Објавено во Hungary - Политички дебати и анализи - 08 Jul 2017 11:27 - 28
After this article and some tickets (where admins said that they didn't start anything) tonight only 1 resistance war started instead of 2, so finally we can start the other one.

Greetings dear readers!
In the past days I found something interesting in this game. While you reading this article, I prefer you to listen this song.
Our community in Hungary wanted to libertate one austrian region earlier in this week. At this time there are 2 RW-s in austrian territories (for the medal and the mission). We were waiting until they are finished. But one second after that 2 other austrian RW started in Croatia. The next day we tried it again, but someone else started 2 other just one second after the earlier ones finished. Yesterday was the same story, I think that today we will fail too...
Those RW-s were started at 0:30 in local time. The question is: Who is the player who started them day after day after midnight?
If you check the current battles: almost 70% of them are RW-s. Austria is not the only country who have nonstop double battles: The same thing happening in Belgium, Pakistan, Philippines, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, South Africa etc... only in small countries without a real lation. If you don't believe me, just choose one of those battles, and check what will happen after they are finished. You cannot start an other one, because someone (or something) start a new within 1 second.
So there are to options:
1. Someone has got a lots of gold and an RW starting script. Maybe he or she is collecting RH medals and hope that 1 from 30 will be libertated.
2. Admins start those battles. Then players think that this is a more active community, there are more fight, more BH medals, and not only 10-15 battles daily.
What do you think about it?
Captain Harlockjamie5HuMaViAntPrincessLackoaNemethbarnabinnyuEl ProfesorDeadalusCasstielTarsiКоментари (28)


...or something. So it s 2. You have a sharp eye. Admins will not love you, especially because you are free to publish what you see.


LOL shisui, just LOL

it s hard too get the mission done if these happens all the time..

9/11 Was a inside job

Jet fuel cant melt steel beams

Usefull comments 

Or 3. a group of players are using bots for it =D

bot, ever heard of it?

Yes. The bots are between us...

Update: Admins are always telling the truth. There was a time when Biskvit claims that he is only Admin with the account in the game. After that we meet here several other accounts. Next question is, Admins are using the bots?

AI bots are in eRev,soon they will be free to roam the world. Schwarzenegger warned us about this in Terminator...quickly find John Connor o7

the weird thing is austria does not start any rws in swiss captured land for long time its just for hungary and crotia i guess

Our population is real ;-;
And FYI- there is a nice 5 hours window between RWs here, but just so you know, they are training wars.

It s either admins or bots.

yeh cuz active people after midnight that is a shocker LOL, how do you think i have 32 RH medals? xD there are some hardcore idiots this days

Wow... After 545 days, you realized that RW wars for draining damage are a huge (if not the biggest) part of this game? Congrats m8 

Some players are intentionally avoiding the essence of the article, the mechanism of appearing the revolutions. -Or something - is a metaphor for the s.c.r.i.p.t used by the creators of the game. There is no way to have such an accurate players, Jaca is finding the truth, and it is really in the data. Having guardians on the duty trying again to hide the truth is another prove. Script is used to start RWs and drain the power of your target. BTW, some words are forbidden in the comments?

not really levi, there are a lot of people opening RWs, there is no need for admin scritps

But a is needed to start them 0,1 second after the earlier one is finished.

This random levi troll guy is baked af

ilimitanis grade 33 confirmed

*But a S C R I P T is needed...
Admilluminati not allowed me to write the truth :/

no need for , just get 10 guys to spam the RW button

Marcial, you obviously advocate them. So many revolutionsevery day, although gold is lost without the chance to get RH? In the same time we have a moderators article where he is so happy because this update allow them to change the situation in the game. Your answers has no sense.

yes tons of gold are lost in this process, its the reallity, sadly you have no idea what that is, try running a country and an alliance during war periods and you will understand