Објавено во Albania - Социјална интеракција и забава - 24 Jun 2018 14:44 - 9

arian72arian72firewallfirewallxhaxhi arixhaxhi ariSolitary WarriorSolitary WarriorKabesosRomyoso kukaoso kukaoso kukaКоментари (9)

Hahahaa. Provokacija

so they were wearing a flag of part of serbia o7


They can not play for Serbian land Kosovo, so they are in Swiss 😢

@BATASHA. the dress does not make the priest. Important is that 2 lions with an Albanian heart, have pierced the Serbian door 2 times. oh what a pain for the presumptuous Serbs. I will send suppository painkillers to Serbian supporters.

Kakve igracine ima Srbija!

2 bad they don t play for republic of kosovo
