Објавено во Austria - Политички дебати и анализи - 04 Mar 2016 11:54 - 7

I think my term as CP of Austria was in the first half busy, because of the war with Switzerland
My goals as CP were :
*Set Capital City as Vorarlberg
*to hold our two regions Vorarlberg and Tyrol
*to expand our MPP´s (depending on our treasury)
*to regulate the taxes so that a source for our treasury exsists
*new welcome message for new players
After we lose Vorarlberg against Switzerland and his MPP´s, we opened a RW there twice. The second one was successful. I bought with 5.4 Gold from treasury 200 Q5 Weapons and supplied austrian Players to win the battle.

Besides that we are not so much players in Austria also some players left Austria. I am sorry to say that, but i am also one of the Players who will left Austria next after my term.
In my account there is from treasury 20,16 Gold and 4755,699 ATS now. I donated it back to the austrian treasury.
In the following table you can see:
*income and expense of the Treasury
*income and expense of the gold and ATS of the treasury in my account
*the difference between the begin and the end of my term
*a total income statement +/-

Thanks to austrian congressmembers for their help in changing taxes and voting and proposing for laws.
I wish good luck to Austria and austrian players, i hope to see you again in battles in the same front.
Yours faithfully,
CP of Austria
