Објавено во Israel - Политички дебати и анализи - 14 Jan 2020 21:33 - 7
We, as a community, must stand firmly in opposition to policies that will hurt our ability to properly defend our countries against aggression from large countries that have a large number of players who will be able to max out the weapons corporations, through government policies. Who will then be able to further crush smaller countries that have a handful of experienced active players, by refusing to sell them weapons. Thus making it impossible for small and active countries to maintain territory.
This article is not a political statement, and it would be best for all countries to band together in opposing any change to the corporation system that will unfairly discriminate against smaller countries. Please consider adding your name under this article to show the administrators that the community opposes such a policy being implemented.
This article is not a political statement, and it would be best for all countries to band together in opposing any change to the corporation system that will unfairly discriminate against smaller countries. Please consider adding your name under this article to show the administrators that the community opposes such a policy being implemented.
MandoKame SenninThe ButcherPony of DarknessКоментари (7)


On the other side, this update is going to liberate USA and ends Serbian occupation. USA will be in the first moment greatest country in this world with some production bonuses. As the PM, I will encourage migration to 🇺🇸 and accept applications for the citizenship. Citizens of Israel will be welcomed here (it is your second homeland 😋). Make US great again!

Israelis have no reason to migrate, we have many regions and are far from being wiped. Even then, we all stayed even when there was the Romanian empire, and we had 0 regions for months, and there was no active market in Israel.

Keep dreaming Shisui, hteo ti ili ne bices jos dugo pod zastavom Republike Srbije 

Voted, but I think there are other mechanisms which would help small countries to retain territories. In the other game, there was a determination counter which get larger after a period of occupation, giving a bonus to the liberation side in the RWs. Big countries would have more work to maintain a huge empire. (BREAK LINE SINCE EREV DOES NOT ALLOW BREAK LINES IN COMMENTS) Also I thought and maybe with one instead of two types of resources for weapons big countries would need less territories to achieve 100%, allowing either middle countries to get these territories and then achieve 100%, or smaller countries to retain these. (BREAK LINE) Btw, remove MPP and return to the alliance system

Agreed completely. There are many ways that erev could be more balanced to help smaller countries, however, I think the biggest issue here is that it would actively make things worse rather than improving the situation.

Huang, the time of Serbian rule over the US is gone