetary market and the most of our players were bought currency from him (now it's an other problem for us during the tempban).
Maybe we can avoid the ban if we:
-stop advertising our reflink
-stop selling anything on the market
-stop put job offers to the job market
Then it will me so much simpler to play this game.

Thanks Admin!
HuMaViDoktor Franjo TudmanTarsijoanj90szklaramusplDyingAngelnimeRothbartG 4 M p3trOs V E RlebekaEscooKatrina55jamie5Bikkin BOZGOR Talan CHEATERGottfried BouillonConradTheCowBoyPew PewImreHaragAdramalekAdramalekAdramalekAdramalekКоментари (27)

jol beszel, so:rt neki

Décidément il manquait de CHANCE

For homeland ready Hungary, support from Croatia! Stay strong!! o7

Support o7


Support from France! o7

Admin can ban whoever they want because there s so many DETAILS not explained in the written rules. They have the power to apply as they want with the excuse in this days, you can change your IP with so many different instruments
Thumbs up boyz

Bástya elvtársat már senki se akarja megölni?
szar is az az elnök, akit nem bannolnak néha.

Nono! Te voltál már banelve, Rothbart?

Suport from Bosnia!

Suport from Swizterland o7

Support from Slovenia. 07

Support from the Galactic Empire. o7

In part cause of that we have loose several damage on romania, cause Naton was tempban and was unable to give some stocks to his citizens, thanks admins to balance the game lol.

Support o7


if that was a bought account then he would fear no ban.

Reflinks can be obtained from profile link without need of player to cooperate

Fre for naton

This again, shameful display

A reflinket 1-2 megtudják csinálni az azonosítókódjával ami a linkjében van. Bár naton is egy nagy kupec, bujkál ott 5-6 fake simán

Érdekes dolgok történnek a magyar top játékosokkal ebben a játékban. A tempban amúgy semmi az örökbanhoz képest. A jelenleg is legtöbb BH-val rendelkező volt top1 magyar játékost olyanért banolta örökre egy román modi pl, amiért az erev összes többi top harcosa semmit se kapott. A kezdeti időkben nagyon trendi volt a boost-olás. Nálunk örökban, többieknél semmi. Ez az igazi szivas, nem a ket nap ban.

fasszopo adminfosgecik o7

minek: Az a baj, hogy egy elnöknél az egész országot szivatod vele...

Két napig.

Hail Banrepublik
