Објавено во Germany - Социјална интеракција и забава - 23 Aug 2017 12:46 - 25
Hi dear German Citizen,
German government decide to improve your game experience today and they accept to start a new project to help you to train in Germany at low cost.
Here is the form to fill to benefit this help : Fill this Form
Little description of this help
Help to buy cc at state price to train !
1DEM = 0.005 G like government can issue it.
Please make one request per session and make your next request only the day before the end of your supply, otherwise your request will not be processed.
The government can ban you from this project if you make requests too regularly regardless of deadlines.
Two weeks is 2800 DEM for 14 golds for someone with both Training Ground Q4.
If your Training Ground are not Q4 and you don't know how much to send, just ask Carapicho.
Please fill this form and send gold.
How it works.
You send gold to Carapicho, he transfer this gold on National Treasury or to Country President who will do it himself and Government or Congress start an Issue Money with 1G = 200 DEM.
Country President send back DEM to Carapicho and he send you DEM for training yourself during 14 days.
To benefit it, you just have to fill the form, send a screenshot the first time and when you increase level of your payable Training Ground and ask for this supply every 14 days !
For the first time, we will wait 48h before starting issue money and donate law, so you will be supply after 96h. But i hope then we can supply you the day after your asking.
Collect of gold start now day 591 13:00 erev time until day 593 13:00 erev time.
If you have any question, just pm me
Enjoy !
German government decide to improve your game experience today and they accept to start a new project to help you to train in Germany at low cost.
Here is the form to fill to benefit this help : Fill this Form
Little description of this help
Help to buy cc at state price to train !
1DEM = 0.005 G like government can issue it.
Please make one request per session and make your next request only the day before the end of your supply, otherwise your request will not be processed.
The government can ban you from this project if you make requests too regularly regardless of deadlines.
Two weeks is 2800 DEM for 14 golds for someone with both Training Ground Q4.
If your Training Ground are not Q4 and you don't know how much to send, just ask Carapicho.
Please fill this form and send gold.
How it works.
You send gold to Carapicho, he transfer this gold on National Treasury or to Country President who will do it himself and Government or Congress start an Issue Money with 1G = 200 DEM.
Country President send back DEM to Carapicho and he send you DEM for training yourself during 14 days.
To benefit it, you just have to fill the form, send a screenshot the first time and when you increase level of your payable Training Ground and ask for this supply every 14 days !
For the first time, we will wait 48h before starting issue money and donate law, so you will be supply after 96h. But i hope then we can supply you the day after your asking.
Collect of gold start now day 591 13:00 erev time until day 593 13:00 erev time.
If you have any question, just pm me
Enjoy !
PeakyJauffreyTopSecretКоментари (25)


You got it !

Les pauvres Allemands ont eu leur enveloppe de force 



wesh alors !

C est passé au congrès?

D ailleurs Cara tu pensera à rendre les FRF non utilisé que tu as eu grâce à l enveloppe 

MDR Cara t as pas finis de nous emmerder, où que tu sois !

A croire que c etait une bonne idee :p

jou ma pel Claude

Good move Carapicho. Making a good picture about yourself is a first step in your quest - conquering Germany. I wish you a good luck, Germoney is not ready to become independent state, so for this country is much better to become a colony of France. Current status, colony of Serbia is an enormous disappointment and complete humiliation for this E-country.

get the fuck out @levi ackerman always writing long post where no one give a single fuck. Noraj de l enveloppage les FR


All the best

Nice, gj o7


Cara is always a true pro when it comes to ideas to advance a community. Respect o7



Long live Cara, future CP of Allemagne! BTW, do not hide yourself and use multis (or sitted accounts if you want to reply, don t play dirty as Peaky, this is so pathetic)

One day, Levi will realize that he is a multi created by Cara. Only then will he finally stop spewing BS.


@levi F!ck that hurt. I you knew me you would know that i m a multiados multis... Rip daddy

Shisui will explode very soon