Објавено во Hungary - Анализа на војување - 03 Mar 2018 06:33 - 22
Dear All,
Something has been bugging my mind from the beginning of the game and it reached a point where I can not hold it back anyomore...
It is the mathematics behind the battle module:
Let's examine an example quickly:

Iran having 16,833,532,232 and Slovenia having 29,394,072,462 obviously does not put the standing to 0%-100%
Dear Beloved Admins:
Here is the formula if you were ever wondering.
Iran Damage=A
Slovenia Damage=B
Total Damage=C (where C=A+B , just in case...)
Iran Side:
(A/C)*100= 36.41%
Slovenia Side:
(B/C)*100= 63.59%
Good luck using it...
You are welcome...
Something has been bugging my mind from the beginning of the game and it reached a point where I can not hold it back anyomore...
It is the mathematics behind the battle module:
Let's examine an example quickly:

Iran having 16,833,532,232 and Slovenia having 29,394,072,462 obviously does not put the standing to 0%-100%
Dear Beloved Admins:
Here is the formula if you were ever wondering.
Iran Damage=A
Slovenia Damage=B
Total Damage=C (where C=A+B , just in case...)
Iran Side:
(A/C)*100= 36.41%
Slovenia Side:
(B/C)*100= 63.59%
Good luck using it...
You are welcome...
progabeszgaladraelPajszeresPony of DarknessNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSNikola RSLackoaNemethTarsiSilenceBunnyLiuFightMasterednauOld LegendJacaScymeXMKDCitraMoNКоментари (22)

The game is dead, don`t even bother explaining something to admins... They don`t care, deal with it.

Pretty much

I always wanted that correction good initiative

о7 bro, but admins increasingly would still 

Maybe its to there advantage to demoralize you in a battle The admins Hate you.

Mind if i link this article to the other article i am gona write?

Not at all, go ahead mate.

Admin did not listen to any suggestions already 16 months ago.

Yeah, It would make more Sense than the 1bi dmg difference of current calculation... Voted

Good but unfortunately admins left this game

serači kuš

the formula is like that if the procentage lead is based on how much dmg you will need to input into it

I was asked in last years the same at admins various times.
They aren t interested at that 

They are already 2 years of wasted suggestions on the forum :/


its about difference. if u have one bil difference there would be 100% if u have 250 mil difference there would be 25-75% if there wasn t any difference there is 50-50%

good explanation 

I know JanGo.
But I think it is utterly idiotic...

Golika we dont care this some useless design update much better!
-I was sarcastic if you dont get it-

I agree with your formula, but i think the actual one is better (But it need to update often, would be better if 50% bar = 5 MM)
The problem with the formul u tell is that the value for each percentage change each time someone hit. If there is 200 MM in whole battle then 1 % mean 2 MM damage and even a 49%/51% isn t that close. While in a battle with 10 MM a 49%/51% mean nothing (100 M damage). The fact is that u need to refresh the page to know the exact value with your formula too cause u don t really know if you are close or not.
To conclude fast, admin should keep this system with a larger value for each percent so we can see if we are 1,1 MM behind or 5 MM without refreshing the page. They should just remove the percentage and use the same bar with 1 = 100 M damage without any percent.

Dude you are true. I saw a battle where country A - country B =1000000000 (1 billion) and country A had 100%

Game is so dead that admins have left the game.. we are last postapocaliptic scavengers