Објавено во Hungary - Политички дебати и анализи - 19 Feb 2018 16:56 - 63
Greetings dear readers!
As you know, a tournament started in this week. It was announced only one day before start, so it was not possible to form better groups for that event. The current stats looks like this:
Nobody knows about this event before Admin's article (except Admin).
Nobody knows it, but some lucky player felt that something will happen. Or they just hear a divine inspiration in their dreams. We will never know that.
Currently a croatian military unit, the ZDRUG CROATIA leads this tournament. This is a very lucky MU. Not only because of their position. They got the most new members only a few days before the event started. Here are the new soldiers:
The original stats can be found here. Unfortunately the other MU-s got maximum 2-3 new soldiers in the past days, and the most of them is new citizen.
So, congratulationsCheatia Croatia, you felt again what to do. You also felt it when you started to buy tons of helis before your war with Brazil and Iran started. Maybe buying ships would be more practical for the first battles, but you are the ones who know that land weapons will be more useful soon. Please give me some from your four-leaved clover, because it's not the first time when you made good decisions in time.
Finally, an advice for the countries with less luck: If you want to win damage tournaments like this, the most important thing that you need to do is to go to war.
As you know, a tournament started in this week. It was announced only one day before start, so it was not possible to form better groups for that event. The current stats looks like this:

Nobody knows about this event before Admin's article (except Admin).
Nobody knows it, but some lucky player felt that something will happen. Or they just hear a divine inspiration in their dreams. We will never know that.
Currently a croatian military unit, the ZDRUG CROATIA leads this tournament. This is a very lucky MU. Not only because of their position. They got the most new members only a few days before the event started. Here are the new soldiers:

So, congratulations
Finally, an advice for the countries with less luck: If you want to win damage tournaments like this, the most important thing that you need to do is to go to war.
Bulletz4BreakfastUltramagicAncestralUbermensch88Red EagleXooKaip3HuMaViAntPrincessprogabeszCacique PariaguanTarsiSilenceeCarterShooT1FlyingCangarooMurattikamilVadgesztenyeDandelion MesterMathias RexPink PantherKarpat HazaKadosaednauhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonLackoaNemethhomersimpsonLackoaNemethhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsondgyx1983evilgodDacianAgui GnakouriКоментари (63)

voted. not fair.

We are cheaters!!
its a magic!!
hello,im in news

blah blah blah... nobody knew hahahahaha.. some obviously knew...

Cheaters shall not get my money.

It is not the first nor the last time that moderators take advantage of updates (bs4bf example is just the latest). That`s the game we`ve had for 771 days. GL in the tournament kek

if will be serious,2 days ago i drunk bear with admin,and he say me-bro buy hellis and join to zdrug,becouse will be touranement

@BS4BF: you need to learn english. When I mentioned your example, it was about what you wrote * don t forget the time that they were buying all the Q5 foods off of the market xD and then the next day , Lk food changed to 1000* ...

Some are blessed with the gift of foresight..mine misfired this time, though honestly, even if it worked fine, I wouldn t care.

@ancestal xD got it after re-read your msg xD for god sake its 3 am here

I thought the bot machine did not sleep :thinking:

Uber, you could really drink a bear? Isn t it hurt?
An other proof which shows that you are lucky.

I could of swore the saying went Luck of the Irish. We may have to rethink that into The luck of the Croats. I wonder, did all their storages mysteriously go empty too?

Hahaha karma is a beaach. So sad that this can still happen

Lucky ones

Another cry article?

Hail Cheatia!

well, Here we have no admin... Don t look for fair play in a dead game. just play and say cheaters go fck yourself

If you vant cryatian articles, I prefer you this one: https://www.erevollution.com/hu/article/31158
I m just jealous 

Change the dealer or give us your drugs


What a coincidence !
So lucky Crotia ...


Don t blame Croatia. Blame Admin. (BTW, if this is unfair, make response...let the all other countries attack Admin s favourite country in the game ;-)

admin from croatia guys . . . they knew every things before update .


You really caught us here man, and most of ZDRUG hit vs France the day before the news because we wanted to trick you yea,spending 80% of my stock one day before the news because BorKhan is an evil genius yea....

we are tanking last few months and now you start to cry 

You really caught us here man, and most of ZDRUG hit vs France the day before the news because we wanted to trick you yea x2

It s always easier to blame somebody else.

Okay, trying with an other story
Maybe yes, you bought helis only because your French battles, still after you lost the chance to get the rubber... But what about those interesting MU changings? 

Let s fight all against Croatia and Admin!!! Just to see who is stronger LOL

Your biggest damage in the last 3 days before the news was at Bavaria, it was 24 billion. Yesterday you dealth 52 billion against Iran. So don t tell me tales.

alo jaca,ja sam ostao u tigrovima--da se ne zaboravi,sve ču vas prestiči

Beszélj nemzetközi nyelven, ha társalogni szeretnél.

Jaca what about 80b vs france few days ago?

It finished at 15th February. You still bought tons of helis after that.

It was high time to say it out loud, what obvious is!
I am glad that you did it!

Yes Jaca you re right,it s really weird that a country that s at war with France,Iran,Brazil and now Hungary bought helis...Its really weird O.o

It s a little bit weird when they bought big stocks from helis while they know, that naval battles will come from 2 side (maybe from 3 after the french borders closed).

Guys, okay, maybe I believe that you bough this helis because you want to fight against France
But what about this MU changing? Do you have an other tale for that too?

weird is your job that dow on Hungary
. Anyway, Croatia is the winner of the tournament but losser of war and wipe soon. be happy


fact XD http://prntscr.com/ih8q8e

Stop crying. @silence im yoloing NAPgary 

Jaca,jesi ti muško ili žensko?

Could you recommend me your dealer?
If we gained a few members so what? Did it ever occur to you that some people came to our country because they want to support us in our wars because we stood brave for a long time. We had some balls to do massive attack on french DS (battle in which I spent my remaining stock, few days before the tournament). So after weeks of battles we did a major attack while most of other countries participated in no major open wars. Then you brave Huns along with other brave countries all started to attack us at the same time. Don t you think that in such a situation few foreign players decided to support brave Croatia and came to our help? Do yoh really think that many of us from Zdrug woukd spend our stocks and gold attacking France if we know this thing was incoming in a few days from then?

Hmm... who attacked who? I believe everything, that s why I say that you are lucky with this MU growing (which isn t happened because the event of course). 11 new players joined in the past 48 hours before Admin s article. One of them is a new citizen. 3 of them arrived from an other country in the last days. And 2 of them is a moderator. I think that this is more than enough.

le hasard surement

So lucky

el famoso change Croate


im glad someone is watching for insider trading scams this evidence screams it.


Good job cheatia

HAHAHA This game takes the parody to the next level. And thats made from grown ups HAHAHA So pathetic

I am sick of this fucking game and this stupid admins ... Does anyone know of a game like this that has started now |?

All against Croatia ^^

Every upgrade is a stupid upgrade. Every decizion is a stupid decizion... Congratulations admins


Lol, kakav ten-kre!
Lame atempt of trolling....ignoring the logic and facts to construct this fairytale.

anyone surprised about that? o.O