Објавено во Croatia - Финансиски бизнис - 15 Jun 2017 06:25 - 25
Hello admins, this article is almost begging to you to create orgs for the CPs. It is very hard for us to follow what amout of gold in our account is ours and what is state, how many helis are ours and how many are state owned and so on. It will be very usefull if we had seperate account in which we can keep the state gold and stocks. So please create orgs, I dont think it is that hard.
And here are some boobs so the article gets some votes :)

G 4 M p3trOs V E RLackoaNemethZaganos PashaKavehVirus JackNightwatcherHUNКоментари (25)

V4Boobs x) ehmm i mean V4the idea

owww :3


Boobs o7

v for girls 

v boooobs yeaaaah

Boobs yeah !

Missiles o7

Use google 

agreed strongly o/

drž se sisa jebes orgije

we, citizens need more boob

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/1283 Brzi tečaj 


Agree with you dude, admin please add tools in that game, for cp and gov, also for alliances 😄😄😄

Orgs for schems and girls? Maybe ORG@sms?

Voted for boobs

Go home bulgur!

At most, the admin will give only one boob for every CP...


Well till then I advise you to have an excel and via your Donation panel at your profile page to write down every day s donations to your account for the name of your state.

I have problem because i have 300 donations trough day I cannot follow them all

v for boobs